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Hagwil yaan Student newsletter | February 2022

Welcome to the fifth issue of Hagwil Yaan!

Welcome back to another Hagwil Yaan issue! We hope your winter semester is off to a good start with the first month complete. If this is your first time here, volume two of this student newsletter has a new name: Hagwil yaan which means "walk softly, walk slowly" in Sm'algyax!

In each issue, we focus on an Indigenous language in our region. This month, we are happy to feature the language of the Nisga'a people.

We hope you are all doing well in your studies and you are able to keep up with your assignments. We understand it is a very busy time, so feel free to reach out to us if you need extra support.

Be mindful of the space you hold around others. Masks are required in all indoor public settings, including your classrooms and lab times. T'ooyaḵsiy̓ n̓iin (thank you) for being considerate and safe! Ji amaa-ga'atdin wilaa wilin (be careful, whatever you do).

We hope to hear from you! If you need any assistance, we are always here to help. We will do our best to support you in every step of your educational journey. Look after yourselves.

Enjoy, take care and stay safe!

Jillian Stephens, Terrace

Sharon Oskey, Prince Rupert

Kellie Nyce, Hazelton

Katie Humphrey, Smithers

Left to right: Jillian Stephens, Kellie Nyce, Katie Humphrey and Sharon Oskey

February Events

'Xbisuunt Dance Group Weekly Practice

Every Monday

6:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m.

'Xbisuunt Student Group Sessions are held every Wednesday from 2:00 p.m. to 2:45 p.m. at the Waap Galts'ap Longhouse and are open to watch with safety protocols in place.

If you have any questions about joining, please reach out to FNAC Jillian at

Moose Hide Campaign Day Information Session

February 3, 2022

11:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m.

Virtual Info Session link:

CMTN invites you to a special information session about the Moose Hide Campaign.

This is a special information session as we announce CMTN as an Ambassador Institution for Moose Hide Campaign along with gaining knowledge about the cause.

Join us at the pin kiosks after the session to pick up or make your own moose hide pin. Kiosks will be set up leading up to Moose Hide Campaign Day on May 12.

If you have any questions, contact

Moose Hide Campaign Day postponed to May 12

Moose Hide Campaign Day is an opportunity for all Canadians to stand together to end violence against women and children.

Join us on May 12, 2022 for the livestreamed gathering!

The event will be streamed online at the Waap Galts'ap Longhouse.

To learn more or to register, visit

If you require any assistance, please reach out to

All Native Basketball Tournament

*Please note that the tournament has been postponed until April 3 to 9, 2022.

Find First Nations Access Coordinator Sharon Oskey at the All Native Basketball Tournament in Prince Rupert from April 3 to 9 with an information booth and resources on how to apply to CMTN.

Can't make it to Prince Rupert for the tournament? Drop by the Waap Galts'ap Longhouse to catch the games streamed live!

Looking to catch a particular game? Email and let us know which game.

Self-Love Day

February 14, 2022

11:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m.

Waap Galts'ap Longhouse + Online

February 14 is all about LOVE, including Self-Love! Join the FNACs for a wellness event focused on loving and taking care of yourself.

Spend an afternoon of painting with local Gitxsan artist Michelle Stoney as she teaches us how to paint one of her heart designs on canvas.

Sign up by February 9 with your campus location and student number to receive a painting kit and information to join the event. Email

NEW Pink Shirt Design Designed by Tsimshian artist Kristen McKay

Here at CMTN, we take anti-bullying and anti-violence seriously. To show our commitment, we have a limited supply of Pink Shirts available for students to wear on Pink Shirt Day (February 23, 2022).

The First Nations Access Coordinator Team has decided to use translations for ‘respect’ in the languages from the nations we work with, live with, and serve around the design.

Design by Tsimshian artist Kristen McKay

Kristen was born in Prince Rupert in 1979. Her family is from Lax Kw’alaams. While living in Victoria, she was influenced by the culture and teachings of the Coast Salish people. These experiences inspired her to return to Tsimshian territory to learn about the history, stories and culture.

In 2013, Kristen moved to northern BC to attend the Freda Diesing School of Northwest Coast Art.

Since graduation, she has continued to live, work and create in the North. Kristen looks forward to producing more art pieces in the future and sharing the experiences and teachings with future generations. Kristen also has featured artwork in Wii Gyemsiga Siwilaawksat, the new student housing building at the Terrace campus.

