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A Message from the Directors
June 2023
Dear CRRES Friends and Colleagues,
We write to you at the end of our first year in leadership roles at CRRES. We want to thank all staff, faculty and student affiliates who supported us through this transition.
Despite still living under pandemic conditions, we decided to return to an in-person format for our programming but with preparations to adjust if needed. Attendance suggested we were ready to gather in community once again. CRRES upheld our tradition of robust programming and campus engagement through a Speaker Series which largely focused on highlighting the work of IU postdoctoral fellows and faculty such as Aleshia Barajas, Eunice Lee, and Juan Mora; monthly Coffee Hours; and a Research Symposium, which featured IU faculty, Dr. Elena Guzman (Anthropology and African American and African Diaspora Studies) and outside speaker, Dr. Jillian Hernandez (University of Florida). Overall, the symposium showcased the incredible research done by student researchers and faculty participating in the CRRES Undergraduate Research Program.
At the start of the spring semester, we were once again reminded that minoritized communities in the United States cannot live in peace and without threat of racist violence. Unfortunately, that violence hit our own Bloomington community. We were saddened to hear about an 18-year-old Asian student stabbed as she was exiting a public bus. As a response, we participated in town hall listening sessions and co-sponsored a bystander training workshop hosted by the Asian Culture Center. We encourage you to keep advocating and supporting all our culture centers on campus, as they clearly provide critical services to students, faculty, and staff during times of crisis.
As anti-CRT and “anti-woke” legislation is passed in states across the nation, CRRES is vigilant of similar laws passing through Indiana legislative bodies. Despite these threats, CRRES scholars remain steadfast in their commitments to study race and ethnicity. Our affiliates participated in a range of service activities to educate the university community and larger public about histories and experiences of race and racism, from curating an exhibit acknowledging acts of lynching in the state of Indiana, hosting a symposium on labor and migration, and hosting prominent race/ethnicity scholars from all disciplines. Finally, demonstrating the strength of our research community, several CRRES affiliates secured funding for research projects from organizations such as the National Science Foundation, Alfred P. Sloan Foundation, Mellon Foundation, and Russell Sage Foundation.
This year, we celebrated our 5th year as a campus-wide center under the IU Office of the Vice Provost for Research, now called IU Research. CRRES continues to be a vibrant space, now with more than 60 faculty affiliates, 5 postdoctoral scholars, and over 30 graduate student affiliates from departments and schools across campus. The Postdoctoral Scholars Program also remains a key part of the Center, as CRRES provides an interdisciplinary environment that centers new scholarship on race and ethnicity and dedicated mentorship to a new generation of scholars. We invite you to read this newsletter for a snapshot of what the Center and our affiliates have accomplished this year.
Working to fulfill the mission of CRRES over the last year has been a rewarding experience and we look forward to amplifying research on race and ethnicity, building interdisciplinary networks and community, and serving as a research resource—all with an eye toward racial justice and social change.
Sylvia Martinez, CRRES Director
Sonia Lee, CRRES Associate Director
Our Speaker Series, in collaboration with other university departments and centers, invites scholars and artists to present their work in a lively public forum. These events contribute to IUB's intellectual climate and relevant campus conversations on race and ethnicity.
Fall Speakers
Dr. Aleshia Barajas
CRRES Postdoctoral Scholar, Department of American Studies, Indiana University
"An Extraordinary Ride to the Other Side: Border Fantasies and Fuckeries in the Context of Sanctioned Crossings"
At our first Speaker Series talk of the year, CRRES Postdoctoral Scholar Aleshia Barajas shared her research on US-Mexico border crossings. Drawing on four years of ethnographic field-work, Barajas discusses the fantasies that Mexican nationals ascribe onto sanctioned travel into the US, and breaks down the meaning-making processes that enable borders to shape status and class standing, the social value of items and places, and even identities.
