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SJSU School of Social Work Monthly Newsletter APRIL 2023

This newsletter was created by Student Assistant Destiny Santana, on behalf of the School of Social Work. For any accessibility or broken links, please email


We thrive to build a connection with our social work community by sharing resources, community events, and by shining a spotlight on our school, students, alum, and faculty! Follow us on social media today!

Contact Information

Office Telephone # 408-924-5800

Office Address: One Washington Square (WSQ Room 215) San Jose, CA 95192-0124

Office Hours: Monday-Friday 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM

Official Website:

Newsletter Archive:

General Email Address:

Post Masters PPSC Email:

On-Campus PPSC Program Coordinator:

School of Social Work Evaluation, Suggestion, and Feedback Form (Anonymous):


This BBQ is hosted by SWGSA and USWA. This event is for SJSU Social Work Students, Faculty, Staff, Alum, Field Instructors and their family and friends!

RSVP BY 4/18/23:

Because we received a large number of RSVP's, the location and time was updated. Please see flyer above!

The Social Work Experience Podcast

Season 1, episode 3 is out now!

We are excited to announce another episode of The Social Work Experience with special guest Carlos Bejarano (SJSU MSW Alumni, 2016-2017 SWGSA President, and current NASW-CA Region B Director) and Alexandra Ferry (MSW Student and SWGSA NASW Student Representative).

In season 1, episode 3, co-host Francisco “Pancho” Garcia and Eric Garcia have an authentic conversation with special guests Alexandra and Carlos. Together, they discuss what Lobby Days is, its contribution to social workers' development, and their involvement. Carlos also speaks from an alum perspective to share advice for graduating students embarking on their paths to establishing a career in social work.

Listen to our newest episode on Apple podcast or Spotify:

Episode Time Markers:

  • 00:00-35.25 Lobby Days with Alexandra & Carlos
  • 35.25-56:45 Alumni’s perspective to prepare for Post-grad
  • 56:45-end Self Care

Community Feedback Form:

We also want to hear from YOU! Do you have suggestions on what we should discuss next? Do you have a guest that you would like us to invite next? Submit your feedback and ideas here

Episode Supporting Information:

NASW Lobby Days Political Action and Advocacy (




Any questions can be sent to Podcast Co-Host Eric Garcia and Francisco "Pancho" Garcia at and (please include both on the thread)

The Social Work Experience Podcast seeks 2 new Host

The School of Social Work and SWGSA oversees the Social Work Experience Podcast. The current host, Eric and Pancho, are scheduled to graduate this upcoming May, so we are seeking a new host for the podcast. There are two positions available.



Aprille Flint-Gerner, MSW


Interim Director, Oregon Department of Human Services (ODHS), Child Welfare Division

SJSU BASW and MSW Alumni

Title IV-E Recipient

"I am a two-time alum of SJSU, having completed both my bachelors and MSW as a Spartan. Since graduating from the MSW program in 2007, I have had an extraordinary career in child welfare. After interning and working as a case manager in San Mateo County’s Human Services Agency, I was lucky enough to get to work on a federal initiative with the Child and Family Policy Institute of California. During those years, I helped to create California’s Integrated Core Practice Model; I learn about the value and importance of deep engagement with communities in system transformation and I got to grow knowledge and skill around what real system change requires. While I have spent most of my career, both before and after graduate school, training and supporting workforce development of young people and social work professionals, the last decade has really given me opportunities to become laser focused on what it takes to get a highly skilled, supported, confident and competent workforce for child welfare. I was fortunate enough to work with the child welfare training systems in California and Nevada helping to design training and coaching service delivery plans; co-design an equity-related fellowship that is being used across the Bay Area and relaunch the Title IV-E Stipend Program at the University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Some of that experience helped me to get the role of the first-ever Deputy Director position focused on equity, training and workforce development for Oregon’s Department of Human Services in early 2020. Since that time, I led the efforts to create a brand new workforce development infrastructure for Oregon’s Child Welfare Division and helped to create and launch the Child Welfare Vision for Transformation under the leadership of the former Director, Rebecca Jones Gaston. The work of the Vision for Transformation caught the eye of the Biden Administration and in 2022, Ms. Jones Gaston was nominated and confirmed to the highest child-serving seat in the nation-The Commissioner of the Administration for Children and Families. It was upon her honorable departure from state-service that I was named the Interim Child Welfare Director at the start of this year. It is with great pride that I lead this division and I give credit to the excellent foundation I had through my education at SJSU, the amazing mentorship and support I received from the School of Social Work and the IV-E Program and my solid preparation for this work that has gotten me this far. Are you a Spartan? I am and I am very proud to represent you from this seat that I sit in. What I miss most about my days at SJSU are sunny days outside the Student Union, lunches on the lawn and study sessions in the Engineering building. SJSU will always be a part of my life and my story and I cannot wait to make a visit so I can grab a hot dog from the carts by the parking garage or see a concert at the Event Center."

