From the Director's Desk
Dr. Ronald D. Cave, IRREC Professor and Director
We welcome the summer of 2022 following the return of Dr. Zhenli He, a visit from the UF/IFAS Deans, graduate student success stories, and many publications.
In February, UF/IFAS Deans Dr. Robert Gilbert and Dr. Andra Johnson visited IRREC to review our pongamia field, the Millennium Block, Aquaculture, and other research programs. Faculty members who are involved in pongamia research are Dr. Sandra Guzman, Dr. Liliana Cano, Dr. Lorenzo Rossi, and Dr. Alan Wright. The professors collaborate with Dr. Amir Rezazadeh, St. Lucie County Tree Crops Extension Agent, to assist growers as they produce or consider the high-protein tree crop. Researchers, extension agents, and growers attended our first Pongamia Field Day on May 13.
Dr. Zhenli He returned to IRREC following a serious accident and prolonged rehabilitation. Always a prolific writer and mentor, Dr. He continued his work to serve the international soil and water science community with scientific journal articles throughout his recovery. Meanwhile, the He Soil and Water Science Laboratory Postdoctoral Researcher, Dr. Xiaoping Xin, and graduate student Jaya Nepal conduct research with nano-delivery of fertilizers to cool and warm-season crops. We congratulate Jaya on his success in passing his qualifying exam. He is now a Ph.D. candidate.
Congratulations are in order for Dr. Carey Minteer, who was recognized with a UF/IFAS Superior Accomplishment Award. Carey’s Ph.D. student, Kelly Carruthers, was selected by the Southern IPM Center for its Friends of IPM Ph.D. Graduate Student Award for 2022. Kelly will graduate in August and has an academic professional position secured at the University of Georgia.
Saying farewell to graduate students can be bittersweet for us. But completing their doctorate work has proved to be a rather sweet situation for our graduates. Dr. Emily Demard completed a Ph.D. in entomology and is employed full-time with Beneficial Insectary Inc. in California, rearing biological control insects. Martin Zapien, who completed an MSc in Horticultural Sciences, is pursuing a Ph.D. in Horticultural Sciences in Gainesville, focusing on blueberry physiology and production.
Please read about our faculty research, graduate students, and the promise they bring to agricultural production advancement in this IRREC News issue. Thank you for reading. --Dr. Ronald D. Cave
NEWS FROM THE IRREC He Soil, Water, and Ecosystem Science LABORATORY
We welcome the return of Dr. Zhenli He to IRREC-- following a tragic accident and valiant recovery.
Dr. Zhenli He and his laboratory associates write and publish an exceeding number of scientific journal articles. Dr. He continued this work from a hospital bed and through a long rehabilitation.
Chen, Zhiqin, Qizhen Liu, Shaoning Chen, Shijun Zhang, Mei Wang, Mehr Ahmed Mujtaba Munir, Ying Feng, Zhenli He, and Xiaoe Yang. "Roles of exogenous plant growth regulators on phytoextraction of Cd/Pb/Zn by Sedum alfredii Hance in contaminated soils." Environmental Pollution 293 (2022): 118510.
Xiaoping Xin, Jaya Nepal, Alan L. Wright, Zhenli He., “Carbon nanoparticles improve corn (Zea mays L.) growth and soil quality: Comparison of foliar spray and soil drench application,” Journal of Cleaner Production, 10.1016/j.jclepro.2022.132630, June (2022).
Xiaoqiang Cui, Jiangtao Wang, Xutong Wang, Muhammad Bilal Khan, Min Lu, Kiran Yasmin Khan, Yingjin Song, Zhenli He, Xiaoe Yang, Beibei Yan, Guanyi Chen, "Biochar from constructed wetland biomass waste: A review of its potential and challenges," Chemosphere, Volume 287, Part 3, 2022, 132259, ISSN 0045-6535, (
Cui, X., Wang, J., Wang, X., Khan, M.B., Lu, M., Khan, K.Y., Song, Y., He, Z., Yang, X., Yan, B. and Chen, G., 2022. Biochar from constructed wetland biomass waste: A review of its potential and challenges. Chemosphere, 287, p.132259.
Paulo Henrique Silveira Cardoso, Aníbal Deboni Neto, Fernando Carvalho Oliveira, Mario Tomazello-Filho, Fernanda Trisltz Perassolo Guedes, Clayton Alcarde Alvares, Jose Luiz Stape, Thiago Assis Rodrigues Nogueira, Gian Franco Capra, Arun Dilipkumar Jani, Zhenli He, Cassio Hamilton Abreu-Junior, “Fertilization management with sewage sludge sustains Eucalyptus productivity in Cerrado infertile soil,” Forest Ecology and Management, Volume 519, (2022), 20338, ISSN 0378-1127, (
Xin, Xiaoping, Fengliang Zhao, Jonathan D. Judy, and Zhenli He. "Copper stress alleviation in corn (Zea mays L.): Comparative efficiency of carbon nanotubes and carbon nanoparticles." NanoImpact 25 (2022): 100381.
