Except for this winter, the Tug Hill region of northern New York is often blanketed by up to 200 inches of lake-effect snow. Although it is often referred to as the Tug Hill Plateau, it is actually a cuesta, because it is not flat, but rises by about 1,500 feet from west to east.
Even without the snow, the region is cold and windy. The wind making it an ideal location for the largest wind farm in New York state.
The Maple Ridge Wind Farm has 195 turbines spread over four towns and 21,000 acres. Together, the windmills produce 321 megawatts of electricity. Enough to power almost 140,000 homes.
Some people oppose the installation of wind farms from an aesthetic point of view, but I don't think they destroy the view, they create a mesmerizing new one. They decorate nature without destroying it. They are graceful and respectful of their surroundings. They fit. The design is functional art.
Each turbine is 260 feet tall. Each blade is 130 feet long.
Standing nearby you hear a subtle but powerful sound that is a combination of whoop and whoosh. Like an old airplane propellor starting up, or shutting down. In either case, you would not want to get in the way.
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© Dean Pagani 2023
© Dean Pagani 2023