Principal's Introduction
Dear families,
Well, 2023 has certainly started with a bang and with the new year has come a renewed sense of energy and excitement.
At our school, the spring term brings a period to build upon the first term, for deeper learning and the chance to have new opportunities and experiences. This first half term has provided these in abundance. Our pupils are thriving and our dedicated teachers and staff are working hard to provide that supportive and engaging educational environment that will allow your children to flourish and learn.
In this late Early Spring update, you will find out what our pupils have been up to this half term. Whether it's participating in outdoor learning experiences, enjoying new year activities, or taking part in school community projects or our Family Forum, there was something for everyone.
Lady Grundy
Theme:- Frozen
The Nursery children were excited to arrive in class and see that it had transformed into a winter wonderland as part of our ‘Frozen’ theme. To kick start our theme, the children went on a winter walk around school. Nursery learnt about: freezing and melting; ways to keep warm; hibernation; and Polar animals. The children also enjoyed visiting our incredible immersive room to experience the Polar regions.
During National Story Week we used our new ‘Now Press Play’ earphones (our newest technology resource which was partly funded from the Friends of STP fundraising efforts, including the Christmas Fayre) and acted out different traditional tales taking on the role of one of the main characters. This half term, we also completed Online Safety activities and learnt that when we feel sad, worried or scared we must Tell A Grown up (TAG). Finally, we made our own tickets to visit the ‘cinema’ and watch a short film based on one of our books we’ve been reading in class – ‘Lost and Found’. The children took great delight in making boats out of construction blocks outdoors, just like the boy did in ‘Lost and Found’.
Theme:- Toy Story
This term has provided a range of wonderful learning experiences for Reception children. Through studying robots, old and new toys, how toys work, and making traditional toys, children have gained an appreciation for the evolution of toys and how they interact with the world. Pupils have been able to explore the creative possibilities of robots and the potential of traditional toys, while also understanding the engineering and design behind them. We had an exciting visit from ‘Snowball’, a humanoid robot, who walked, danced, spoke and moved in variety of ways to show children the magic of technology. They were enthralled!
Year One
Theme:- United
This half term we have been learning about what makes Great Britain; the places, the food, the music, the culture and the history. It has been a very creative half term where children have used their design and technology skills to prepare and bake their own ‘British’ shortbread. We have also been developing our art skills, using papier mâché to create our own 3D maps of the United Kingdom.
In R.E we have been learning about Islam and its teachings. After learning about ‘The Prophet and the Ants’, the students created their own ‘bug hotels’ as a way of caring for creatures big and small in our playground.
Children have also been doing lots of writing. We were blown away with some fantastic character and setting descriptions inspired by the story ‘Beegu’ and have just finished innovating and rewriting the story of the ‘Paperbag Princess’.
Year 1 Music Focus Day
Earlier this month students used a variety of percussion instruments to create their own compositions during our Music Focus Day. After creating a range of sounds using body percussion, the children were able to learn basic notation and rhythms and perform these using tambourines, claves and even boom-whackers! We ended the day with a performance of ‘Hakuna Matata’ from The Lion King using the boom-whackers. We definitely have lots of talented musicians in Year 1!
SCA Reading Mentors
We continue to build our relationship with our partner Secondary, Shireland Collegiate Academy and this new venture is just wonderful.
We asked if we could initiate a reading mentor system that will help all pupils involved. ‘Big Shireland’ were brilliant and immediately identified a group of Year 7 pupils who have now been ‘trained’ at our school on how to support young children in learning to read. The new ‘reading mentors’ are now coming to STP weekly to work alongside staff and selected pupils in Year 1 to help them with their reading. Our Year 1 pupils are enjoying having a mentor to look up to, and our Year 7 mentors are developing in confidence with every session. What a success!
Year Two
Theme: - Roll-up, Roll-up!
In the Year Two theme ‘Roll up, Roll up!’ our children have been learning all about fun of the fair! They have researched fairgrounds of the past and compared them with those we have today. They also enjoyed learning about the Frost Fair, tasting different funfair snacks and created their own fairground watercolour artwork, inspired by artist L. S Lowry.
They’ve also developed their Design and Technology skills by designing and building their own model carousels as part of a group – complete with electrical circuits to make them rotate! We are so proud of their creations. In Science, the children enjoyed learning about materials and conducting several experiments to investigate their properties.
We have also been very busy in our writing lessons and the children have worked hard to complete three writing outcomes this half term! The children wrote their own rollercoaster shape poem, based on their experiences of ‘riding a rollercoaster’ in our Immersive room! They also wrote ‘disgusting’ fairground snack recipes as well as a fantasy story based on ‘Leon and the Place Between’.
Conductive Music – Combining Science, Technology and Music
The children in Year 1 and 2 enjoyed participating in a ‘Conductive Music’ workshop for the whole day. The project is London based but they came up especially to work with us. It really helped our pupils to see the links between subjects and how you need to understand knowledge and develop skills in each one to really gain a deep grasp of key concepts.