This Pink Shirt Day piece is about sharing a message of love and embracing the heart of each person.

Limited supply of pink shirts are available for registered CMTN students. Be sure to connect with by February 11 with your t-shirt size, student number and campus location to arrange pick-up details.

Recent Event Highlights

Ask the FNACs

On January 12, FNAC Kellie took the reigns to guide new students through student services and what is available for support during the semester. If you missed the session and have questions, feel free to reach out to your local FNAC or you can visit our FAQ page on the CMTN website.

Stressbuster & Wellness Day

On January 19, we had a lot of fun gathering with students to manifest our goals for the semester and the rest of the year!

We spent time creating vision boards. Take a look at what these visionaries created.

What would Jiji Do?

Jiji (grandmother) is all about starting the Sii K'uuhl (new year) in a good way. Jiji likes to share gratitude for making it another year with her loved ones. Here are some phrases you might hear Jiji saying at the beginning of the year. Jiji also knows there have been a lot of emotions lately, especially after hearing about more of her children found at St. Joseph's Mission Residential School. Share these with your loved ones to let them know how you feel.

Hluxwhluut'uxwim̓hl T'ist'isit! We Treasure Our Elders!

Sag̱ag̱etgum̓hl T'ist'isit! Our Elders Matter!

Hluxwhluut'uxwim̓hl K'ubatk'ihlkw! We Treasure Our Children!

Sag̱ag̱etgum̓hl K'ubatk'ihlkw! Our Children Matter!

Sag̱ag̱etgum̓hl ḵ'aylimḵsit! Our Teenagers Matter!

Hluxwhluut'uxwim̓hl Ḵ'aylimḵsit! We treasure our teenagers!

And in true Jiji form, Jiji wants you to know - K'il̀hl wilt ii sim ts'axwhl ba'askw ahl hloḵsa Buxwlaḵs (Sometimes it's very windy during the month of February). Make sure you wear your k'udats' (jacket), especially if you're getting ready to go out dipping for oolies!

Learn more at First Voices HERE!

Eat with Jiits

Are you missing the homemade goodies made with Jiji love? Check out this recipe for Huckleberry Muffins from Jiits Marilyn Hooper.

Let's see your Huckleberry Muffins!

Topping Mix Together and set Aside:

  • ¼ cup sugar
  • 1 ½ tsp grated lemon zest

Pre-heat oven to 425 degrees while you prepare your muffin ingredients.

  • 2 cups Huckleberries
  • 1 1/8 cup of sugar + 1 tsp for Berry Mixture
  • 2 1/2 tsp baking powder
  • 1 tsp salt
  • 2 large eggs
  • 4 tbsp butter, melted and cooled
  • 1/4 cup vegetable oil
  • 1 cup butter milk
  • 1 1/2 tsp vanilla
  1. Spray muffin tins or use liners
  2. Bring 1 cup of huckleberries to a simmer with 1 tsp sugar. Simmer for 6-7 minutes until thickened while mashing berries with spoon and stir frequently. Let cool about 10-15 minutes.
  3. Whisk flour, baking powder and salt together in a bowl.
  4. Whisk the remaining 1 1/8 cup sugar and 2 eggs together. Melt butter and cool. Then add it to egg mixture along with oil. Add milk and vanilla.
  5. Mix 1 cup of huckleberries with flour mixture then add wet ingredients. Do no over mix. Fill muffin tin ½ full with batter.
  6. Drop a teaspoon of cooked berries and swirl with toothpick or knife on top of muffin batter. Sprinkle with lemon sugar over each muffin.
  7. Bake for 17-20 minute or until tops are golden brown. Let cool for 5 minutes before removing from muffin tin.

We would love to see how the recipe worked for you. Send pictures of your baking to

Your weekly meme!

It's buxwlaḵs, you know what that means...

Meme captured from Frybread Factory

Indigenous in Media

What does Truth & Reconciliation mean to you? The Nisga'a people in the Nass Valley gathered together for the first National Day of Truth and Reconciliation on September 30, 2021.

They gathered to show the world what truth and reconciliation means to the people and to the nation. Watch this beautiful video and catch a glimpse of their truth.

Indigenous Reads

Image captured from Amazon

From Griffin Poetry Prize winner Jordan Abel comes a groundbreaking and emotionally devastating autobiographical meditation on the complicated legacies that Canada's reservation school system has cast on his grandparents', his parents' and his own generation.

