In this Edition:
- Message from Pastor Kris
- How to Connect with Us
- Ministry Ideas & Feedback Invitation
- Join Community
- Ministry Highlights
- Missions & Prayer
- Volunteer Opportunities
- Bible Reading Plan
- Giving & Financial Update
- Upcoming Events
Message from Pastor Kris
Summer is here, and I hope you're making the most of it! For the Browning family, we've made it through baseball season and Beulah on the Road, but I know there is a lot more to come. If you haven't yet, check out our upcoming events (especially for kids, youth, and families) at If you're looking for a place to start, we have a few I'm especially excited about:
Friday night worship, led by the youth worship band on Friday, August 4 at 7pm in the Activity Center. You'll want to be a part of the amazing night of worship, and I hope you'll come out to celebrate our living God alongside these outstanding young people!
Our "Connected Women" event on Saturday, August 5 at 7pm. While I won't be attending personally, I'm excited for this opportunity for our women to connect and grow together in community.
Blessing of the Backpacks on Sunday, August 13 during our Sunday morning services. If you've been a part of Shawnee Alliance for at least a year, you know this is one of the most special Sundays on the calendar! Join us as we give away over 100 backpacks full of school supplies to community families. That afternoon, join us for Baptisms & Church Picnic at Martin's Pond.
I look forward to celebrating all that God is doing in our community alongside you!
God is doing big things in our community! Your generosity in giving to Shawnee Alliance continues to make Kingdom impact. There are so many ways to partner with our ministries, from Eagle Scout Projects to supporting missions in our community and around the world, thank you for cheerfully being part of Transforming Lives!
Building a community of faith... Leading people to become fully transformed followers of Jesus Christ.
New to Shawnee Alliance or have updated information?
Would you like to know more about the church, submit a prayer request or connect with a pastor? Or maybe you'd like to find out about upcoming groups and events or let us know of a change in contact information? Let us know by filling out a connect card below! We would love to hear from you!
How to Connect With Us
As you're continually called into God's presence, please be reminded of the community we have here. We invite you to reach out and connect with us.
Our website has a brand new look! Come click around and see all our updates.
Join Community
Life Transformation happens through discipleship, serving, and making connections with others. Below are some opportunities to join community throughout the week and month!
YouVersion Bible App
Join your church family on YouVersion! Download the app below and search for Shawnee Alliance, set as your home church, and connect with others through our weekly devotionals.
As we walk through each week, watch for updates on social media and in the YouVersion app for new plans! Join in our newest plan below:
Connect with others! Join a Group!
For more details, please see below or visit If you are interested in leading or hosting a small group, please contact Pastor Brian at
New & Updated Groups
"God Is..." Bible Study
It’s important to have a healthy view of God—one that is based not on your feelings or opinions. Your beliefs about God influence how you live, how you view yourself and others, and even how you respond to life’s trials. Your understanding about God also affects your relationship with Him and should be based on the truth of the Bible. The "God Is..." Bible study meets on Sundays, 10:45am-noon until August 6 in East Campus Rooms B-C. It just began on July 9 and is facilitated by Brad Reeder. We hope you'll join us!
Wednesday Night Groups
Join us on Wednesdays from 6:30-8pm beginning August 30 for groups for Adults, Kids & Youth! High schoolers are encouraged to attend adult groups or volunteer in Kids & Youth Ministries or Worship & Tech Team. Whether you’re new to Shawnee Alliance or have been here a long time, getting involved in a group is a great way to join community and deepen your faith! Click here to view all groups or click on a specific group below to learn more:
- Women (and Men) of the Word - East Campus Sanctuary
- Living by the Book - Avenue56 Room F
- Faith Track - Room A (meets 4 weeks, Aug 30-Sept 20)
- Bible Institute - Rooms B-C
- "Fervent" Women's Group - Prayer Room E
- "Iron Sharpens Iron" Men's Group - Boy Scout Room L
- Divorce Care - Conference Room H
- Grief Share - Hopeshakers Youth Room D (begins Sept 6; Thursdays also available)
- Ruthless Elimination of Hurry - Room A (begins Sept 27 after Faith Track)
Interested in Volunteering during Wednesday Activity Nights?