Pupils learnt about circuits and how the electricity can be used to make music using devices. The electricity can pass through items such as pencils... or even our bodies!
A great day of practical science and music; experimenting and developing skills across multiple subjects! Thanks to Sandwell SIPs Music who invited us to be part of the project.
Year 3
Theme:- It’s not Fair!
This half term the Year 3 children have been learning all about where their food comes from. They have looked at how far fruit and vegetables have travelled to get to their plates – some travel over 11,000 miles! Children gave their own ideas about how they could reduce food miles by buying local or growing their own. During the term, the children learned all about the Fairtrade movement and how it helps to give a decent wage and lifestyle to farmers across the world. Finally, children made comparisons between two places overseas, (Panama and Sierra Leone) alongside the UK.
We have also written reports about Fairtrade too and the children’s formal language and extensive vocabulary was impressive!
Year 4
Theme:- Romans
This half term Year 4 have been learning about the Roman Empire and the Roman rule over Britain to help us answer our key driving question ‘What did the Romans ever do for us?’ Primarily, the theme is History focused, but it also included Geography, Art, PSHE and Computing. Using historical sources, pupils explored why the Roman Empire became so vast. We also explored what life was like in a Roman town, focusing on lifestyle, religion, and engineering. We also utilised our brand-new immersive audio resource - Now Press Play headphones (partly funded from the Friends of STP fundraising including the Christmas Fayre). Through this immersive audio experience, pupils learnt about the Roman Army, the warrior leader Boudicca and the resistance she led against the invading of Romans in Britain.
CBSO Visual Arts Workshop
This half term, Year 4 took part in the City of Birmingham Symphony Orchestra’s (CBSO) Visual Arts Workshop. As part of The Planets Creative Project and linking Art and Music, pupils created their own artwork using fabric crayon and dye wax resist. We were able to discover the vividly colourful effect of wax resist on fabric and looked at the Science behind this. Children used fabric crayons and water-based craft dyes. Check out our fantastic work below. This really did spark their imagination and creativity.
Year 4 Residential; Kingswood Activity Centre
There is no doubt that residential school trips create memories that last a lifetime. Our very first residential provided our pupils with a mix of challenging, creative and skill-building experiences. We joined Year 5 and 6 pupils and staff from Holyhead Primary Academy (one of our other Trust schools).
Staff and pupils loved every minute of it; from climbing and orienteering to archery, the zip wire and shelter building. They were a model class who represented the school name with impeccable behaviour and had a real sense of teamwork, responsibility and a genuine care for each other to do well and succeed. Every child tried their very best with each challenge they faced, and we could not have asked for more from them. It was lovely to hear comments from the Kingswood staff about how well our pupils represented our school.
Passport to Success
It has been an exciting yet busy start to 2023 for Passport to Success. We have been hosting a variety of inspiring activities and workshops this term including the continuation of our 9 E’s Excellence Plan in collaboration with international motivational speaker Zoe Bennett. This programme is currently being delivered at school every Tuesday, 2:15 – 3:15pm.
Through our workshops, we will continue to support families to create the solid foundations for positive growth and mindset development while also facilitating students’ learning through the building of valuable knowledge and skills in our Friday Enrichment programme.
By attending our events and workshops, families can collect stamps for their Passport to Success Family booklet, where they can join us for family day trips out. After half term, you can start to earn stamps in your passport for attending our 9 E’s Programme, taking part in our World Book Day Family Quiz on Monday 6th March, and for participating in the schools Easter Bonnet Parade.
Due to popular demand, we will be running enrichment activities during Easter half term. Please note that there will be a small charge if you would like your child to attend and numbers will be limited.
For more information or to sign up for Passport to Success, contact our Family Enrichment Manager Mr Donaldson at
Young Voices
We had a very exciting start to the half term as the STP Choir ventured to Resorts World Arena to perform as part of the Young Voices Choir! After weeks of rehearsals, some of our Year 3 and 4 students joined with other schools from around the country to perform in the largest school choir in the world. The children enjoyed singing a range of songs alongside professional dancers and musicians including Heather Small and we were delighted to see so many family members enjoying the show too! Well done to all the children involved – we are already looking forward to next year’s concert!
Chinese New Year
At STP we try to share in the celebrations and festivities of our whole school community and this term we enjoyed finding out more about Chinese New Year. Pupils learnt about the history and traditions of the festival in classes and assemblies. Alongside this, Mr Harrington created an enchanting immersive experience with fireworks and lantern lighting, whilst our kitchen staff cooked some traditional dishes for children to enjoy.
Shireland Technology Primary Celebrates Win for Forestry Project with Asda Foundation
Shireland Technology Primary celebrated a fantastic win in the Asda Foundation Green Token Giving competition, having been awarded a £500 prize!