Sahito, Zulfiqar Ali, Afsheen Zehra, Shaoning Chen, Song Yu, Lin Tang, Zarina Ali, Salma Hamza, Zhenli He, et al. "Rhizobium rhizogenes-mediated root proliferation in Cd/Zn hyperaccumulator Sedum alfredii and its effects on plant growth promotion, root exudates and metal uptake efficiency." Journal of hazardous materials 424 (2022): 127442.
Barmon, Milon, M. J. I. Shohag, Rana Roy, Yanyan Wei, Zhenli He, and Xiaoe Yang. "Risk Assessment of Microplastic Pollution." In Microplastic Pollution, pp. 369-387. Springer, Cham, (2022).
Zhang, Zhiwei, Beibei Liu, Zhenli He, Pan Pan, Lin Wu, Bigui Lin, Qinfen Li, Xinchun Zhang, and Zhikang Wang. "The Synergistic Effect of Biochar-Combined Activated Phosphate Rock Treatments in Typical Vegetables in Tropical Sandy Soil: Results from Nutrition Supply and the Immobilization of Toxic Metals." International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 19, no. 11 (2022): 6431.
Cardoso, P.H.S., Neto, A.D., Oliveira, F.C., Tomazello-Filho, M., Guedes, F.T.P., Alvares, C.A., Stape, J.L., Nogueira, T.A.R., Capra, G.F., Jani, A.D. and He, Z., 2022. Fertilization management with sewage sludge sustains Eucalyptus productivity in Cerrado infertile soil. Forest Ecology and Management, 519, p.120338.
Nadeem, Muhammad, Muhammad Saqib, Muhammad Maqsood, Irfan Iftikhar, Tasawar Ali, Muhammad Awais, Rizwan Ullah, and Zhenli He. "Nutrients, Osmotic and Oxidative Stress Management in Bread Wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) by Exogenously Applied Silicon Fertilization Under Water Deficit Natural Saline Conditions." Silicon (2022): 1-12.
Nogueira, T.A.R., Muraoka, T., Silveira, L.K., da Silva, J.S., Abreu-Junior, C.H., Lavres, J., Martinelli, A.P., Teixeira Filho, M.C.M., He, Z., Jani, A.D. and Ganga, A., 2022. Comparing soil-to-plant cadmium (Cd) transfer and potential human intake among rice cultivars with different Cd tolerance levels grown in a tropical contaminated soil. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment, 194(1), pp.1-13.
dos Santos Silva, R., Jalal, A., do Nascimento, R.E.N., Elias, N.C., Kawakami, K.C., Abreu-Junior, C.H., Oliveira, F.C., Jani, A.D., He, Z., Zhao, F. and Teixeira Filho, M.C.M., 2022. Composted Sewage Sludge Application in a Sugarcane Seedling Nursery: Crop Nutritional Status, Productivity, and Technological Quality Implications. Sustainability, 14(8), pp.1-15.
news from the irrec ohs aquaculture laboratory
Dr. Cortney Ohs and his team at the IRREC Aquaculture Laboratory participated in a feature video during which ornamental fish bred for the first time in captivity at their lab were packed up and taken to public and private aquaria.
Dr. Ohs is featured in this IRREC video to explain a second ornamental fish pack-up at the IRREC Aquaculture Laboratory. Dr. Ohs thanks Rising Tide Conservation and SeaWorld Busch Gardens Conservation Fund for their support of the research.
Publications from the Ohs Aquaculture Laboratory
Shopnitz, Fred A., et al. "Evaluation of Anesthesia Protocols for Handling Hogfish Using Tricaine Methanesulfonate and AQUI‐S 20E." North American Journal of Aquaculture (2022).
Ohs, Cortney L., Audrey H. Beany, and Matthew A. DiMaggio. "Survey of Florida marine baitfish retailers: Assessment of wholesale supply and the market potential for cultured pinfish and pigfish." Aquaculture Economics & Management 26.1 (2022): 57-76
Elefante, Daniel J., Cortney L. Ohs, and Scott W. Grabe. "Egg Hatching, Stocking, Larval Feeding, and Handling Mortality of Guinean Fingerfish Monodactylus sebae." North American Journal of Aquaculture.