Ongoing Weekly Groups
- Sunday Partners in Prayer Team - Sunday during 9:30 or 11:00am services
- Life in the Spirit - Sundays from 9:30-10:45am
- "God Is..." Bible Study - Sundays from 10:45am-noon, July 9-Aug 6
- Pickleball - Sundays from 3-6 pm
- Aerobic Walking Exercise Class - Monday-Friday from 8-9am
- Retired Men's Prayer Group - Mondays from 9-10:30am
- SonRise Seekers Women's Bible Study - Tuesdays from 6:30-8am
- Gingersnaps - Tuesdays from 9-11am
- Tuesday Open Gym Volleyball - Tuesdays 6-10pm beginning Aug 1 (7-11pm July 25)
- Moms in Prayer - Fridays, Sept 1-June 7 from 8:30-9:30am
- Stamp Ministry - 2nd Saturdays September-May from 9am-12pm
Ongoing Monthly Groups
- Sunday Partners in Prayer Team - Sundays at 8:20am or 8:45am
- Keenagers - 2nd Tuesdays at 11:30am
- Sewing Group - meets 2nd & 4th Mondays from 9am-2pm
Don't see a group you'd like to attend? Contact Pastor Brian at if you're interested in leading your own!
Boy Scouts at Shawnee Alliance
Shawnee Alliance Scout Troop 777 is very active. We usually have an activity or campout at least once a month, and we participate in at least one service project per quarter. We have helped this past year with several projects in our community, such as the Ottawa River cleanup and Adopt-A-Highway, as well as some Eagle projects including placing benches along Blue Jacket Court in Shawnee and on Bresler Reservoir, and helping to restore a bridge and education trail at Maplewood Intermediate School.
Scouts in our troop love the adventures/challenges we offer! Our crews have enjoyed scuba diving at Sea Base in the Florida Keys, hiking in the New Mexico Rockies, Polar bear camping, summer camp, and other various campouts including National Youth Leadership training camps. Our scouts get the opportunity to gain valuable leadership skills, community service, outdoor skills, and overcome challenges and adversity at all levels of their scouting careers. They also get the chance to experience unique programs through merit badges such as aviation, welding, leatherwork, first aid, lifesaving, and citizenship. It's really a one-of-a-kind experience, and we are blessed to have such a well-run and established troop.
Wyatt Mallett's Eagle Project
Wyatt Mallett's Eagle Project is to improve the look of the South entrance the Shawnee Alliance Activity Center. He desires to enhance an increasingly-used entrance of the church and make it more welcoming to visitors. He is working on:
- removing old, high maintenance plants and replacing with new, hearty, low maintenance plants/bushes
- replacing old mulch with new stone
- placing a welcome sign by the entrance with the new church design
The cost is estimated at $2,500. If you would like to donate to Wyatt's expenses, please click below and select "Eagle Scout Project - Troup 777". Thank you for your generosity!
Missions & Prayer
Here at Shawnee Alliance, we have multiple opportunities to support missions. We strive to build HIS kingdom here, and we won’t stop until the job is done!
God doesn't call the equipped. He equips the called.
If you have any questions about Missions, please contact Jessica at
Praying Missional Prayers
As Christ followers, we are called to "go and make disciples of all nations" (Matt. 28:19). This is known as the Great Commission - Jesus' directive to His followers shortly before returning to heaven after the resurrection. Not all of us will go to all the nations, but we can develop ways to support those who do, as we work together to fulfill the Great Commission.
Prayer is a vital part of any venture into the mission field. In November, a team from Shawnee Alliance will head to Guinea, West Africa to serve alongside Alliance international workers serving in country. Pray for them as they prepare documents, flights, and plan activities for in country.
We have several workers, from both The Alliance and other organizations, that we have partnered with for many years. Find out more about their stories and how YOU can pray for them and support their Great Commission work here on our Missions page.
There are dozens of sites around the world where Alliance workers live and serve, and our prayers can help break down strongholds in the cities where they serve! Find out more here.
Current Volunteer Opportunities
There are many opportunities to get more involved by serving together! Check out the list of volunteer opportunities below! Fill out a volunteer form or a connect card and our staff would be glad to connect you in serving at Shawnee Alliance or in our community in a way that uses your gifts, talents and passions!
Blessing of the Backpacks
FREE backpacks will be given out on Sunday, August 13 during the 9:30 and 11:00 a.m. church services at the West Campus Activity Center!
If you'd like to help us fill 100 backpacks with school supplies, please donate in the church lobbies between July 23-August 10. You can view the list of needed supplies at or pick up a flyer in the church lobbies. Thank you!