NISHGA is a deeply personal and autobiographical book that attempts to address the complications of contemporary Indigenous existence.

As a Nisga'a writer, Jordan Abel often finds himself in a position where he is asked to explain his relationship to Nisga'a language, Nisga'a community, and Nisga'a cultural knowledge.

However, as an intergenerational survivor of residential school (both of his grandparents attended the same residential school in Chilliwack, B.C.), his relationship to his own Indigenous identity is complicated to say the least.

NISHGA explores those complications and is invested in understanding how the colonial violence originating at the Coqualeetza Indian Residential School impacted his grandparents' generation, then his father's generation, and ultimately his own.

The project is rooted in a desire to illuminate the realities of intergenerational survivors of residential school, but sheds light on Indigenous experiences that may not seem to be immediately (or inherently) Indigenous.

Drawing on autobiography, a series of interconnected documents (including pieces of memoir, transcriptions of talks, and photography), NISHGA is a book about confronting difficult truths and it is about how both Indigenous and non-Indigenous peoples engage with a history of colonial violence that is quite often rendered invisible.

This book is available in the CMTN library, ISBN #780771007903. Ask your local librarian to secure a copy to borrow today).

On-Campus Safety Guidelines

Due to our COVID-19 response, things look a bit different at CMTN. Take a tour of our Terrace campus to learn more about how what kinds of changes to expect this year if you need to visit any of our campuses for your program.

Golden Rules on Campus

  • If you're sick, stay home and get tested
  • Masks are mandatory
  • Wash your hands often and thoroughly
  • Cover your face when you cough or sneeze
  • Practice careful social contact
  • Use hand sanitizer when it's available

Please note that all student housing will require proof of vaccination effective September 7, 2021.

At Coast Mountain College, we monitor the COVID-19 situation very closely and are guided by the Provincial Health Officer as we work with the Ministry of Advanced Education, Skills and Training. Updates will be shared as information becomes available.

First Nations Health Authority

Student Support

Student Union Design by CMTN Alumnus Kari Morgan!

Golnoosh Namazi, organiser for the Coast Mountain Students’ Union, is here to support students with events, services and advocacy. If you’re having trouble understanding your rights as a student, navigating through school procedures and policies or engaging in campus life then the Students’ Union your go-to.

To learn more about what the student union does or just want to stop by to say hello, email Golnoosh at or visit their website at

Welcome Mudit Mehta as the new student union outreach worker! Mudit can be reached at

CMTN Students' Union recently launched a new service, an extended health and dental benefits plan for members. As a member of the CMTN Students' Union, you are automatically enrolled if you met the eligibility criteria (taking 6 or more credits, or enrolled in a program of 26 weeks or longer). There is a $250 annual fee for this service, and any students who already have coverage through another provider can choose to opt out, or maintain dual coverage.

Deadline to submit an opt-out request is 30 days after the first day of the month in which your program starts (ex. for students starting programs in September, the deadline is September 30). If you decide to opt out and require assistance, please feel free to reach out to the CMTN Students' Union directly.

To learn more about the plan, or if you're unsure whether you qualify to opt out, please contact Golnoosh or visit the CMSU's Student Health BC website. On this site, you will also find the opt-out request form.

CMSU APP is now available on the Google Play Store or Apple App Store. Download the app to check out our virtual community boards, services and support systems in your region. You can also find the app through this link here:

Financial Aid


Hey students! Apply for awards, bursaries and scholarships* through Coast Mountain College to help fund your expenses while you study!

Also join our free webinar over your lunch hour to find out how to get your awards application submitted before the upcoming February 15 deadline.

*CMTN awards are available to Canadian citizens, B.C. residents, landed immigrants and protected persons.

Tuesday, February 1, 2022

12:00 p.m. to 1:00 p.m.

Virtual via

Have any financial aid questions? Connect with our Financial Aid Officer, Allison Conway, at 250.635.6511 Ext. 5204 or email

Computer Assistance

Are you facing challenges with lack of equipment or support? There is a laptop lending library available. As a registered CMTN student you are eligible to borrow a laptop per semester!

Connect with one of our Education Advisors at or First Nations Access Coordinators at to learn more.

LAS & Advising Help

One-on-one Brightspace Help — If navigating and using Brightspace is making your course more difficult to mange, let us help!

Our Learning Assistance Specialists (LAS) are available to walk you through the finer points of Brightspace so you can focus on your coursework.

