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Riley Dance Marathon by: Grace Elder

On Friday, April 22 SHS held their annual Riley Dance Marathon. The Cards raised $61,411.10 for Riley Children's Hospital.

The RDM members create a tunnel for the participants to run under. They begin each dance marathon this way.
Senior Hayden Brite cheers during announcements to boost morale.
Senior Ellie Brown starts the event off by announcing the plans for the rest of the evening.
(top left) Sophomores Bryce Clavert and Lexi Nix take a selfie before cutting Calvert's hair to raise money for RDM. (bottom left) The students wait excitedly for junior Billy Rust to arrive with the hair clippers. (right) Junior Marianna Martinez records Calvert while he loses his locks.
Rust arrives with the hair clippers. He hugs Calvert before doing the honor of chopping off his hair.
(left) Calvert smiles for one of his last pictures with his hair. (middle) Rust smiles while cutting Calvert's hair. Calvert shows his pain from the poorly performed haircut. (right) Calvert tries to smile for his first picture with his new haircut.
Senior Aryssa Ramos and junior La’Quera Williams follow the dance instructions from Brite and Nix.
Seniors Johnnasia Ayanna and Princess Kioni and junior Dariely Raudales notice the camera and pose for a group shot.
Nix leads the dances with Brite for the RDM participants to follow.
Ayanna shows off her pom-pom with a pose.