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K2: Starting our year with phonics

K2 has made a great start to the new school term with work in phonics. Learners produced some amazing crafts for the letters S and A. What a great start! It won’t be long until they’re working to blend words and read short sentences.

Y2: Getting to know each other - We have had a very busy start of term. It has been a lot of fun to get to know all the children and we have been busy developing our essential agreements which are our classroom rules. We have also completed our maths, phonics and reading assessments and are excited to get into our full curriculum lessons and UOI next week.
Y4: Thought showers - Year 4 has been reflecting on themselves and how they interact with each other and their families. They created some “thought showers” to convey their feelings which are on show in our classroom. We have also welcomed Lunar and Annabelle to our class. We are looking forward to learning about Signs and Symbols in our first Unit of Inquiry.
Y7/8: Welcoming - Year 7 to the MYP Our Year 7/8 learners have been enjoying their start to this school year. Year 7 learners that have joined the MYP this year are beginning to develop a good understanding of the new expectations in this programme. Our Year 8 learners have been able to discuss and put into practice the skills that they have learned from last year. They displayed their leadership skills by helping the younger learners during our last assembly.
Pupat our super carer in K1 - Last academic year, Pupat planted a seed as part of our inquiry sessions in Preschool. He looked after the plant throughout the summer holidays and by doing this, he has developed his ability to care for his environment. Well done Pupat!

Thai: Having fun learning Thai

Welcome back to Term 1! We have been busy learning the Thai language through fun games as we have reviewed and practiced some of our Thai vocabulary. We have also been working on developing our student’s thinking, problem solving and team work skills.

Welcoming Mr. Charles (our new DPCO)

Mr. Charles has thoroughly enjoyed his start at UDIS and has been impressed with the high level of engagement of the MYP learners in his Science lessons. He is looking forward to leading the candidacy and authorisation process for the IB Diploma Programme, which will be launched at UDIS in 2024. Mr. Charles will be using his learning support and counseling role to ensure a smooth transition from MYP into the IBDP.

PTA update: Creating our new team

Across parent meetings this week we have been encouraging parents to volunteer to be class representatives. Parent representatives are part of our Parents and Teachers Association (PTA) and have a valuable role working with the school to help UDIS best fit the needs of our community.
