As we approach the end of the 2021-2022 school year, we are pleased to announce the winners of the Ottawa-Carleton District School Board's Director's Citation and Employee Recognition Awards. These awards are an annual opportunity to appreciate and celebrate the work of OCDSB staff, and the positive impact they have had on students, colleagues, and families across the District.
The Director’s Citation Award recognizes outstanding and significant staff contributions to the District and its students, over an extended period of time, showing a level of imagination, enthusiasm, and professionalism that constitutes a worthy model for others. It is intended to be a recognition of staff, by their colleagues, honouring those who are in the midst of their careers.
The Employee Recognition Awards recognize outstanding and significant staff contributions, specifically in the areas of equity, health and safety, innovation, and mentorship. These include the Excellence in Equity Award, the Health & Safety Award, the Innovation Award, the Mentoring Award, and the Ronald K. Lynch Memorial Award.
Please continue reading to learn about the incredible employees who have earned these recognitions in the 2021-2022 school year.
Lourdes Abano
Chief Custodian, Manor Park Public School
Lourdes Abano is the Chief Custodian at Manor Park Public School, where she approaches each day with the most infectious “anything is possible” energy. Over the past two years the demands of her job have grown exponentially, but she has always risen to the occasion in order to keep staff and students safe. In her role as Chief Custodian, Lourdes provides students, staff and community members with a shining example of what is possible, breaking down stereotypes and biases in a quiet yet powerful way. She sets high standards for her staff, who in turn admire and respect her leadership. During one particularly snowy week in February, Lourdes was spotted using the large wet vacuum down the hallways while students were at recess. When asked why she was using it in the middle of the day, she replied, “It makes the job of my staff at night much easier if I stay on top of the melted snow and dirt during the day.” In the community, Lourdes is also a pillar of support for 2SLGBTQ+ community members. If you ever need support, a listening ear, or anything for your classroom, Lourdes is only a radio call away. You will surely hear her cheerful, “Yes, this is Lourdes, coming!”
Pamela Belyea
Core French Teacher, Queen Elizabeth Public School and Robert E. Wilson Public School
Pamela Belyea was an exceptional teacher with the OCDSB for over 22 years. Sadly, Pamela passed away unexpectedly due to a heart attack on December 25, 2021. As a proud Newfoundlander new to Ontario, Pamela began teaching in 1999 at Robert E. Wilson Public School, where she quickly fostered a strong love of French in her students. For the last ten years, Pamela was an outstanding Core French teacher at Queen Elizabeth Public School, where her success at sharing her passion for French allowed students to truly thrive in her class. She also understood the importance of supporting student mental health, developed her skills in supporting mental health through additional training, and built strong and supportive relationships with her most vulnerable students. They recognized her as a caring and reliable adult who would strongly advocate for them, hold them to high standards, and always be there when they needed help. Pamela also had superb listening skills, emotional intelligence, and wisdom. She was universally respected and admired by her colleagues, especially due to her continuous encouragement and support for them and her uncommon ability to make anyone feel special. Pamela was an important building block in the foundation of her school community, and she is tremendously missed by her colleagues, her students, and their families.
Hermina Brutus
Department Head, Teacher, A.Y. Jackson Secondary School
As a teacher and department head, Hermina Brutus is innovative, passionate, solutions-oriented, and a true force to be reckoned with! Hermina’s impact within her school and across the District is remarkable. She has presented at PA Days, mentored new and student teachers, facilitated student-led Black History Month and Multicultural Buffets, co-led the Yearbook Committee, and more! Hermina always stands up for what is right and is a strong advocate for all students. She spearheaded Challenging Conversations, her school’s staff learning on diversity and equity, and has inspired colleagues to take on leadership roles within the program. Her principled belief in equity and diversity is evident in her classroom, and in the relationships she builds with students, parents, and colleagues. She has inspired colleagues within her school and across the District through her ability to engage students through innovative program delivery, and to develop strong, trusted, effective student-teacher relationships. Hermina has an exceptional ability to listen, identify issues, work towards solutions, and put ideas into action. She has high expectations and is not afraid to communicate this to her students, nor to inspire and support them in working towards their goals. She is a role model who consistently demonstrates integrity, is a consummate professional, and is passionate about serving her students. She inspires others by bringing in new perspectives and advocating for initiatives that will benefit all students. How does she do it? In her own words, “I come to work every day knowing that this is my dream job”.