The funds are being used to establish the forest school which we hope will be launched in the Summer and will provide our pupils with a unique and enriching learning environment, where they can explore nature, learn about the natural world and develop valuable outdoor skills.
Mental Health Awareness Week
This term we have combined mental health awareness alongside online safety. We have focused on how being online can impact on your emotions, the need to balance screen time and discussing the risks of sharing information online. The children also practiced some mindfulness with Yoga and breathing techniques.
Safer Internet Week
At STP we think teaching our children about the online world and how to stay safe in it is vital.
Safer Internet Day took place on Tuesday 7th February. This year’s theme was ‘Want to talk about it?’ Our pupils discussed their likes and dislikes about the online world and thought carefully about how to keep themselves safe online. Pupils in Year Three also took part in a national online lesson led by the BBC.
We also welcomed two Police Community Support Officers into school. They held an online safety workshop for families and led an assembly for pupils.
Because we think online safety is so important, we also spent much of the final week of term focussing on it. Children in the Early Years looked at on online behaviours and created simple digital safety rules. In Key Stage One the focus was on what a digital footprint was and the benefits and risks of sharing online. Health, wellbeing and managing screen time were hot-topics of discussion in Year 3 and 4.
There were lots of hints, tips and advice for talking to children about the online world shared on Class Dojo this half term. If you would like any further advice, please don’t hesitate to get in touch with the school.
My Cultural Journey
Children are continuing to complete activities in My Cultural Journey portfolio. There is one for Key Stage One, Lower Key Stage Two and coming soon one for Early Years.
There are 50 activities that children need to record their experiences outside of school in their portfolio. This could include a photo, memento, or reflection. On completion of 25 activities, your child will be eligible for a Bronze or even Silver Award.
Teachers are looking for quality work so that they can give out more certificates and we are looking forward to celebrating their participation and experiences in a special assembly at the end of the Spring term.
Pupil Forum Update:
The Pupil Forum met with Mr Collins this half term to discuss issues that are important to them. The meeting was very positive and the pupils had some excellent ideas about how to improve aspects of our school. They were all very passionate about STP doing our bit to tackle the climate crisis. So far the Pupil Forum has led the charge in reducing single use plastics in school and now they have turned their attention to energy waste.
The Pupil Forum set a competition to design a poster promoting the importance of switching off lights when they’re not in use. Each class chose a winning entry with the winning posters printed and put up next to all of our light switches. Well done to all pupils that took part! Here are some that were created by our pupils using Canva.
Family Forum Update:
Our Family Forum this term was hosted by Mr Donaldson and Miss Perry. The key actions raised by those there were about online safety at home and advice for families; having more Cross Trust school competitions and quizzes online and clearer messages and consistency about homework.
Family Forum is a chance for families to come along and let us know what we can do to improve things even more at school.
Our final Family Forum of the year will be on Wednesday 17th May 2023 at 5.30pm (allowing those that work to attend) and hosted by Mrs Keeler and Mr Collins and will focus on Internet Safety at home and how you can ensure your child is safe online.
Inspire Workshops - Kinetic Letters
Our Kinetic Letters workshop hosted by Mrs Banister gave parents the insight to our successful handwriting programme. Handwriting is a physical skill that requires children to develop and refine the fine motor control to manipulate a pencil. This is an important pre-requisite for learning to write and to eventually be able to write legibly. The workshop allowed parents to ask questions and to learn from a range of hints and tips to help their child with writing at home.
Ministerial Visit
On Friday 10th February we had a very special visit from a senior Government Education Minister responsible for the School and College System. Baroness Barran came to the Midlands to chair a meeting with Headteachers from across the West Midlands region to discuss school improvement post Covid and chose our school as the place for the meeting. She looked around our school and popped into classes. It was also her birthday and she was treated to a special birthday song from our Nursery children. She was very impressed with the behaviour and attitudes of all our children and said that we had a “very impressive school”.
Next Term; Spring 2
World Book Day / Quiz
This year we are celebrating World Book Day 2023 with a special Cross Trust Online Family Quiz. Families at the last Family Forums have asked for more competitions across our primary schools and so teachers from across the schools have been working on organising this chance for pupils to compete against each and find out which school has the ‘best bookworms’. There are some great prizes on offer.
Organised and hosted by Ms Satti, a senior leader from Wallbrook Primary (another of our Trust primaries), passionate about reading and books and the wonderful Mr Donaldson the Online Trust Book Quiz will be held after half term on the evening of Monday 6th March at 5:30pm.
Ms Satti has also been able to invite some real children’s authors to be part of the event.
Mother’s Day Delight in EYFS
EYFS Moms have a treat in store on in March for this year’s special Mother’s Day Delight. Look out in our next update for details.
Easter 2023
We will be holding our Easter Bonnet Parade for Early Years and Key Stage One and our Easter Egg Diorama Decorating Competition for Key Stage Two in the final week before we break up. In celebration of the Coronation of King Charles III later this year, the theme will be a Royal Celebration.