- Aprille Flint-Gerner


Alumni highlight

Eva Ortiz Elizondo, LCSW


Deputy Director, Family and Children Services | Monterey County Department of Social Services

SJSU MSW Alumni and Title IV-E Recipient

"After graduating from San Jose State University with my MSW, I started employment with Family and Children Services in Monterey County on June 4, 2012. I started in the Family Reunification Unit and worked with parents, children, youth, community partners and the Court to address the safety concerns that the Department and Court had in order to reunify. I later joined the Family Reunification Partnership unit, where we worked with families who had been through our reunification system before and were addressing co-occurring diagnoses of mental health and substance use. I applied and was promoted to supervise the Family Reunification Partnership unit in 2016, where I partnered with CASA to provide onboarding training to new CASA’s as well as participated in training for our resource caregivers. Additionally, I joined the after-hours team of supervisors that supported our social work team, who respond to calls after hours and on the weekends. In 2019 I became the Training Supervisor for our Department, and I began to work with supervisors and staff around coaching training and collaborated with Bay Area Academy. In June 2020, I was promoted to the position of Program Manager II, and I oversaw the Family Stabilization unit, our Family Reunification units, Permanency Planning unit, our Adoption unit, Placement unit as well as our Social Service Aide unit. As the Program Manager for our Court units my focus was on supporting our staff, supervisors and families as they navigate our system. My passion for keeping children with their families, extended kin, and siblings together has resulted in improved data around these measures for our county.

In December of 2021 I became fully Licensed and I have continued to use coaching to support our staff with engagement, collaboration advocacy and diligence that is key to the work we do alongside with families in our community.

As an SJSU alum I feel that the Title IV-E program prepared me to hit the ground running in my county. Both of my internship placements were filled with learning and growth opportunities. I miss the coffee and the library and going to the social work department to check in with my professors.

I would like to encourage any BASW and MSW students to take initiative in their learning, continue to ask questions, advocate for yourselves and the families you serve. Stay connected to the work your professors are doing and learn from them! Dr. Bruce and Dr. Arieta-Hays were always encouraging and supportive of my learning. They were my professors when I was in the BASW program as well as the MSW program. I was a young first-generation college student and their support made me feel like I could be successful in school and in the workplace! Be gentle with yourselves and carry the same compassion, respect, and empathy you do for others onto yourself!"

-Eva Ortiz Elizondo

MSW Student Graduate Highlight

Nicole Verrett

MSW Class of 2023

Retrieved from @sjsuswgsa Instagram

Child Welfare Social Work Simulation Training

The School of Social Work Title IV-E Child Welfare Program designed the advanced simulation course for second-year Master of Social Work (MSW) students specializing in child welfare practice. The course entitled “Advancing Child Welfare Practice through Simulation” was launched as the pilot seminar in the 2017-2018 academic year. This years' group of students have completed their five-week simulation lab, which included the following simulations:

  1. Initial Home Visit and Engagement Skills
  2. Initial Home Visit and Kitchen Table Interview
  3. Hospital Emergency Room
  4. Testifying in Dependency Court

The development of student competencies is becoming more important as social work has emerged as more necessary in different aspects of life. Using simulations enables students to integrate social work theory, knowledge, skills, and values into practice to become competent social workers upon graduation.

Thank you to our guest Sandra Gregory (Social Worker from County of Santa Clara, Dept. of Family & Children Services), Sergio Serna (Title IV-E Assistant Project Coordinator), and Jonathan Weinberg (County of Santa Clara Social Services manager iii Retiree) for participating in this years simulation lab!
Monica Rios and Julian Soria, MSW Students, and Sandra Gregory participate in simulation lab (Spring 2023)
Monica Rios and Julian Soria, MSW Students, and Sandra Gregory participate in simulation lab (Spring 2023)
Monica Rios and Julian Soria, MSW Students, and Sandra Gregory participate in simulation lab (Spring 2023)
Left to right: Karena Brewington, Jolyssa Lopez, Monica Calderon, Monica Rios, Destiny Santana, Jaslyn Abdul, Christina Winn, and Karlie Eacock
Left to right: Karena Brewington, Jolyssa Lopez, Cristina Cuevas, Monica Calderon, Monica Rios, Destiny Santana, Jaslyn Abdul, Christina Winn, Karlie Eacock and Julie Walker