Jacqueline Chaine
Assistant Office Administrator, Cairine Wilson Secondary School
Jacqueline Chaine is an efficient and capable Assistant Office Administrator, an active community advocate, and a fierce supporter of students and their families. She has been creating safe and nurturing spaces for students since she joined the OCDSB in 2004. She goes above and beyond the scope of her job to make sure that everyone feels welcome, accepted and supported, helping youth to acknowledge their strengths and weaknesses and actively encouraging them to embrace their authentic selves. Jacqueline never shies away from a new project; she is the first to jump in when a new initiative is proposed, no matter how busy she is. At school, she will team up with students to help them feel more comfortable and encourage student participation: some will even join certain activities just to spend time with her! In the spring of 2020, Jacqueline organized a tile painting project for staff to depict positive emotions, so that the tiles could be displayed and encourage students when they returned from remote learning. Her "joie de vivre" is contagious, and her positive impact on school climate is evident to anyone her energy touches. Jacqueline has a heart as big as the moon, and her colleagues believe that her caring and spontaneous personality is her super power!
Karen Gordon
Educational Assistant in the Physical Support Program, Sir Guy Carleton Secondary School
Karen Gordon has been supporting students with physical disabilities in Sir Guy Carleton’s Physical Support Program since 2013, where her unwavering commitment to vulnerable and medically fragile students has been a consistent and stabilizing force. Karen gets to know each student individually and advocates strongly for their physical, mental health, and learning needs, taking the time to learn how they communicate and actively listening to their wants, needs, interests, concerns, and life experiences. Her students know and trust that she will help make them understood to others, and that she will always help them get the support they need! Karen has a thorough understanding of not only each student's academic strengths and challenges, but also their unique learning needs and how to meet them so students can successfully demonstrate their learning. She is a dependable, well respected leader, always intuitive to the needs of other staff members, and is a role model for other Educational Assistants and for Algonquin College students in the Developmental Services Worker program. Karen is well respected for her expertise by school staff, and parents regularly express their complete confidence in her ability to support their children, a true testament to her skill and dedication!
Tim Hawes
Principal, Ottawa-Carleton Virtual Secondary School
For more than 18 years, Tim Hawes has been a dedicated educator and leader whose enthusiasm and energy can lead a team through any challenge. Since his appointment as Principal of the Ottawa-Carleton Virtual Secondary School (OCVSS) in 2020, Tim has been an exceptional leader and community builder. He has used his wonderful imagination to cast a vision for the school, and has helped establish OCVSS as a provincial leader in remote learning. Driven by a commitment to a culture of innovation, caring, and social responsibility, Tim thinks outside the box to develop innovative solutions. He has contributed significantly to the discussion of equity in the broader e-Learning/virtual environment in Ontario, leveraging technology to build a community truly beyond our geographic borders. Tim has been a mentor and advocate for technology in education for his entire career, always promoting the potential pedagogical gains the remote learning environment can bring. He builds capacity, promotes interactive tools, invests in digital content, and models instruction for staff using new technology and learning applications to improve the learning and well-being of both staff and students. Tim enthusiastically fosters leadership in his staff, and is committed to listening and responding to student voice in ThoughtExchange consultations, conversations, Focus Groups, and Student Council Town Halls. He establishes clear directions, sets goals, and assigns responsibilities that bring out the best work from others, such as The Virtual Voice (a staff and student-created publication, which won the Spirit of the Capital Youth Award for Strength Through Diversity), the Equity Team’s Black History Month Flipbook (a collection of student and staff reflections and learning), and more. Tim is a dedicated, professional leader who models curiosity and integrity in everything he does!