5th Quarter
5th Quarter is free fun, games, and pizza for students in grades 5-8 after Shawnee home football games on Aug 17 & 25, Sept 8 & 22, and Oct 6. Due to the massive turnout of students, volunteers are always needed! If you're interested in helping with check-ins, food and drinks, cleanup or to monitor indoor and outdoor activities, please register for as many dates as you'd like! Volunteers are requested from 8:30-11:30pm. If you have any questions, please contact Pastor Josh at
Community Opportunities
Christmas in July: The Salvation Army
Ring the Bell
Looking for a way to help others this summer? Volunteer to ring the bell during The Salvation Army's "Christmas in July" campaign. Opportunities run from July 10-29, Mondays-Saturdays from 11am-7pm. You can volunteer as an individual or as a group! They request volunteers commit to at least 2 hour time-slots and call a few days ahead of the desired volunteer date. To get involved, or for more information on kettle locations, times, and available dates, please call 419-224-9055 x.211.
Christmas Assistance
The Salvation Army's "Angel Tree" program helps provide Christmas gifts for hundreds of thousands of children around the country each year. Once a child or senior adult has been registered and accepted as an Angel, their Christmas wish list is shared with donors in your community who purchase gifts of new clothing and toys. The gifts are distributed to the family to place under their family's Christmas tree. If you or someone you know is in need of assistance this Christmas season, please fill out an application with The Salvation Army at between July 10-October 7, or sign up in person at The Salvation Army October 3-5. If you have any questions, please call 419-224-9055 x. 216
Upcoming Opportunities
Trunk-N-Treat is our largest community outreach. The fun happens on October 25! If you'd like to be a part of blessing thousands of our neighbors, please register by October 22 to decorate a trunk, be a candy runner, help with parking, be on the clean up crew, or help with bounce house supervision. We will also be accepting candy donations and monetary donations for candy closer to the event. Thank you!
Ongoing Opportunities
- LifeWise Shawnee - Bible-based education for elementary students during the school day
- Worship & Tech Teams - Lead the congregation into worship through singing, playing instruments, or running sound, projection, lighting or cameras
- Kids & Youth Ministries - Help with Birth-12th grade ministries and events
- Hands-On Ministry - Help people with driving, cleaning, small repairs and projects, etc
- Prayer Team
- Go on a Mission Trip
- Our Daily Bread Soup Kitchen - serve lunch to the community
- Hospitality Team - make coffee, greet people, usher or drive the shuttle
Remember, you can reach out to our staff at any time by filling out a connect card at the bottom of our website!
Bible Reading Plan
Bring transformation to your life by reading your Bible! You will get to know Jesus on a deeper level and learn wisdom for your everyday choices.
You can find a free Bible in any of our church lobbies. Please feel free to take one when you're with us at church on Sunday or download the YouVersion app on your phone.
Use this simple SOAP format to guide your interaction with God's Word:
- Scripture. Take your time reading each chapter and allow God to speak to you.
- Observation. What do you see God doing in the Scripture? What is God saying to you?
- Application. Ask yourself how you can apply this to your life right now.
- Prayer. Communicate with God and ask Him to help you apply this to your life.
Try adding a chapter from Proverbs every day to the below plan! This list is also posted every Sunday on our Facebook page.