Dr. Juan Mora
CRRES Postdoctoral Scholar, Department of History, Indiana University
"Managing the Migration: Latino Intermediaries and the Expansion of United States Migratory Labor after World War I"
The next month we heard from CRRES Postdoctoral Scholar Juan Mora, who discussed a segment of his book project on Mexican laborers in the Midwest. Focusing on the case of Latino intermediaries, who supervised bracero workers, Mora documents the tensions between intermediaries and crew members, a hierarchy that complicated the racial positionality of Latino intermediaries.
Spring Speakers
Dr. Eunice Lee
Assistant Professor, Department of American Studies, Indiana University
"The Standard Man and a Nuclear Family: Dosimetry, Racialized Irradiation and the Human"
We kicked off our spring Speaker Series with a talk from new IU faculty member Eunice Lee. In this talk, Lee juxtaposed the concept of the "standard man," a fictional standard developed by the ICPR (International Commission on Radiological Protection) for the purposes of radiation dosimetry, with poet April Naoko Heck’s A Nuclear Family, which explores the lasting impact of atomic bombs across generations, including beyond the hibakusha populations, or those with first-hand experiences with the bombs. Tying together the history of the science of radiation dosimetry with metaphorical digestions of atomic bombs, this talk offered a poetic exploration of the racialized violence of atomic bomb detonations.
Dr. Elena Guzman
Assistant Professor, Departments of African American and African Diaspora Studies and Anthropology, Indiana University
"The Poetics of Afro-Caribbean Ritual Filmmaking: Building a Multisensorial Theory of the Flesh"
Dr. Elena Guzman was one of two keynote speakers at this year's CRRES Research Symposium. As our internal keynote, Guzman discussed ritual filmmaking conducted based on Afro-Caribbean traditions. This talk centered on her new film, Smile 4 Kime, which explores themes of friendship, joy, grief, and mental health.
Dr. Jillian Hernandez
Associate Professor, Center for Gender, Sexualities, and Women's Studies Research, University of Florida
"Full Set: Racialized Femininity, Manicured Hands, and High Maintenance Feminism"
Our second, external keynote speaker in the 2023 CRRES Research Symposium was Dr. Jillian Hernandez. Drawing on elements of popular culture, protest art, and contemporary arts, Hernandez discussed how nails act as an aesthetic that led her to the development of the concept "high maintenance feminism." Elaborate nails on brown-skinned hands have become a recent feminist icon, one which requires collective relations and care for their maintenance, and the potential for a radical, non-conventional feminism.
Throughout the year, CRRES collaborates with several units across campus, facilitating interdisciplinary spaces and intellectual exchange with nationally acclaimed scholars.
The CRRES Undergraduate Research Program (URP) provides undergraduates with the opportunity to conduct research related to race and ethnicity under the mentorship of a faculty member. Research experiences include coding texts and visual media, examining archival documents, analyzing datasets, and preparing experimental and audit studies. Throughout the semester, students attend professional development workshops and their work culminates in a poster presentation at the CRRES Research Symposium.
This year, the CRRES Research Symposium featured an internal and external keynote speaker, graduate student research panels, and Undergraduate Research Program poster presentations.
The symposium kicked off on Thursday, April 13th, with our first keynote from Dr. Elena Guzman (African American and African Diaspora Studies and Anthropology, Indiana University Bloomington), who gave a symposium keynote titled "The Poetics of Afro-Caribbean Ritual Filmmaking: Building a Multisensorial Theory of the Flesh."
On Friday, April 15th, we started the day with interdisciplinary graduate student research panels, moderated by CRRES friends and affiliates. Graduate student presenters represented a range of IU schools and departments, including American Studies, Anthropology, French and Italian, the Jacobs School of Music, the School of Education, the School of Public Health, Religious Studies, and Sociology.
Our external keynote speaker, Dr. Jillian Hernandez (Center for Gender, Sexualities, and Women's Studies Research; University of Florida) then presented her talk titled "Full Set: Racialized Femininity, Manicured Hands, and High Maintenance Feminism."
At an afternoon poster session, participants in the Undergraduate Research Program shared findings from the research they conducted throughout the year. Their projects covered a diverse array of topics, from historical analysis of the U.S. Latinx electorate, to focus group research on mental health for undergraduates of color.