Tobi Hunt McCoy
Department Head Teacher, Lisgar Collegiate Institute
Tobi Hunt McCoy is an exemplary teacher and department head at Lisgar Collegiate Institute. She works incredibly hard to foster a school-wide love of reading and writing, and supports staff in learning new teaching approaches and implementing new practices in their own classrooms. To share her learning with others, Tobi also organizes book clubs for staff on topics like anti-racism and destreaming, and has led many equity-themed activities at staff meetings. She is committed to making sure all students have the opportunity to see aspects of their identity reflected in their school and in literature. She possesses excellent technology skills, which she uses to engage students, support staff, and keep the school community informed and organized. As a drama teacher, her professional connections with the National Arts Centre (NAC) have allowed for multiple learning opportunities for students, and she has supported many of the school’s musical and dramatic productions. Tobi is always willing to collaborate, working with teachers even outside of Lisgar on projects like the E3 Collaborative (Engaging and Empowering with English). Tobi always asks the right questions and is not afraid to speak up for the underserved, and is committed to moving the entire school forward in its equity journey. In everything that goes on at the school, Tobi’s leadership is a shining example to all!
Anna Kyriakakis
Supervisor, Childcare, Bayshore Public School - ESL/LINC Programs
Anna Kyriakakis has been enthusiastically and compassionately supporting students, families, and staff in the OCDSB’s childcare programs for over 19 years. She has dedicated her life to the fundamentals of early learning, all for the benefit of children, families, and the program itself, which grows and evolves every year under her supervision. Anna is inspirational, curious, and ambitious, truly leading the way towards growth and change in the early learning sector. Her positive attitude inspires her colleagues to give their very best at all times: she empowers them to push themselves, to grow and learn new pedagogy, and to be the best versions of themselves professionally and personally. Anna fosters collaboration and connectedness within her team, encouraging each staff member’s creativity while respecting their individual learning styles. She constantly pursues opportunities to improve learning outcomes for children both within and outside of school, as she has done through continuous professional development and joining initiatives like the Infant, Early Childhood Mental Health Committee with the City of Ottawa. During the COVID-19 pandemic, Anna provided countless learning opportunities for her team, beyond expected childcare models, to include children’s mental health outcomes, Trauma Informed Care practices, and more. She designs culturally sensitive environments that promote enrichment, sense of belonging, and settlement for children new to Canada, and supports their parents too. Over the years many parents have returned to thank Anna for her support during their settlement in Canada, and students return to invite her to graduations and other celebrations. What a wonderful demonstration of Anna’s impact!
Richard Latour
Principal, Dunning-Foubert Elementary School
As Principal of Dunning-Foubert Elementary School, Richard Latour excels at building relationships, fostering understanding, and remaining committed to the needs of staff, students, and families. Dunning-Foubert receives many students in care from local group homes, and building trust and collaboration with them has been a priority of Richard’s since the very beginning. His dedication and compassionate work allows vulnerable students to have a voice, be heard, and feel cared for. Richard has had a very positive impact on the lives of many children, lifting them up and going out of his way to make them feel safe and supported. Richard has not only demonstrated the importance of building relationships with students in care, but has also transformed the school into a central hub in the community. Richard knows most of the school’s 500+ students by name, along with the names of their siblings, parents, and caregivers. Every day he models the impact positive relationships can have, approaching each challenge with a team-oriented mindset and working in collaboration with educators, parents, guardians and other school-based professionals. He believes not just in supporting the community, but in building community. Students and families alike appreciate Richard’s warm and caring nature!