If you subscribe to the adage that “there is no substitute for experience,” then you will be pleased to find out that simulation in social work is a close second. The development of student competencies is becoming more important as social work has emerged as more necessary in different aspects of life. Using simulations enables students to integrate social work theory, knowledge, skills, and values into practice to become competent social workers upon graduation. Based on experiential learning theory and collaboration with the Valley Foundation School of Nursing (i.e., the use of their residential and hospital emergency room simulation labs), the School of Social Work Title IV-E Child Welfare Program designed the advanced simulation course for second-year Master of Social Work (MSW) students specializing in child welfare practice. The course entitled “Advancing Child Welfare Practice through Simulation” was launched as the pilot seminar in the 2017-2018 academic year. The pilot was a success and is now an official course.

The simulation course was developed to create child welfare case situations on the key child welfare skills such as initial field visits, engagement, emergency safety assessments, decision-making, and collaboration with medical and law enforcement professionals. Utilizing a simulation model, the child welfare scenarios and activities are designed to provide students with a focused, practice- oriented learning environment that builds on their social work skills in the public child welfare setting and helps students incorporate critical thinking, problem-solving, and learning from a realistic environment. Furthermore, students were briefed on the case scenario beforehand, and at the end of each scenario, a debrief and group discussion followed. Faculty as the coach or facilitator provided immediate feedback to the student at the completion of the scenario. What is particularly instructive in the simulation exercises is the student (trainee) live interaction with “actors (child welfare subject experts from community partners such as child welfare social workers and law enforcement).”

While the students naturally experienced some level of anxiety before and during simulation, they reported feeling positive about their learning experiences, given the safe and supportive environment. The evaluative findings showed significant improvement in students’ competencies, practice skills, and abilities through the simulation course. A student stated, I felt the entire simulation training helped me learn about child welfare social work. It was very helpful to review the case before and talk about important risk factors, protective factors, and important questions and things to look out for in sim practice. I also thought it was helpful to debrief after each simulation.

In addition to student’s testimonial, faculty see the invaluable benefits of this simulation training. Professor Pnina Green, Title IV-E Project Coordinator, said: Simulation training allows students preparing for professional child welfare social work a safe space to practice their clinical case management skills through real-life child welfare case examples and to receive immediate constructive feedback from facilitators to apply in their field practice. Students also debrief with facilitators prior and following simulation scenarios, which facilitates questions and discussion on engagement, critical thinking, decision making, and investigation in child welfare practice. Although most of our students are nervous a bit initially, once they experience the value of learning and training through simulation, they are surprisingly agile and confident, and most importantly, enjoy this innovative learning experience.

The simulation training provides students the opportunities to develop and practice social work skills in simulated real-life situations in a safe and supportive environment. Given the current COVID-19 situation, where in-person training may not be an optimal choice, we are exploring a few options presented in either a hybrid format (using Syminar, a live 360-video capture and broadcasting service) or in an online format (using virtual reality).

Dr. Peter Allen Lee, Director of the School, expressed: I am very excited about this child welfare simulation training and how it will prepare us for opportunities to use simulation in other aspects of our curriculum.

Written By: Meekyung Han, Pnina Paulette Green, Peter Allen Lee, and Coleen Kohtz

Student Scholarship and Field Agency Nominations

Internship Field Fair

All information was emailed by the field office.


SJSU School of Social Work Convocation

Hosted by SWGSA, USWA, and the School of Social Work

Save the date flyer


We understand how difficult it may be to keep track of all incoming communications (emails). SWGSA and USWA has created a website that is just for graduating BASW and MSW Students. As we get closer to the dates, they will continue to email students updates and also archive all announcements to this web page. Bookmark the page to check for updates


Dear Social Work Students,

We are excited to congratulate all graduating social work students during the 2023 School of Social Work Convocation. Every year, convocation could only happen with the help of hard-working volunteers.

The Convocation Committee recruits non-graduating students, alums, and family members to volunteer on Saturday, 5/27/2023. Volunteers will help ensure the Social Work Convocation runs smoothly for the graduating Class of 2023. Volunteer by clicking our google form:

*Those who volunteer will receive two free tickets to a future School of Social Work Convocation. Please fill out the interest form below no later than May 12, 2023

Have questions? Please email

Thank you so much for your consideration!


Dear School of Social Work Faculty,

In preparation for the Social Work Convocation, we currently seek faculty volunteers for the following:

  • Hooding: We have received a group of faculty volunteers to fill this role. We do not need additional hooders at this time.
  • Readers: We also seek x4 faculty members to help with calling names (“readers”). We would like to identify two for BASW and two for MSW.