Undergraduate Student Poster Presentations
Shazia Akhtar (with mentor Dr. Vivek Vellanki), "Passport Photo Project"
Trinity Barnes (with mentor Dr. Dorianne Green), "Cross Gender Interracial Interactions"
Jahlea Douglas (with mentor Dr. James E. Brooks), "How Race Matters: Decoding Its Impact on Interracial Relationships"
Wisdom Ibikunle (with mentor Dr. Tennisha Riley) "Minding the mental health care gap: An examination of how undergraduate students of color perceive mental health care services"
Mofe Koya (with mentor Dr. Clark Barwick) "The Legacy of a Black Woman: Remembering Gwendolyn Brooks, A Conversation with Nora Brooks Blakely"
Bella Melrose (with mentor Dr. Alberto Ortega), "A Strange Correlation: A Possible Answer to the Origins of the Opioid Crisis"
Poorabi Nanda (with mentor Dr. Vanessa Cruz Nichols), "The Latinx Electorate: A cross-national historical analysis"
Each year, CRRES provides funding to support faculty and graduate student research. This funding helps scholars across campus develop their research agendas and progress in their theses and dissertations.
Congratulations to all recipients!
Graduate Student Research Grants
Fall 2022
- Jasmine Davis-Randolph (Sociology), “The Legal Fallacy of Discrimination: An Examination of the Impact of Workplace Appearance Policies on Organizational Leaders”
- Justin Hawkins (History), "Reveling in Conflagrations: Arson and Race in America from Revolution to Reconstruction"
- Jessica Moore (Art History), "What and Where Is Black Feminist Art History?"
- Bruna Kalil Othero Fernandes (Spanish & Portuguese), "A Black Poet Away From Home: Domingos Caldas Barbosa and his Contemporaries in Brazil’s XVIII Century"
- Sasha Weiss (American Studies) "Cancer is Colonial: The Intersections of Indigeneity, Genetics, Genocide and Hereditary Cancer Syndromes"
Spring 2023
- Jonathan Aker (Political Science), "Developing a Measure of Anti-Racist Attitudes"
- Jonathan Kang (Counseling Psychology), "Development and Validation of the White Innocence Legitimizing Beliefs Scale"
- Casey Johnson (African American and African Diaspora Studies), "The Thing Worse than Rebellion is the Thing That Causes Rebellion: Conditions of Black Liberation from 1800-1865 in Toronto and Montreal, Canada"
- Jeff Moscaritolo (American Studies), "Floating Anchor: Kinetics, Chaos, and World-Making in Competitive West Coast Swing"
- Sydney-Paige Patterson (History), "Towards a Radical Re-invention of the Human: Women in the Black and Dalit Panther Parties"
- Sean Purcell (Media School), "The Tuberculosis Specimen Dissertation Platform"
Faculty Research Grants
- James Brooks (Counseling and Educational Psychology), "Racial-ethnic Worldview: Advances in Understanding Relational Well-being and Health Outcomes for Multiracial Families"
- Dina Okamoto (Sociology), "Asian American Narratives and Organizing for Change in the 21st Century"
- Oscar Patrón (Educational Leadership and Policy Studies), "Exploring Institutional Agents’ Leadership Approaches and Racial Justice Orientations: Supporting Black and Latinx Students in Higher Education"
Our CRRES Affiliates are highly accomplished scholars in their fields. Below we provide a brief snapshot of their publications, awards, and achievements.