Carol Lesway
Labour Relations Assistant
As the OCDSB’s Labour Relations Assistant, Carol Lesway goes above and beyond to ensure the Labour Relations and Legal Services department runs smoothly each day. Despite a busy and high pressure environment, Carol always models professionalism and kindness. Her voice is often the first thing people hear when they call the department, where she provides guidance and understanding in abundance. Carol has helped keep the department functioning seamlessly despite an enormous set of challenges, including the COVID-19 pandemic, and as the department grew to add the legal services function, Carol was able to quickly develop her skills to take on new and unfamiliar tasks. She has remained committed to ensuring continuity for the department so that her team can be fully prepared for their day to day responsibilities. Simply put, the Labour Relations and Legal Services team believes they could not have made it through these last few years without her!
Brian Lusk
Chief Custodian, Ridgemont High School
As Ridgemont High School’s Chief Custodian, Brian Lusk has consistently shown a superior level of enthusiasm, imagination and professionalism. Always making a concerted effort to develop relationships with staff and students, Brian goes above and beyond his duties, whether he is enthusiastically welcoming staff and students each morning or keeping his office door open to anyone who wants to chat. Brian makes a point to learn the names of as many students as he can each year, a sign of the respect that he holds for the diverse student body at Ridgemont. He is constantly seeking ways to continue improving the school learning environment and is supportive of new ideas in the classroom, as demonstrated when he helped outfit every math classroom with a new whiteboard to support effective teaching strategies. Not only does Brian keep the building in optimal condition, his dedication has a direct and positive influence on student learning. The atmosphere at the school has improved significantly due to his efforts in getting essential parts of the school painted and modernized, most recently seen when he had the gymnasium painted and personally created a more inclusive Spartan Logo mural. Brian always takes the time to indulge students’ inquisitive minds, a reminder of how personal and meaningful Brian’s contributions are to the life of the school!
Pauline McKenna
Principal, Kanata Highlands Public School
Pauline McKenna embodies Kanata Highlands’ motto, “Be Open, Be Curious, Be Kind”, in everything she does. Equity underlines much of her work, as she empowers staff to move forward in their own personal journeys of bringing equity to the forefront of their practice. She regularly coordinates guest speakers and workshops to help herself and other staff see their unconscious biases and behaviours, and with how these can affect students and families. Pauline sets the tone for open, welcoming, and honest dialogue without judgement, which helps staff to be open and learn. Pauline is always seeking additional equity training and pursuing individual learning opportunities through reading, that she then shares and encourages among other staff. She regularly assesses library books through an equity lens, encouraging educators to do the same with their classroom libraries and surroundings. When the school first opened, Pauline set up a map of the world on the ground floor and encouraged families to post a sticker to show where their family origins are from. This map is still hanging in the school, and students enjoy stopping to look at and discuss it! She fosters a kind, open and inclusive environment with students, knows each of them by name, and understands their successes and needs. Many staff and student successes at Kanata Highlands Public School are due to Pauline’s focus on creating an open, curious, and kind environment, celebrating differences, and keeping equity at the forefront of the school’s practices. It’s no mistake that KHPS is a community of learners that celebrate each other’s unique stories – it’s due to Pauline’s dedicated focus on uplifting each and every person in her school community!
Heather McKinnon
Administrative Assistant
Even if you’ve never met Heather McKinnon, you have probably benefited from her hard work! Heather’s attention to detail, incredible organizational skills, and undeniable work ethic are appreciated across the District. Through her creation of a warm and inviting reception area, a well-stocked informational library, and seasonal decorations throughout the year, Heather makes sure the Board’s main office is always a welcoming place for visitors. She is also responsible for managing all of the OCDSB promotional goods, keeping on top of products and thoughtfully packaging gifts for staff and students. Heather worked tirelessly throughout the pandemic to support the work of the District, whether she was packaging materials for Program and Learning K-12, personally delivering awards to staff and the community, packaging more than two thousand graduation tribute gift bags, or packing rapid antigen test kits and personal protective equipment. Heather is the ultimate team player, always displaying an upbeat positive attitude. Nothing is ever too much trouble for Heather, demonstrating how she truly embodies the OCDSB’s Culture of Caring.
