Konsthall Alka, Linköping 1990. Elecric fence, computer, copper plates, objects.
Phauss showed a maze constructed with electric fences. A computer system was placed on a table in the centre of the maze, linked to the telephone network and operating a program that calls random telephone numbers and then delivers a message. The message is delivered in a neutral voice: “Hello, this is Phauss. We would like to have control over your life. Do you have any comments? You have seven seconds to answer.” After seven seconds of silence, the voice says “Thank you.” The message and answers can be heard throughout the installation area. It is possible for a spectator to walk into the maze, with only one way out. If two people meet in the maze, they must pass very close to each other to avoid contact with the electric fence.
Leif Elggren incorporated a series of pictures on the wall and obljects on the floor inside the maze.