Selected Publications
- Maria Hamilton Abegunde (African American and African Diaspora Studies, CRRES Faculty Affiliate) published “At the Faculty Party,” “After Chaos Priestess,” and “For Black Children Who Do Not Know the World Sees Them As Only Black” in Obsidian: Literature & Arts in the African Diaspora, and “I Chose to Stay Awake” in SO WE CAN KNOW: Writers of Color on Pregnancy, Loss, Abortion, and Birth (edited by Aracelis Girmay)
- Ani Abrahamyan (Slavic, CRRES Graduate Affiliate) published “Nikolai Leskov’s Kyiv Text” in Kul’turologichna dumka (The Culturology Ideas)
- Ishan Ashutosh (Geography, CRRES Faculty Affiliate) published “Frozen modernity: the US-India ice trade and the cultures of colonialism” in cultural geographies
- James Brooks (Counseling and Educational Psychology, CRRES Faculty Affiliate) published “Gendered Racial Socialization and Interracial Dating Attitudes Among Black Women” in the Journal of Black Sexuality and Relationships (with J.K. Jester) and “Stigma and relationship quality: The relevance of Racial-Ethnic Worldview in interracial relationships in the United States” in Front. Psychol. (with M. M. Morrison)
- Cara Caddoo (History, Media School, , CRRES Faculty Affiliate) published Spectatorship and The Black Press, Regeneration: Black Cinema 1898-1971 (Academy Museum of Motion Pictures and DelMonico Book DAP)
- Dasha Carver (Counseling and Educational Psychology, CRRES Graduate Affiliate) published “Couples with infertility and the desire to conceive: Examining the association between discrepancies in the desire to conceive and relationship and sexual satisfaction” in Sexual and Relationship Therapy (with Z. D. Peterson)
- Koji Chavez (Sociology, CRRES Faculty Affiliate) published “Gender and Racial Discrimination in Hiring Before and During the COVID-19 Pandemic: Evidence from a Field Experiment of Accountants, 2018-2020” in Work & Occupations (with Katherine Weisshaar and Tania Cabello-Hutt)
- Deborah Cohn (Spanish and Portuguese, CRRES Faculty Affiliate) published “‘In between propaganda and escapism’: William Faulkner as Cold War Cultural Ambassador” in Diplomatic History
- Irit Dekel (Germanic Studies and Jewish Studies, CRRES Faculty Affiliate) published “The Logic of the Fight against Antisemitism in Germany in Three Cultural Shifts” in Patterns of Prejudice (with Esra Özyürek) and “Philosemitism in Contemporary German Media” in Media, Culture & Society
- Brad Fulton (O'Neill School, CRRES Faculty Affiliate) published “Sustaining the Grassroots: How Community Organizations Mitigate the Downsides of Collaborating with Unions” in Journal of Urban Affairs (with Marc Doussard) and “Observing Civic Engagement: Using Systematic Social Observation to Study Civil Society Organization Convenings” in Voluntas (with Matthew Baggetta)
- Dorainne Green (Psychological and Brain Sciences, CRRES Faculty Affiliate) published “Climate change and health equity: A research agenda for psychological science” in American Psychologist (with Pearson, A. R., White, K. E., Nogueira, L. M., Lewis Jr, N. A., Schuldt, J. P., & Edmondson, D.) and “White fragility: An emotion regulation perspective” in American Psychologist (with Ford, B. Q., Gross, J. J.)