Jessica Murch
Educational Assistant, Blossom Park Public School
Jessica Murch is an outstanding Educational Assistant whose work in the behaviour intervention program has provided immense support to students, staff and families. Jessica always demonstrates her open mindset with ample positivity, arriving at school each day ready to assist any student or staff member in need. Her collaborative problem solving skills allow her to build long-lasting connections with all students: not only does she support students in specialized program classes, she also creates and implements social skills clubs for all students of all ages. Throughout the pandemic, Jessica has demonstrated exemplary creative thinking to ensure staff can still meet students’ needs. She established socially-distanced sporting activities during recess for intermediate students, and ensured body breaks were provided for all. She has also helped ensure staff receive the technology they need during remote learning, and checks in regularly with students and staff members. She is an excellent role model to all, always able to transform small tasks into leadership opportunities for students. Jessica consistently demonstrates that making meaningful connections with students is key to their social-emotional well-being, which is then transformative to their learning!
Andrea Rahim
Strategic Business Analyst
Throughout the pandemic, Andrea's thoughtful behind-the-scenes presence has helped guide the District's response to COVID-19. Whether she was supporting the District’s strategic plan or designing and implementing ThoughtExchange consultations, her commitment, passion, and attention to detail have been instrumental to the work of the OCDSB. Andrea is committed to community engagement and has ensured thousands of students, families and staff have had the opportunity to share their thoughts, feelings, and experiences during the pandemic. Her skills in research and analysis are methodical, she asks compelling and insightful questions, and she is committed to ensuring the data collected informs the District’s work. She works to make connections between feedback received and actions taken, ensuring that stakeholders are informed about the impact of their input. Andrea has been invaluable in providing support on a number of key initiatives, like willingly undertaking a leadership role in reviewing departmental job descriptions, even when her workload was already significant. What is truly exceptional about Andrea is her sustained commitment: in her time with the OCDSB, she has demonstrated creativity, leadership, and an incredible work ethic!
Melanie Seabrook
Principal, North Gower Marlborough Public School
Melanie Seabrook is an extraordinary Principal who has worked incredibly hard to foster a family environment at North Gower Marlborough Public School. Melanie always makes time for the needs and concerns of staff, students, and families, making all feel valued and capable, and her passion for learning and connection have transformed the school into a truly remarkable community hub. Throughout the challenges of the COVID-19 pandemic, Melanie has been a rock to the North Gower family. She is an unfailingly positive and supportive leader, there when her school community celebrates and when they struggle. She is open minded and encouraging, providing staff with a sense of autonomy and support that is unparalleled. Students even see the office as a place they actually want to visit: as they prepare to leave the school, grade five students write year-end speeches to thank those who have supported them over the years. Mrs. Seabrook’s name is always at the top of the list, with examples of her kindness and sense of fun! Melanie connects directly with families as well, greeting everyone in the parking lot each morning and reaching out individually to those who need extra support. She is always present at community events in order to better understand the community’s needs. In addition, she is not afraid of having courageous conversations and has led the way in helping staff examine and restructure cultural biases. She leads by learning, always looking for new opportunities to expand her own knowledge. Staff consider Melanie Seabrook to truly be the heart of North Gower Marlborough Public School!
Sik Kwan Yeung (Ruby)
Lunch Time Monitor, Knoxdale Public School
Ruby is an outstanding Lunch Time Monitor at Knoxdale Public School, where she consistently fills in and provides support in classrooms and in the school office as well. She is quick to mentor new Lunch Time Monitors, greeting each new opportunity with a positive and caring attitude. Ruby regularly offers and implements ideas to help improve the school, having worked her magic in every corner and providing a shining example to others of how to be a professional, resourceful, and dedicated employee. She runs the laminating machine, has digitized the school’s lost and found, organizes and distributes PPE, supervises the isolation room, escorts late students to class, and completes important paperwork like concussion assessment forms. The enthusiasm and initiative Ruby brings to her work is truly impressive, always looking for new ways to help out at the school and to propose and implement positive changes. Ruby is cherished by staff and students alike, and is applauded by parents and school council members for dedication to the school and to student wellbeing. Her caring nature and excellent work ethic have made her the type of employee all should strive to be!
