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K2: Helpers in the community - Our new unit is all about community helpers. Tiny’s Mum came to visit our class to talk about her farm and how to plant and harvest rice. The students also made rice pictures using the rice from Tiny’s farm. Thank you to all the parents who have signed up for our community helper talks. We can’t wait to see you!
Y2/3: Celebrating our uniqueness - Last week our class celebrated the fantastic work they had completed during Term 2. Each of the learner’s were recognised for their individual learning ability and styles. Well done to all of the learners in Year 2/3!
Y5/6: Reflecting on identity - Year 5/6 have been reflecting on themselves and what is important about their personal identity, The children have designed and made a T-shirt that reflects their personality, They are preparing a fashion show which will also include a commentary explaining the reasons for their design choices.
Y8/9 class update Year - 8/9 learners have been investigating ethical dilemmas to understand how we distinguish between right and wrong and why we make certain choices. Such as are there universal morals? To study ethical choices, learners participated in scenarios related to the famous trolley problem, self-driving cars, and the predicaments faced by doctors when trying to save multiple lives.

Student Success -Y7 Global Advertisements

The Year 7 learners have been working and collaborating in groups to understand the importance that advertisements have in the economy and on a global scale. They have been exploring the different marketing strategies and stylistic features that are used in developing different forms of advertisements.

Thai language: Well done Mr Kevin!

We are so pleased to welcome Mr Kevin (Golf) to the Thai department for Term 3. Mr Kevin has been at the school for a number of years as a Teaching Assistant and has recently trained as a teacher. He has wonderful experience in the IB and will bring that towards his teaching in the Thai language. Well done Mr Kevin!

Finding out more about Ms Nay (MY TA)

My name’s Nay(Patoo) and I work at UDIS as a Middle Years Teaching Assistant. I am originally from Bangkok. When I have free time, I like to travel and see new places. I would love to travel more and see the world (here I am in the UK).

School notice/PTA/Board - At our last Parent Representative meeting held on Tuesday 3 May, we reviewed all the items we covered this academic year. We also spent time brainstorming how to improve our dismissal routine for the PY/MY learners to best help the flow of traffic. We will be working on this over the summer to improve our current system.