- David Konisky (O'Neill School, CRRES Faculty Affiliate) published “I Earned the Right to Build the Next American Car”: How American Auto Workers Confront the Shift to Electric Vehicles” in Energy Research & Social Science (with Jennifer Silva and Sanya Carley) and “Personal Attributes and (Mis)perception of Environmental Risk” in Review of Policy Research (with Zhengyan Li)
- Jennifer C. Lee (Sociology, CRRES Faculty Affiliate) published “Shadow Education, Pandemic Style: Social Class, Race, and Supplemental Education during COVID-19” in Research in Social Stratification and Mobility (with Natasha Quadlin and Denise Ambriz) and “Inequality in College Enrollment and Degree Attainment During and After the Great Recession” in Socius, (with Joshua Klugman and Genesis Arteta)
- Alex Lichtenstein (American Studies, History, CRRES Faculty Affiliate) published “Passage to Africa,” a review of Bill Freund: An Historian’s Passage to Africa, in The American Historical Review and “A Sharecropper’s Family” in Picturing Black History: Photographs and Stories that Shaped the World
- Michael T. Martin (Media School, CRRES Faculty Affiliate) published “That's the Difference, I Am Fully Engaged With Art: Renee Baker on the Practice of Scoring Silent Film and the Matter of 'Race Movies'” in Black Camera
- Walton Muyumba (English, CRRES Faculty Affiliate) published “The Rumba Archive” in Journal of Popular Music Studies and “Global Black Cinema’s Personalized Archive: Raoul Peck’s Exterminate All the Brutes” in Film Quarterly
- Vivian Nun Halloran (English, CRRES Faculty Affiliate) published Caribbean American Narratives of Belonging (Ohio State University Press) and “Professionalism and Gender Performance in the John Wickverse” in The Worlds of John Wick (edited by Caitlin G. Watt and Stephen Watt)
- Dina Okamoto (Sociology, CRRES Faculty Affiliate), Muna Adem (Sociology, CRRES Graduate Affiliate), and Melissa J. García (Sociology, CRRES Graduate Affiliate) published “Skin Tone and Mexicans’ Perceptions of Discrimination in New Immigrant Destinations” in Social Psychology Quarterly (with Helen B. Marrow and Linda R. Tropp)
- Alberto Ortega (O'Neill School, CRRES Faculty Affiliate) published “Immigrant English Proficiency, Children’s Educational Performance, and Parental Involvement” in Review of Economics of the Household (with Tyler Ludwig) and “Substance Use Disorders among Older Populations: What role does race and ethnicity play in treatment and completion?” in Journal of Substance Abuse Treatment (with Jevay Grooms)
- Radhika Parameswaran (Media School, CRRES Faculty Affiliate) published “Locating Cultural Studies: The Limits of Translation in Knowledge Production” in International Journal of Cultural Studies (with S. Mohan)
- Oscar Patrón (Educational Leadership and Policy Studies, CRRES Faculty Affiliate) published “It is ‘just as personal as it is academic’: Mobilizing an intersectional lens for the study of Latino men” in Journal of Diversity in Higher Education (with J. Burmicky) and “Theorizing intersectional r(ac)esilience through the lens of gay Latino collegians” in Equity & Excellence in Education
- Tennisha Riley (Counseling and Educational Psychology, CRRES Faculty Affiliate) published “Developmental considerations in a problematic ecology: The challenge of achieving equity and socially-just learning environments for African American adolescents with emotional and behavioral challenges” in Journal of Emotional and Behavioral Disorders (with Z.N. Serpell) and “Black emotions matter: Understanding the impact of racial oppression on Black youth’s emotional development: Dismantling systems of racism and oppression during adolescence” in Journal of Research on Adolescence (with Fantasy T. Lozada, Evandra Catherine, and Deon Brown)
- Fabio Rojas (Sociology, CRRES Faculty Affiliate) published “Black Lives Matter Protests Shift Discourse” in Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (with Zackary Okun Dunivin, Harry Yan, and Jelani Ince) and, with Muna Adem (Sociology, CRRES Graduate Affiliate) published “Black Protesters in a White Social Movement: Looking to the Anti–Iraq War Movement to Develop a Theory of Racialized Activism” in Socius (with Michael T. Heaney)