Excellence in Equity Award
Nyk Morrigan
Educational Assistant, Dunning-Foubert Elementary School, Maple Ridge Elementary School
Nyk Morrigan works tirelessly to create a Culture of Caring at school, across the OCDSB, and within the extended community. Nyk’s biggest priority is to ensure students have a sense of belonging, and that they feel safe and supported. Every Wednesday evening, Nyk facilitates Gender Joy, a Google Meet drop-in for Trans/Gender Diverse students. In this space, students can speak freely and openly about the issues they face and the things that are on their minds. Nyk also operates Dunning-Foubert’s Rainbow Room, running weekly drop-ins for students who are part of the 2SLGBTQIA(+) community. This space promotes an inclusive culture where students can explore work from Queer Indigenous artists, 2SLGBTQIA(+) authors, musicians, and other artists, while also showcasing and expressing their own identities. Nyk is also incredibly supportive of students with special needs, those who are vulnerable, and those facing mental health challenges. Nyk collaborates extremely well with colleagues and provides a safe space for educators to develop their understanding of the 2SLGBTQIA(+) community, and the diverse needs of students in our schools. Every single day, Nyk makes a tremendous difference by promoting a safe and caring environment for all!
Health and Safety Award
Clem Laferriere
Supervisor of Maintenance, Facilities (retired)
Clem Laferriere has had an immense impact on health and safety at the OCDSB, especially as the Management Facilities Representative for the OCDSB’s Joint Health and Safety Committee (JHSC) and Inspection Subcommittee. A dedicated promoter of all things health and safety, Clem takes immediate action to address concerns, keeping track of new information and providing updates on outstanding concerns in the JHSC tracking charts. For concerns that couldn’t be solved immediately, Clem communicates all additional details in a timely and detailed manner, greatly helping to resolve facilities-related issues at various OCDSB sites. Clem has always been approachable, collaborative, and committed to clear and effective communication, which greatly helps when urgent issues arise. In addition, Clem was always open to site visits if further investigation of a concern was necessary, and even helped to start the process of inspecting new schools or the sites of major renovations. His proactive approach ensured no major health and safety concerns existed before employees worked in these buildings. Despite many changes over the years, Clem could always quickly adapt to new technology and processes, and his knowledge of eBASE proved to be a remarkable asset as more Occupational Health and Safety systems moved there. Clem’s colleagues are grateful for his impact on health and safety across the District, and wish him all the best in his retirement!
Innovation Award
Curtis Perry
Teacher, Woodroffe High School
Curtis Perry’s commitment to students at Woodroffe High School is truly exemplary. Whether the focus is a captivating lesson or a digital media masterpiece, Curtis’ innovative spirit continues to benefit the students and community he serves. Along with being an authentic, charismatic Educator, Curtis finds innovative ways to engage youth where they can immerse themselves in a culture based on critical thinking and a passion for innovation. An example of Curtis’ innovative spirit is “The Ambush”, an online hub that showcases both written and visual student excellence. Along with displaying student accomplishments, the platform is integral in providing community resources around mental health, emotional wellbeing, financial need, academic assistance, after-school programming, job opportunities, and more. Curtis’ work in equity has also provided many students with the opportunity to leverage their experiences by elevating their ideas to higher platforms. He helped create the Black Excellence Month video, showcasing a variety of perspectives on what Black Excellence means to students. He has also worked in collaboration with educators at Woodroffe to help curate and guide conversations about how race intersects with emotional wellbeing, socioeconomic status, academics, and individual barriers that students of colour face, in order to support students in unlocking their highest potential. Curtis has been a trailblazer in provoking critical thought on the enhancement of student wellbeing, and his colleagues are grateful for his unique and innovative mind!
