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WE GROW CABARRUS NC Cooperative Extension - Cabarrus County Center

Our Mission: North Carolina Cooperative Extension partners with communities to deliver education and technology that enrich the lives, land and economy of North Carolinians.

Cabarrus County 4-H

Congratulations to all the youth who participated in Horse Judging last month!

Team included; Emery Atkinson, Anna Yemtchuk, Laura Harper, Skyler Hicks, Madison Bishop.

Special shoutout to Laura's Junior Team for being the 2023 Junior Champion Team

Check out results at

Kids in the Kitchen 4-H After School Program

Cabarrus 4-H After School provided two Kids in the Kitchen cooking classes for 4-H’ers in the Kids: Plus After School Program. The children enjoyed learning how to make bread in a bag, a nutritious snack, baked chicken nuggets, and an apple crisp with homemade ice cream for dessert. Twenty-four children left with an apron, a 4-H cookbook and basic cooking supplies for their next cooking adventure at home for their families.

4-H After School Expressive Arts Contest

Over 1,150 creative arts were entered into the 4-H After School Expressive Arts Contest. Twenty after school sites participated in the event. All contest participants were honored at the 4-H After School Expressive Arts Showcase held on March 30. We had a variety of entries this year from creating a large sailboat to baking and decorating a cake. Our award winners included:

Best in Class (Clothing/Fabric) – Kylie P., Odell Kids:Plus

Best in Class (Painting) – Katie B., Patriots Kids:Plus

Best in Class (Drawing) – Ali, Furr Kids:Plus

Best in Class (3D/Models) – Madison S., Royal Oaks Kids:Plus

Best in Class (Decorated Foods/Mics. Crafts) – McKinley G., Harrisburg Kids:Plus

Best in Class (4-H Promotional) – Abbigail T., Irvin Kids:Plus

Best in Class (4-H Photography) – Kashvi Singh, Odell Kids:Plus

Best in Show – Kylie P., Odell Kids:Plus

4-H After School Expressive Arts Contest Best of Show Winner Kylie P., Odell Kids:Plus with her award winning dress.

Please contact 4-H Agent, Molly Kleman with any questions.

Cabarrus County Horticulture

Senior Health and Wellness Expo 2023

Cabarrus County Extension Master Gardener Volunteers were out at Cabarrus County Senior Health and Wellness Expo. They were there to help answer plant questions and sharing how gardening is good for your overall health.

Agribusiness & Environmental Career School Immersion Days

We had multiple Cabarrus County Extension Master Gardener Volunteers helping to educated Cabarrus County youth at this years Agribusiness & Environmental Career School Immersion Days. Cabarrus County 6th graders enjoying learning about seeds and how they grow. Part of this hands on program included dissecting lima beans. It may have been a little smelly, but the kids loved it.

If you are interested in learning more about garden tours or joining Cabarrus County Master Gardeners email Tracy LeComplete or call 704-920-3310.

Cabarrus County Family and Consumer Sciences

Senior Health and Wellness

Family and Consumer Sciences was well represented with 5 educational booths at the recent countywide Senior Health and Wellness Day held March 8 at the Cabarrus Arena and Events Center. "Foundations of Flavor" was hosted by Gail Linker, Shelia McGuiness, and Carolyn Wright. "Know the Warning Signs of Alzheimer's " was hosted by Joyce Kluttz and Pat Wickliff. "Make Life Easier for Seniors" was hosted by Barbara Looney and Debbie Mullis, "Learn the Art of Basket Weaving" was hosted by Brenda Long. "Med instead of Meds" was hosted by FCS Agent Pam Outen. FCS Volunteers/ECA members help reach Cabarrus County with timely educational information!

Achievement and Cultural Arts Celebration

Cabarrus County ECA hosts a number of educational programs and opportunities during the year. A highlight of the ECA year is the annual Achievement and Cultural Arts Celebration which was held on Saturday, March 25 in the Cabarrus Rooms at the Cabarrus Arena and Events Center. This festive theme was "Celebrate ECA's Rhythm -Family, Friends, and Community". Highlights of the celebration included Official Greetings offered by Kenneth Wortman, County Commissioner and Cabarrus County Extension Liaison and . ECA Scholarship Winners Niya Ray Kerr and Angel Thompson were introduced. Barbara Looney, Certified Volunteer Unit (CVU) Chairman presented a "check" valued at $ 696,786.80 to Kenneth Workman for the 23, 265 volunteer hours donated by ECA members during the past year!