- Yael Rosenstock Gonzalez (School of Public Health, CRRES Graduate Affiliate) published “‘If their face starts turning purple, you’re probably doing something wrong’: Young men’s experiences with choking during sex” in Journal of Sex & Marital Therapy (with D. Herbenick, L. Guerra-Reyes, C. Patterson, C. Wagner, and N. O. O. Zounlome) and “Beyond the Boundaries: Exploring the Identity-Related Experiences of Biracial/Multiracial and Bisexual Adults” in Archives of Sexual Behavior (with D. Williams, E. Bartelt, B. Thomas, L. Guerra-Reyes, L. Carspecken, S. Klimek, and B. Dodge)
- Sam Smucker (Media School, CRRES Graduate Affiliate) published a review of “Representations of labor in cinema: Skvirsky's The Process Genre reveals that which was always there” in JumpCut
- Phoebe Wolfskill (African American and African Diaspora Studies, American Studies, CRRES Faculty Affiliate) published “Making Art about Art: Emma Amos’s Foundations in London” in Nka: Journal of Contemporary African Art
- Y. Joel Wong (Counseling and Educational Psychology, CRRES Faculty Affiliate) published “Please forgive me:” Asian and Pacific Islander Americans’ suicide notes in Asian American Journal of Psychology (with K. Deng and Y. Li) and “A two-way street: Immigrants’ mental health challenges, resilience, and contributions” in One Earth (with M. Shea)
- Cynthia Wu (Gender Studies, CRRES Faculty Affiliate) published “Asian Americans in the Novel of Late Capitalism: Samuel R. Delany’s The Mad Man and Kevin Kwan’s Crazy Rich Asians” in Oxford Handbook of Twentieth-Century American Literature (edited by Leslie Bow and Russ Castronovo)
Upcoming Postdoctoral Scholar Placements
- Aleshia Barajas, Indiana University Bloomington, Assistant Professor, Department of American Studies, 2023-24
- Chinbo Chong, Northeastern University, Assistant Professor, Political Science and Asian American Studies, 2023-24
- Min Joo Lee, Occidental College, Assistant Professor, Department of Asian Studies, 2023-24
- Juan Mora, Indiana University Bloomington, Assistant Professor, Department of History, 2023-24
Upcoming Visiting Scholar Placement
- Tina Irvine, Purdue University, Assistant Professor, History, 2023-24
Selected Awards and Honorss
- Maria Hamilton Abegunde (African American and African Diaspora Studies, CRRES Faculty Affiliate) received the Provost Mentor Award for Undergraduate Research and Creative Activity, Black Earth Institute Fellowship, and is Lead Artist in the Civic Imaginations Pilot granted by the American Library Association.
- Ani Abrahamyan (Slavic, CRRES Graduate Affiliate) received the American Council of Teachers of Russian Teaching Excellence Award for Graduate Student Instructors and Hamilton Lugar School Dean's Award for Distinguished Service as Lead Instructor
- Pamela Braboy Jackson (Sociology, CRRES Faculty Affiliate) was an Academic Leadership Program Fellow in the Big Ten Academic Alliance, IUB Graduation Speaker, and IU Southeast Preparing Future Faculty Keynote Speaker
- Dasha Carver (Counseling and Educational Psychology, CRRES Graduate Affiliate) received the IU Lieber Memorial Associate Instructor Award and IU School of Education Outstanding Associate Instructor Award
- Amrita Chakrabarti Myers (History, CRRES Faculty Affiliate) received the Bloomington Faculty Council Inclusive Excellence Award
- Deborah Cohn (Spanish and Portuguese, CRRES Faculty Affiliate) received a MIND Award for Impactful Teaching to students of Spanish, a Franklin Research Grant from the American Philosophical Society, and was named Roosevelt Visiting Professor at the Roosevelt Institute for American Studies for Spring 2024
- Vanessa Cruz Nichols (Political Science, CRRES Faculty Affiliate) won the IU Latine Faculty and Staff Council 2023 Emerging Scholar Award, a Ford Foundation Postdoctoral Fellowship, The Policy Academies Alumni Innovation Grant, and became a collaborator for an RSF-funded “American Voices Project”
- Irit Dekel (Germanic Studies and Jewish Studies, CRRES Faculty Affiliate) received the 2023 William H. Wiggins Faculty Award in Support of Teaching and Mentoring in AAADS
- Brad Fulton (O'Neill School, CRRES Faculty Affiliate) received an Indiana University Trustees Teaching Award, an Outstanding Article Award from the Aspen Institute, and an Excellence Award from Alteryx as a Best Example of Using Data for Good