If you plan on attending the convocation and would like to volunteer to read names, please email

We thank you for your time and consideration.


Social Work Graduate Student Association (SWGSA) is a student organization created by and for MSW students at SJSU. Learn more by visiting their website here!

Board of director applications for ay 2023-2024

Apply today

lobby days

Dear BASW and MSW Students:

Are you planning on attending lobby days? SWGSA has created a group chat to help social work students coordinate over the weekend.

Please email SWGSA NASW Student Rep at to get added to the student group chat.


A Community Space for LGBTQ+ Social Workers/Social Work Students at SJSU, hosted by swgsa social justice committee

The SWGSA Social Justice Committee is hosting a community space for queer and trans social workers affiliated with SJSU to join in meaningful discussions and meet fellow LGBTQ+ colleagues. This space is meant for LGBTQ+ folks to build community with one another.

This event is by and for LGBTQ+ social workers/social work students affiliated with SJSU. By coming to this event, folks agree to respect the space and group agreements, especially regarding the many forms of marginalization that people may experience. This includes but is not limited to racism, ableism, classism, ageism, fatphobia, anti-blackness, anti-indigenity, xenophobia, etc.

Register here:

(Please note: The location of this event is TBD. We are assessing whether this space should be held virtually or in person. The registration link will help us take a poll to see what students' preferences are. Those who register will receive an email one week before the event with the location details).

Questions can be sent to Social Justice Committee at

We hope to see you there!


April 17th: Office Hours with MSW Program Director, Dr.Sen (For Online/Hybrid MSW Students)

This is an opportunity for online/hybrid students to ask questions, share concerns, and provide insight to the MSW Program Director.

  • Meeting ID 846 7206 3371
  • Zoom link:
  • If you have any questions, please email SWGSA Online/Hybrid Student Reps Amy Yamagami and Frances Robertson at


This is an opportunity for on-campus MSW students to ask questions, share concerns, and provide insight to the MSW Program Director.


Today we shine a light on our BASW and MSW Students who partnered with their internship site, Oak Grove School District, to create a community closet for students.

On March 9, 3023, they held their grand opening for the community closest located at David Intermediate School. This closet is strictly for students only. Students can be referred to the closet by counselors, community liaisons, or social workers.

What an amazing accomplishment and it’s so great to see our students and community partners working together to make a difference. 👏🏽👏🏽

Pictured left to right:

⭐️Jessica Iles, MSW student

⭐️Jacqueline Oseguera, BASW student

⭐️Heather Paolini, MSW student from Grand Canyon University

⭐️Eberardo Lopez, MSW student

⭐️Geraldine Polvos, MSW student

⭐️Esmeralda Santana, MSW student

⭐️Trina Ramirez, Field Instructor

⭐️Sydney Geredes, MSW student

⭐️Eric Garcia, MSW student

SJSU Handshake

As graduation approaches, we want to encourage our students to utilize the SJSU online job board, Handshake!

Handshake is the online job that SJSU students and alumni have access to. The School of Social Work receives inquires from various community agencies looking to hire social work graduates and alum. Throughout the year, we have encouraged those agencies to post their openings on the Handshake job board. This is why we highly encourage students and alum to download the app today or check out the website. More information can be found here

A call for submissions

Dear Faculty

  • If you have any newsletter submissions, please submit your idea to This also includes if you have any new research, awarded grants, publications, resources, or any other highlights in general that you would like to share.
  • If you would like us to include a portrait on our SJSU SSW Faculty Directory, please email your portrait to and complete our Visual Release form

Dear Students

  • If you would like to nominate your Community Project or ScWk 298 Special Project to be highlighted in a future newsletter and social media post, please complete our google form
  • We would like to highlight a group of BASW and MSW graduates (class of 2023) in our future newsletter and social media. If you would like to be considered, please submit a portrait and a short summary. Your summary may include your plans after graduation, career path, things you will miss about school, and anything else you would like to share

Ramadan Resources for SJSU Students

Ramadan is a holy month of fasting, introspection and prayer for Muslims, the followers of Islam. It is celebrated as the month during which Muhammad received the initial revelations of the Quran, the holy book for Muslims. In the United States, it starts on the evening of Wed, March 22, lasting 30 days and ending at sundown on Saturday, April 21.

The Mosaic Cross Cultural Center has a compiled a list of resources and also the SJSU Muslim Student Organization has a list of resources for students.

Created By
Destiny Santana