Dr. Sandra Guzmán received the 2022 service award at the Florida Section of the Agricultural and Biological Engineers annual meeting in Clearwater, Florida recently. The award is given to a member of the society who has served the section with distinction and expands the role of the agricultural engineering community in her place of work.
Pongamia Field Day
Dr. Sandra Guzmán and Dr. Amir Rezazadeh, Multi-County Fruit and Field Crops Extension Agent in St. Lucie and Indian River Counties, led the first Pongamia Field Day on March 13. Gene McAvoy, UF/IFAS Associate Director of Stakeholder Relations at UF/IFAS-SWFREC, also participated in the field day event. Dr. Rezazadeh said about 25 growers, industry representatives, and UF faculty, staff, and students people were in attendance.
Dr. Guzmán is Principal Investigator for the pongamia research project. Co-PIs are Dr. Alan Wright, Dr. Liliana Cano, Dr. Lorenzo Rossi, and Dr. Amir Rezazadeh.
"We shared our work with water and nutrition management and pest and disease control," said Rezazadeh. "The aim of the project is to assist current and future pongamia growers with production practices such as irrigation, fertilization, tree physiology, and pest and disease management.
A video features Ph.D. student Brandon Quinn-Ivey's work with nanobubbles that increase the quality of agricultural waters. Dr. Sandra Guzmán oversees Quinn-Ivey's research program.
Publication from the Guzmán SMART Irrigation and Hydrology Laboratory
Valipour, M.,(&) & Guzmán, S. M., (2022). Identification of the Meteorological Variables Influencing Evapotranspiration Variability Over Florida. Environmental Modeling and Assessment.
NEWS FROM THE entomopathogenic fungi research laboratory
Dr. Pasco Avery was selected as one of the first scientists to be inducted into the Friends of IPM Hall of Fame with the Southern IPM Center.
Publications from the Entomopathogenic Fungi Research Laboratory
Avery, P. B., George J., Markle, L., Martini, X., Rowley, A. L., Meagher Jr., R. L., Barger, R. E., Dawson, J. S., Duren E. B., and R. D. Cave. 2022. Choice behavior of a generalist pentatomid predator when offered lepidopteran larvae infected with an entomopathogenic fungus. BioControl. 67: 201-211.
Hussain, M., Avery, P. B., Zhu, W., Pitino, M., Arthurs, S. P., Wang, L., Qiu, D., and Mao, R. 2021. Pathogenicity of Cordyceps javanica (Hypocreales: Cordycipitaceae) to Diaphorina citri (Hemiptera: Liviidae) adults, with ultrastructural observations on the fungal infection process. Agronomy 11, 2476.
Florida Entomological Society, Gainesville, Florida, June 20-22: Efficacy of entomopathogenic fungus-based products applied against the citrus red mite, Panonychus citri (Acari: Tetranychidae), under laboratory conditions," by Emily Duren, laboratory technician.
2022 Joint Entomological Society of America, Entomological Society of Canada (ESC), and the Entomological Society of British Columbia (ESBC) Annual Meeting, Vancouver, British Columbia (ESBC), November 13-16: Efficacy of entomopathogenic fungus-based products applied against the citrus red mite, Panonychus citri (Acari: Tetranychidae), under laboratory conditions," by Emily Duren, laboratory technician.
UF/IFAS-IRREC Recent Graduate Students Move on to a Successful Career and Higher Education
news from the irrec plant root biology laboratory
Students who study at IRREC's Plant Root Biology Laboratory under the direction of Dr. Lorenzo Rossi presented their work at the Florida Society of Horticultural Science recently.
Professional meetings are critical for the development of graduate students and post doc's presentation skills, networking, and for the advancement of Plant Root Biology -- Dr. Lorenzo Rossi
Plant Root Biology Laboratory researchers published a feature in an industry publication, "An Update on Oak Mulch to Increase Soil Health." The publication answers the question about whether or not oak mulch application to citrus beds will fight citrus greening.
Dr. Lorenzo Rossi and Ph.D. student Lukas Hallman visited the University of Arizona Yuma Agricultural Center to establish a research collaboration with citriculture researchers. A second aim was to learn about desert horticulture production along the Colorado River basin.
NEWS FROM THE Minteer biological control research LABORATORY
Dr. Carey Minteer feature story in the Hometown News Indian River Edition
2022 Florida Entomological Society Annual Meeting
Three graduate students under the supervision of Dr. Carey Minteer won presentation awards at the Florida Entomological Society Annual Meeting held recently. Kelly Carruthers (left) won 2nd Place in the Ph.D. student competition. Usman Mohammed (center) won 3rd Place in the MSc student competition. MSc student Emily Le Falchier (right) won 2nd Place.