- Dorainne Green (Psychological and Brain Sciences, CRRES Faculty Affiliate) became a Fellow for the American Psychological Association Minority Fellowship Program LEAP (Leadership and Education Advancement Program) for Diverse Scholars, and received NSF RCN, NSF Build and Broaden, and Institute of Education Sciences grants
- Faye Gleisser (Art History, CRRES Faculty Affiliate) received an Indiana University Trustees’ Teaching Award and was promoted to Associate Professor
- Valerie Grim (African American and African Diaspora Studies, CRRES Faculty Affiliate) had an award named in her honor by the Executive Committee of the Agricultural History Society; the Effland-Grim-Reid Award to recognize achievements in public engagement with agricultural history
- Monica Heilman (Sociology, CRRES Graduate Affiliate) won a PEO Scholar Award, IU Sociology Lindesmith-Mullins Fellowship, and a UGS President’s Diversity Dissertation Fellowship
- Wisdom Ibikunle (Chemistry, Sociology, Undergraduate Researcher) won the 2023 IU Provost’s Award for Undergraduate Research and Creative Activity (with mentor Tennisha Riley)
- Karen Inouye (American Studies, History, CRRES Faculty Affiliate) received an Institute for Advanced Study Residential Fellowship
- Mihee Kim-Kort (Religious Studies, CRRES Graduate Affiliate) received the Midwest AAR Conference Graduate Student Research Prize, Religion and Racial Justice: Expanding the Moral Imaginary Through Film grant, Sacred Writes Luce Cohort Fellowship, and Louisville Institute Dissertation Fellowship
- David Konisky (O’Neill School, CRRES Faculty Affiliate) won a World Citizen Prize in Environmental Performance from the Association for Public Policy Analysis and Management
- Jennifer C. Lee (Sociology, CRRES Faculty Affiliate) received an Indiana University Trustees’ Teaching Award
- Alex Lichtenstein (History, American Studies, CRRES Faculty Affiliate), Phoebe Wolfskill (African American and African Diaspora Studies, CRRES Faculty Affiliate) and Rasul Mowatt (former CRRES Faculty Affiliate in Geography) received a Lilly Foundation Award from Eli Lilly and Company and the Allen Whitehill Clowes Charitable Foundation, Inc. Grant for their exhibition “Unmasked: The Anti-Lynching Exhibits of 1935 and Methods of Public Community Remembrance”
- Jason McGraw (History, CRRES Faculty Affiliate) received a Visiting Fellowship, Eccles Centre for American Studies from the British Library
- Walton Muyumba (English, CRRES Faculty Affiliate) received a CAHI Residential Fellowship Award
- Poorabi Nanda (Political Science, History, Undergraduate Researcher) won a Wells Scholarship Award
- Tania Nasrollahi (Sociology, CRRES Graduate Affiliate) received a Robert Wood Johnson Foundation Health Policy Research Scholars Fellowship
- Alberto Ortega (O’Neill School, CRRES Faculty Affiliate) received an Emerging Poverty Scholars Fellowship from the Institute for Research on Poverty, University of Wisconsin and NBER Center on Aging and Health Research Pilot Award from the National Bureau of Economic Research
- Oscar Patrón (Educational Leadership and Policy Studies, CRRES Faculty Affiliate) received the Dr. James E. Mumford Excellence in Extraordinary Teaching Award and an American Association of Hispanics in Higher Education (AAHHE) Faculty Fellowship
- Gabriel Peoples (Gender, CRRES Faculty Affiliate) received a Ford Foundation Postdoctoral Fellowship, Indiana University Faculty Assistance in Data Science Grant, and Institute for Advance Study Bloomington Symposia Seed Grant
- Tennisha Riley (Counseling and Educational Psychology, CRRES Faculty Affiliate) was named 2023 Outstanding Junior Faculty by the Indiana University Office of the Vice Provost for Faculty & Academic Affairs and became a mentor for the Towards 2044: Horowitz Early Career Scholar Program at the Society for Research in Child Development
- Judith Rodriguez (African American and African Diaspora Studies, CRRES Faculty Affiliate) received a Stanford Humanities Center External Faculty Fellowship