Mentoring Award
Glenn Ellis
Department Head of Trades & Technology and Co-op, Ottawa Technical Secondary School
Glenn’s exuberance, enthusiasm, and passion are magnetic to staff and students alike, though his mentorship is not confined to the building he works in! Glenn freely and regularly shares his experience, insight, and wisdom across the District, and across the Province through his work as an Additional Qualification (AQ) instructor, Ontario College of Teachers (OCT) accreditation committee member, and in provincial projects. During his time as Chairperson of the Technology Subject Council, Glenn provided leadership and mentorship to many individuals, and he continues to be actively involved in the council and helps mentor the current chair. Glenn has worked hard to develop curriculum and pedagogy within the Communication Technology and Trades realm, and his ability to provide resources and guidance to colleagues is invaluable. He works diligently and collaboratively through challenges with colleagues, engaging his vast network of professionals to answer questions and make connections. He has also supported individuals in all 10 Trades and Technology programs and continues to engage with these individuals to better their programs and promote staff development. Whenever a new teacher arrives at the Board or a staff member is looking to enhance their skill set, Glenn’s name is the first to come up in providing support. He works tirelessly to create and enhance programs, and to keep staff informed of provincial curriculum changes and resources. His work with the Ontario Council for Technology Education (OCTE), the province, and the Board has helped shape not only the programs at his current school, but programs across the Board.
Technology Excellence Award
Louise Vaillancourt
Elementary Instructional Technology Consultant
In Louise Vaillancourt’s five years with the OCDSB’s Business and Learning Technologies department, she has modelled dedication, innovation, and excellence. Louise is responsible for bringing robotics and coding to OCDSB elementary schools through the circulation of bookable robotic kits, along with other tools that helped to bolster STEM in schools. She also provided 1:1 training for staff in using the kits, created additional documentation and resources, and has facilitated countless workshops for educators. Louise has created and managed several Google Currents communities, including the largest in the OCDSB with over 1000 members. She facilitates regular communication with Digital Lead Learners for every Elementary school, oversees a newsletter with over a 1000 readers, and has contributed to multiple informational websites by creating videos, documents, and tools like the OCDSB’s Vetted App & Resource List. Louise’s colleagues are consistently inspired by her kindness, professionalism, and supportive and innovative nature: when the OCDSB first switched to remote learning, Louise immediately devised a plan to provide training for all staff. Louise is a trusted voice who demonstrates a level of imagination, enthusiasm, and professionalism that constitutes an ideal model for others!
Ronald K. Lynch Memorial Award
Andrew Winchester
Department Head, Special Education and English, Ottawa Technical Secondary School
At Ottawa Technical Secondary School, Andrew Winchester is a student advocate, mentor, and a valued member of the leadership team. He has led the transformation of special education at the school: under his leadership, the Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) classes have begun using advanced strategies that focus on strengths and provide positive reinforcement for behaviours that will allow students access to meaningful and life-changing opportunities beyond secondary school. Andrew is dedicated to meeting the unique needs of every learner, listening to student voices and coordinating professional development for educators and support staff, resulting in significant achievements for students. Andrew takes the time to know and understand each student's individual needs in the ASD and Physical Support (PSP) programs, and his skills at co-regulating with students are so exceptional that his class has become a home to some of the highest-needs students in the District. As Department Head of ASD and Communication, Andrew has worked collaboratively and through an equity lens to ensure educators have the appropriate tools and materials to help all students achieve at the highest levels possible. Andrew has also led OTSS’ response to the Right to Read Inquiry, collaborating with other school leaders to develop programming based on the highest quality research. Andrew has also founded the subject council for ASD educators, and plays a leading role working with the Board’s Special Education Advisory Committee, demonstrating that his leadership extends far beyond OTSS. As a result of his passion for literacy and special education, students across the OCDSB can look forward to brighter futures!