Publication from Minteer Biological Control Laboratory
Prade, Patricia, James P. Cuda, and Carey R. Minteer. "Investigating the potential for plant-mediated interactions between two biological control agents for Brazilian peppertree." Biocontrol Science and Technology 32, no. 6 (2022): 731-740.
news from the Wright soil, Water and Ecosystem science laboratory
Wright Soil, Water and Ecosystem Science Laboratory Publications:
Kwakye, Samuel, Davie M. Kadyampakeni, Edzard van Santen, Tripti Vashisth, and Alan Wright. "Variable Manganese Rates Influence the Performance of Huanglongbing-affected Citrus Trees in Florida." HortScience 57, no. 3 (2022): 360-366.
Xin, Xiaoping, Jaya Nepal, Alan L. Wright, Xiaoe Yang, and Zhenli He. "Carbon nanoparticles improve corn (Zea mays L.) growth and soil quality: Comparison of foliar spray and soil drench application." Journal of Cleaner Production (2022): 132630.
Odero, D. Calvin, and Alan L. Wright. "Preemergence and postemergence spiny amaranth (Amaranthus spinosus) and common lambsquarters (Chenopodium album) control in lettuce on organic soils." Weed Technology (2022): 1-19.
Wang, Shuling, Yongpeng Zhao, Zhihui Wang, Xueli Lv, Alan L. Wright, and Xianjun Jiang. "Contrasting seasonal response of comammox Nitrospira and canonical ammonia oxidizers in two paddy soils." Soil Biology and Biochemistry 168 (2022): 108641.
K Cai, Y Zhao, Z Kang, R Ma, A.L. Wright, X Jiang “Pyrolysis-assisted transesterification for accurate quantification of phospholipid fatty acids: Application to microbial community analysis in the 1000-years paddy soil chronosequence.” Geoderma 406 (2022): 115504.
Zha, Y.X., Faeflen, S.JW., Zhou, X.B., A.L. Wright, X. Jiang, “Redox effect on carbon and nitrogen mineralization in the drawdown zone of the Three Gorges Reservoir.” International Journal of Environmental Science Technology.” J. Environ. Sci. (2022).
C. Hu, A.L. Wright, S. He.“Public Perception and Willingness to Pay for Urban Wetland Ecosystem Services: Evidence from China.” Wetlands 42 (2022) 1-10.
C. Qin, A.L. Wright, L. Ma, X. He, D. Xie, X. Jiang, “Improving nitrogen-use efficiency by using ridge tillage in rice paddy soils,” Soil Use and Management 38 (1) 528-536.
On March 7, 2022, Postharvest Horticulture Tour participants learned how fresh fruits and vegetables are handled.
New publications from Dr. Mark Ritenour
Dr. Ritenour keeps the industry up-to-date with information about new shipping requirements for export fruit. In the June 7, 2022 edition of Citrus Industry magazine, Dr. Ritenour conveys "Changes in Pesticide Residue Tolerances on Citrus Destined for Korea. Link the article here:
Shahzad, Faisal, Tripti Vashisth, Mark A. Ritenour, and Jeffrey K. Brecht. "Quest for desirable quality of Tango Mandarin in the citrus greening era: The promise of integrated approaches." LWT 161 (2022): 113321.
UF/IFAS-IRREC and Florida Medical Entomology Laboratory (UF/IFAS-FMEL) faculty, students, and staff will join on Friday, June 24, for an afternoon of fun and #GatorPride22.
Citrus Packinghouse Day will take place on August 25, 2022, at the UF/IFAS Citrus Research and Education Center in Lake Alfred, Florida. To register for Packinghouse day, click this link.
The Emerging Enterprises Summit will take place at UF/IFAS Gulf Coast Research and Education Center in August. During the event, Guzman SMART Irrigation and Hydrology Lab members will present results from the Pongamia research project.
IRREC faculty members, postdoctoral researchers, and graduate students will attend the American Society of Horticultural Science (ASHS) meeting in Chicago, from July 30 until August 3, 2022.
Registration is open for the 2nd Congress of the International Society for Citrus Huanglongbing and Phloem-Colonizing Bacterial Pathosystems, October 2022. For more information and registration, click here.
2022 Joint Entomological Society of America, Entomological Society of Canada (ESC), and the Entomological Society of British Columbia (ESBC) Annual Meeting, Vancouver, British Columbia (ESBC), November 13-16.
Pasco Avery, Velma Spencer, and UF/IFAS file photos.