- Yael Rosenstock Gonzalez (School of Public Health, CRRES Graduate Affiliate) received a Kinsey Institute Scholars of Sexology Fellowship and IU School of Public Health Joyce F. Arthur Fellowship
- Sam Smucker (Media School, CRRES Graduate Affiliate) received a Chateaubriand Fellowship from the French Embassy in the United States and an IU Media School Hawkins Cinema and Media Fellowship
- Elizabeth Spaeth (History, CRRES Graduate Affiliate) won an IU History Department Award, Rockefeller Archive Center Research Stipend, and CAHI Research Award
- Alberto Varon (English, Latino Studies, CRRES Faculty Affiliate) received a Mellon Foundation New Directions Fellowship Grant,
- Tiffanie Vo (Sociology, CRRES Graduate Affiliate) won 2nd place at the Seidler Best Graduate Paper Competition Award at the North Central Sociological Association Annual Meeting
- Jakobi Williams (African American and African Diaspora Studies, CRRES Faculty Affiliate) was a special issue volume editor of 76 King Street - Journal of Liberty Hall: The Legacy of Marcus Garvey titled “Race First: Resistance and its Limitations”
- Phoeboe Wolfskill (African American and African Diaspora Studies, American Studies, CRRES Faculty Affiliate) received an Indiana University Trustees’ Teaching Award
- Joel Wong (Counseling and Educational Psychology, CRRES Faculty Affiliate) won the Asian American Journal of Psychology Best Paper Award, awarded by the Asian American Psychological Association
- Travis Wright (History, CRRES Graduate Affiliate) received a Paul V. McNutt Fellowship from the IU History Department, a Mellon/ACLS Dissertation Innovation Fellowship, and a UGS President’s Diversity Dissertation Fellowship.
- Cynthia Wu (Gender, CRRES Faculty Affiliate) received an Indiana University Trustees’ Teaching Award
- Ellen Wu (History, CRRES Faculty Affiliate) received an IU Bloomington Faculty Council Inclusive Excellence Award and an IU Eastman Residency for Arts and Humanities
The aim of the CRRES Postdoctoral Scholar Program is to nurture the careers of the next generation of scholars conducting research on race and ethnicity. Each year, CRRES conducts a nationwide search and selects postdoctoral scholars in the social sciences and humanities to be housed in departments and schools across campus.
Incoming Postdoctoral Scholar
In Fall 2023, CRRES will welcome new postdoctoral fellow Joseph Wei!
Joseph Wei is a Postdoctoral Fellow at the Center for Research on Race and Ethnicity in Society and a Visiting Assistant Professor in the Department of English at Indiana University. He received his PhD from the University of Virginia, and his scholarly interests include Asian American literature, critical refugee studies, literature and sociology, and oral history. As a CRRES fellow, he will primarily be working on a book manuscript titled Refugee Poetics, which draws on oral history alongside textual analysis to examine the poetry and literary organizations made by 1.5- and second-generation Vietnamese, Hmong, Lao, and Cambodian American poets. He is also creating an oral history archive of Asian American poets from the 1970s to the present with support from the Smithsonian Asian Pacific American Center.
Welcome Joseph!
- Sylvia Martinez, CRRES Director
- Sonia Lee, CRRES Associate Director
- Jessica Smith, CRRES Administrative Assistant
- Monica Heilman, CRRES Graduate Assistant
- Dasha Carver, CRRES Graduate Assistant, Undergraduate Research Program Liaison
- Anna Sarpong, CRRES Social Media and Communications Intern
We could not do this work without the generous support of the College of Arts and Sciences and the Office of the Vice Provost for Research.
Special thanks to our campus partners for 2022-23: Departments of African American and African Diaspora Studies, Anthropology; Gender, Geography, History, Sociology, and Spanish and Portuguese; the Arts and Humanities Council; the Asian Culture Center; Asian American Studies Program; College Arts and Humanities Institute; College Office of Diversity and Inclusion; Environmental Resilience Institute; First Thursdays; Gayle Karch Cook Center for Public Arts and Humanities; Institute for Advanced Study; IU Libraries; Latino Studies Program; Native American and Indigenous Studies; Race, Migration, and Indigeneity Program; and Renaissance Studies Program.