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Robotics Team Prepares For Competition Andrea Hernandez

The students patiently stand aside and watch as their robot makes its way around the course. The handmade robot was designed for this moment. The robot, with very few mistakes, makes its way around. The robotics team watches proudly as the robot they built finishes the course at the practice meet that puts them on the right track for the competition.

Robotics students will compete in the Boosting Engineering, Science, and Technology (BEST) competition Saturday at Bonham High School. Their theme for this year is ‘made to order,’ which refers to the supply chain crisis and using robots for efficient shipping.

“We are excited about the upcoming competition and to see what happens this weekend,” robotics sponsor Duane Walton said. “This is our fourth year being involved in BEST robotics, and I think this is our best robot, notebook, marketing presentation, and marketing booth.”

The team's robot that they will use for the competition on Saturday. "We take out the robot that we built and we drive it in the course and try to get as many points as possible," sophomore Jacob Groth said.

The season began Sept. 10 with the season kickoff at Trenton High School. At the event, the challenge and rules were explained and consumable materials like PVC, wood, and more were passed out.

“Before the competition, we gather all of the materials that we use to build the robot,” sophomore Jacob Groth said. “We also were given a chance to network with other teams, mentors, and organizers.”

The team builds their robot. "We have tested it a few times and have gotten pretty good results," Groth said.

Between kickoff to the regional competition, the team began to practice after school two days a week. They also attended multiple practice events in Dallas and Melissa to get experience driving their robot on a game field.

“The students in the team are passionate about science and probiotics and have the desire to learn,” senior Kathleen Goodwin said. “Their consistently positive attitudes have made the [process] better than I had expected.”

The team's robot that they will use for the competition on Saturday. "We have had some practice meets where we go and see how our robot performs on the course," Jansen said. "It has gone well so far."

During practices, the team began to work on designing, constructing, and programming a robot to complete the game. Throughout this process, they documented the progress of the team in an engineering notebook.

“Recently we have had a lot more practices that last longer,” junior Angelina Jansen said. “We have a list of every practice and what needs to be done or worked on to help us get better and better before the competition.”

The team hard at work. "The team prepares by showing up to practices," Walton said. "They put in a lot of time to get these things ready."

In addition to the robot and the engineering notebook, the team has to create a marketing presentation. The judges will then finalize the score based on how the robots perform and complete on the course.

“I’m really nervous about the upcoming meet,” Jansen said. “I am also really excited because this is my first year, and I hope that we can do well as a team.”

The team's robot that they will use for the competition on Saturday. "Our robot was finished a couple of days ago," Walton said. "We have had parts of it ready so we could practice with it."

Each category is rated and earns points toward the team’s final score. The marketing presentation is 25 points, the engineering book is 30 points, and the robot’s performance on the field is worth 15 points.

“We submitted the engineering notebook last week to be graded,” Walton said. “We are finalizing the marketing presentation and have finished the robot for Saturday’s competition.”

Senior Noah Sullivan hard at work. The team will compete at Bonham High School.

The team will compete and can advance to the semi-finals and possibly state. The top four ranked teams from 1A through 4A will advance to the state competition.

“We have a solid robot design that has been tested so far and has seen positive results,” Groth said. “I feel like we have a pretty good chance of advancing to state.”

The team's robot that they will use for the competition on Saturday. "This is our best robot, notebook, and best marketing presentation," Walton said. "We are excited to see what happens this weekend.”
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