Developer The RMR Group challenged LEO A DALY to reimagine 20 Massachusetts Ave NW, a former federal office building, as a vibrant mixed-use development. Located four blocks from the U.S. Capitol and directly adjacent to regional transit hub Union Station, the adaptive-reuse project aims to re-stitch the building into an evolving urban context and create a vital new social and cultural hub for the neighborhood.
Renovation History
Initial Massing and Exterior Expression Studies
Intermediate Massing Studies
Mature Massing Studies
Final Exterior Expression
The base façade highlights two stories of retail, with a high level of transparency along Massachusetts Ave. transitioning to a single-story expression along F Street.
The middle section of the façade employs more pronounced detail, with terracotta and metal fins creating a contextually nuanced and scale appropriate articulation.
The massing is crowned by a lighter, more streamlined and sculptural top that provides a fitting view corridor termination from the U.S. Capitol Building.
The Ground Floor
An engaging streetscape redesign and ground-floor retail program will transform the building’s visual and experiential relationship to the Massachusetts Avenue corridor and surrounding streets. The base façade highlights two stories of retail. A sequence of curated experiences along the building perimeter offers visually seamless indoor/outdoor connection, creating clear points of arrival for visitors and first-time guests.
Office Lobby
Through-connection for pedestrians between Massachusetts Ave and F Street via the office lobby corrects a fault of the original building, which cut off pedestrian connections between adjacent streets. This feature gives back to the city what was taken away and brings the building in line with the principles of the L'Enfant Plan.
Hotel Lobby
A continuation of the office lobby, the hotel lobby showcases the shared common space between the two building uses - hotel and office. Common zones flow into one another, creating a new part of the city where guests and natives comingle. The hotel lobby shares aesthetic elements with the office lobby, creating one aesthetically and functionally cohesive environment.
Streetscape Design
The now-barren streetscape along Massachusetts Ave will be transformed with retail, restaurants and landscaping, creating an interactive hub for neighborhood activity. An enlarged sidewalk will be enhanced with planting and activity zones. Through-connectivity between Massachusetts Ave. and F Street will integrate the building seamlessly into the urban flow of the neighborhood.
Rooftop Amenities
The building will be increased in height by three stories and capped with a rooftop penthouse that features a conference center, ballroom and executive suite with a green roof and 360-degree views of the city.
Guest Rooms
Guest rooms feature a navy and neutral palette that focuses on creating a relaxing environment for guests. Clean lines and sophisticated finishes continue the contemporary and modern feel started in the public areas.
Prefabricated bathrooms in each guestroom take advantage of economies of scale to accelerate the construction schedule, increase job site safety and reduce the project’s carbon footprint, all while maintaining excellent quality.