Contact to book an in person or virtual appointment.

Drop-In Q &A, plus shared tips for success — Are you looking for learning strategies to help you succeed in your courses? Need some time management tips to help you juggle school and other parts of life?

Need tutoring? Check out TUTORME! A new, on-demand virtual service with access to over 1000+ tutors in 300+ subjects. Writing support is available as well. All CMTN students can access this service for two hours a week for free! Register by going to CMTN website

How to connect with a tutor tutorial video can be found here!

Having a hard time academically? We can connect you with the Learner Services team to make sure you have even more tools to complete your studies successfully. To contact the Learner Support Team & Accessibility Services, email them at

Education Advisors also have weekly drop-ins on Mondays from 12:00 p.m. to 1:00 p.m. If you have questions about course planning or need to speak to an education advisor, please join them here:

For Education Advising, contact

Connect with FNACs if you need help accessing these services.

Upcoming Important Dates

  • February 21 to 25, 2022 - Reading Week for most programs
  • February 21, 2022 - Family Day [College closed]
  • March 11, 2022 - Last Day for Official Withdrawal [winter semester]
  • April 15, 2022 - Good Friday [College closed]
  • April 18, 2022 - Easter Monday [College closed]

Keep up to date with important dates through the CMTN Website!

Student Engagement Updates & Activities

  • February 7 - Terrace End Stigma Launch
  • February 11 from 11:45 a.m. to 1:15 p.m. - Join the 30-minute SuicideTALK online training with Kezia about suicide awareness. SuicideTALK invites all participants — regardless of prior training or experience — to become more aware of suicide prevention opportunities in their community. Dealing openly with the stigma around suicide, this exploration focuses upon the question “Should we talk about suicide?”. Staff and students can pre-register for a lunch credit or gift card.
  • February 17 at 9 a.m. to 10 a.m. - Terrace Naloxone training, location TBD; for those who can't make it, you can complete the 10 minute online training and bring your certificate to a local pharmacy to pick up a kit. (
  • February 23 at 9 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. - Terrace SafeTALK Training is a 3.5 hour alertness training that prepares anyone, regardless of prior experience or training, to become a suicide-alert helper by presenting the basic steps for helping a person with thoughts of suicide connect to the support they need. Staff and students please contact Kezia Sinkewicz for more information or to express interest in registering.
  • LivingWorks Start is a 90-minute online training program that will teach you how to recognize when someone is having thoughts of suicide and take meaningful action to keep them safe. The messaging and learning goals are similar to safeTALK. This training can be done at your own convenience and pace. Staff and students, please contact Kezia Sinkewicz ( for more information.

Any questions about Student Engagement Activities, please reach out to Emma DeVynck at or Nikila Prodduk at

Mental Health Check-in

Here2Talk connects students with mental health support when they need it. Through this program, all students currently registered in a B.C. post-secondary institution have access to free, confidential counselling and community referral services, conveniently available 24/7 via app, phone and web.

Mental Health Supports
Go to the CMTN website to access the Counselling Self-Referral form. It must be completed before your first visit.

Foundry BC is now offering virtual drop-in counselling for young people ages 12 to 24 and their families. To access this service, call 1.833.FØUNDRY (yes, that’s FØUNDRY with a zero... or 1.833.308.6379) to book an appointment. Sessions available through chat, voice-only calls or video calls.

Feeling down? Here are other resources you can reach out to:

Youth Online Chat at or text 250.564.8336 or call 1.888.564.8336. A confidential, anonymous peer support service operated by trained youth answering calls from other youth. Available 24/7.

Northern BC Crisis Line A safe, confidential and non-judgmental crisis line to discuss anything troubling you available 24/7. Call 1.888.562.1214.

BC Suicide Line 1.800.SUICIDE or 1.800.784.2433. If you are considering suicide or are concerned about someone who may, please call! Available 24/7.

The Indian Residential Schools Crisis Line is available 24-hours a day for anyone experiencing pain or distress as a result of their residential school experience. Call 1.866.925.4419.

Image captured from Nicole Valek
Thank you for enjoying the fourth issue of volume two: Hagwil yaan!

Stay Connected and check out our FNAC Facebook group under the name “CMTN - Indigenous Connection & Support”.

Have something you want to contribute for next month's issue?

If you have feedback, story ideas or pictures to share, please contact us:

Connection is Indigenous!