Agribusiness & Environmental Immersion Days

A highlight of April was hosting 22 educational stations "Be a Bone Builder" during the 6th grade Ag Environmental Field Days for 6th grade students held April 4-6, at the Cabarrus Arena and Events Center. Special thanks to Afterschool 4-H Staff Beverly Bollenbecker and Denise Cooper who partnered in this educational program! Students learned first hand how important is during the school age years to be a healthy adult!

Financial Decisions for the Aging Population

This year there is a statewide partnership between Family and Consumer Sciences/ECA and the Alzheimer's Association . We were pleased to be able to partner with regional Alzheimer partners on Saturday, April 22 to offer a morning educational program on "Financial Decisions for the Aging Population" . This well attended educational program was offered on Saturday morning, April 22 so family members and caregivers could attend .


Other highlights included the Community Supporter of the Year Award presented to the Staff at Camp T.N. Spencer Park. New Cabarrus ECA Member of the Year was awarded to Sheilia McGuiness, Cold Water ECA Club member. ECA member of the year was awarded to Brian Stancil, Rimer ECA Club member. Pat Wickliff was named the ECA President of the Year. She serves as President of the Rimer ECA Club. Judy Graeber, was awarded the ECA Lifetime Achievement Award . This is the highest honor presented by Cabarrus County ECA. She is a member of the Culinary Adventurers ECA Club.

If you have any questions about nutrition, health, food safety, or food preservation please contact Extension Agent, Family and Consumer Sciences Pamela Outen or call 704-920-3310.

Be sure you sign up for our email updates to not miss any of our future events.

Cabarrus County Agriculture


Embryology is the study of embryos and their development. Cabarrus County 4-H coordinates the popular Embryology 4-H school enrichment program locally, delivering supplies, teaching in the classrooms and distributing chicks to area farmers. This allows students to witness the amazing process of chicks hatching!

1st session of Embryology our hatch rate was 87% and we hatched 81 Chicks.

Next session we have 46 classrooms participating in Embryology!

The Piedmont Rabbit Project

Through this project, you will learn proper rabbit care, showmanship, and husbandry, and will have the opportunity to show in both a type class and in a showmanship class. Youth may show their own rabbit.

Cabarrus County Cattlemen's Association
April Cattleman- Dustin Adcock from Southern States Spoke on - “Under the Hoof”

When talking about raising pastured livestock, it’s much more important to realize they are a product of the soil and grass that thrives from it. We looked into the pillars of healthy grazing and forage soil.

For more information about Cabarrus County Cattlemen's Association please contact Extension Agent, Agriculture - Livestock and Field Crops Mackenzie Hall or call 704-920-3310.

Agribusiness & Environmental Career School Immersion Days

The Agribusiness & Environmental Career School Immersion Days was a long standing Extension event that has not happened since 2019.

After a three year break from the event, it was reimagined to better meet the needs. In 2023, the Grow Cabarrus Agribusiness & Environmental Career School Immersion Days were held in April to realign better with the NC Standard Course of Study for 6th grade. An additional rotation included agriculture related career explorations. Student rotated through as an entire school broken into 20 small groups, allowing for better flow and crowd management. An additional school had been built since 2019, increase the number of students involved to over 2400.

Over 2400 students engaged in hands-on experiences related to Animal Science, Horticulture, Food & Nutrition, Environmental Science and Agriculture Related Careers. Over 200 staff, volunteers and community partners worked as presenters in 100 small groups for this three day event. Total staff and volunteer hours were over 1850.

Created By
Jessica Cline


NC State University and NC A&T State University commit themselves to positive  action to secure equal opportunity and prohibit discrimination and harassment  regardless of age, color, disability, family and marital status, genetic information, national origin,  political beliefs, race, religion, sexual identity (including pregnancy) and veteran  status.  NC State, NC A&T, U.S. Department of Agriculture, and local governments cooperating. Created with images by NC Cooperative Extension - Cabarrus County Staff