- Thursday, July 20 - Luke 4
- Friday, July 21 - luke 10
- Saturday, July 22 - Ephesians 6
- Sunday, July 23 - James 4:7-11
- Monday, July 24 - John 14
- Tuesday, July 25 - Hebrews 6
- Wednesday, July 26 - Romans 15
- Thursday, July 27 - Ephesians 5
- Friday, July 28 - John 15
- Saturday, July 29 - Psalm 90
- Sunday, July 30 - James 4:13-17
- Monday, July 31 - Proverbs 16
- Tuesday, August 1 - 2 Timothy 4
- Wednesday, August 2 - Galatians 6
- Thursday, August 3 - Colossians 3
- Friday, August 4 - Proverbs 14
- Saturday, August 5 - Psalm 27
- Sunday, August 6 - James 5:7-12
- Monday, August 7 - Ephesians 4
- Tuesday, August 8 - Romans 12
- Wednesday, August 9 - 1 Corinthians 7
- Thursday, August 10 - Jeremiah 29
- Friday, August 11 - Colossians 3
- Saturday, August 12 - 2 Thessalonians 1
- Sunday, August 13 - Philippians 3
- Monday, August 14 - 1 Corinthians 12
- Tuesday, August 15 - Colossians 1
- Wednesday, August 16 - Ephesians 2
- Thursday, August 17 - Matthew 28
- Friday, August 18 - 1 Timothy 3
- Saturday, August 19 - Ephesians 1
- Sunday, August 20 - Acts 2
- Monday, August 21 - Hebrews 10
- Tuesday, August 22 - Psalm 133
- Wednesday, August 23 - Romans 15
- Thursday, August 24 - Philippians 2
- Friday, August 25 - 1 Corinthians 3
- Saturday, August 26 - 2 Timothy 1
- Sunday, August 27 - 1 Thessalonians 5
- Monday, August 28 - Proverbs 19
- Tuesday, August 29 - 1 Peter 1
- Wednesday, August 30 - 1 Peter 2
- Thursday, August 31 - Matthew 6
- Friday, September 1 - 1 Corinthians 6
- Saturday, September 2 - Matthew 16
- Sunday, September 3 - Psalm 103
Thank you for giving to the ministries of Shawnee Alliance Church. Through your generosity and faithfulness, we continue to see life transformation happen in our church, community, and around the world!
Ways to Give
- Online at
- Church Center App - download today
- In Person - place check or cash in offering box after Sunday services
Giving Opportunities
When the Lord has blessed you and you want to give over and above your regular giving, here are some of the ways you can invest in the church and the community:
- LifeWise - bring Jesus to Shawnee Schools!
- Missions - bring Jesus to the world!
- Building Fund - help us expand our ministries!
Wyatt Mallett's Eagle Scout Project
Wyatt Mallett's Eagle Project is to improve the look of the South entrance the Shawnee Alliance Activity Center. He desires to enhance an increasingly-used entrance of the church and make it more welcoming to visitors. The cost is estimated at $2,500. If you would like to donate to Wyatt's expenses, please click below and select "Eagle Scout Project - Troup 777". Thank you for your generosity!
Thank you for your generosity and partnership with our ongoing ministries!
Upcoming Events
Our Daily Bread Volunteer Thursday - July 20 at 11am
Students Summer Pool Day - July 20 at 11am
Windows for Water - July 23 (pick up your envelope on July 16)
Our Daily Bread Volunteer Tuesday - July 25 at 11am
Beulah Beach Ladies Day (part of the Bible & Missionary Conference) - July 26 at 2pm
Upward Volleyball Sunday - July 30 at 9:30 & 11am in the Activity Center
Young Adults, "Ask the Pastor" - July 30 from 2-3:30pm
Student Summer Pool Day - August 3 at 11am
Nightlight Worship led by the Youth Worship Team - August 4 at 7pm
Connected Women - August 5 from 7-8:30pm
Keenager Luncheon - August 8 at 11:30am
Blessing of the Backpacks - August 13 at 9:30 & 11am services
Baptism & Church Picnic - August 13 at 3pm at Martin's Pond
Shawnee Youth Sports Community Night - August 16 from 6-9pm
Our Daily Bread Volunteer Thursday - August 17 at 11am
5th Quarter - August 17 following the Shawnee Home Football Game
Our Daily Bread Volunteer Tuesday - August 22 at 11am
5th Quarter - August 25 following the Shawnee Home Football Game
Windows for Water - August 27 (pick up your envelope on August 20)
Wednesday Night Groups begin - August 30 at 6:30pm
Fight Club Kick-off - September 1 from 10pm-12am
Labor Day - September 4 (Office Closed)
5th Quarter - September 8 following the Shawnee Home Football Game
Keenagers Luncheon - September 12 at 11:30am
Pastor's Dessert - September 17 at 6:30pm (register by September 10)
5th Quarter - September 22 following the Shawnee Home Football Game
5th Quarter - October 6 following the Shawnee Home Football Game
Trunk-N-Treat - October 25 at 6:30pm
Community Events
The Salvation Army's Christmas in July - July 10-29, 2023
Rally Point River Ride - July 29 at various times
Shawnee Youth Sports Community Event - August 16 from 6-9pm
Thank you for reading this edition of the Shawnee Alliance SnapShot! Please visit to view previous editions of this newsletter, watch sermons and testimony videos with links to our YouTube channel, and check out our Tuesday Talks with Shawnee Alliance podcast!