Welcome to another issue of Hagwil Yaan!
Welcome back to Hagwil Yaan! If this is your first time here, volume three of this student newsletter has a new name which means "walk softly; walk slowly" in Sm'algyax! We use this name as we understand that returning to life after the pandemic can still require caution and awareness.
In each issue, we focus on an Indigenous language in our region. This month, we are happy to feature sm'algyax in the Tsimshian dialect!
We are First Nations Access Coordinators who fill various roles at our Prince Rupert, Terrace, Hazelton and Smithers campuses. Collectively, we are here to help you transition to college life here at CMTN. Please feel free to reach out to us at FNAC@coastmountaincollege.ca if you need support with personal, financial or academic issues.
Enjoy, take care and stay safe!
Upcoming Events
Christmas & Cookies with Elders
- Date: December 7, 2022
- Time: 3pm to 4:30pm
- Terrace campus: Waap Galts'ap
- Prince Rupert campus: Wil Luu Saygatwan (gathering place)
- Hazelton Campus
Join us for a holiday social with Elders and Knowledge keepers. We will be decorating cookies provided by local bakers in our areas.
To sign up, please email FNAC@coastmountaincollege.ca
Monthly FNAC Drop-In
- Date: December 13, 2022
- Time: 5pm to 6pm
- Where: Virtually via BlueJeans (https://bluejeans.com/972155116/2431)
Keep an eye out for monthly FNAC drop-ins! Join us if you have any questions as a current or future student.
Holiday Self-Care & Wellness
- Date: December 14, 2022
- Time: 12pm to 3pm
- Terrace Campus: Wii Gyemsiga Siwilaawksat Amgam Goot (Student Housing Atrium)
- Prince Rupert Campus: Wil Luu Saygatwan (Gathering Place)
- Hazelton Campus
Stressed about final exam and assignments? Join us for self-care and wellness at your local campus! There will be hairdressers and technicians on site to provide services at First Come, First Serve.
'Xbisuunt Dance Group Weekly Practice
- Date: Every Monday
- Time: 6 p.m. to 7 p.m.
- Where: Waap Galts'ap Longhouse
- Virtual: https://bcnet.bluejeans.com/972155116/2431
You are welcome to come watch, sing, and dance with the 'Xbisuunt Dance Group!
If you are thinking about joining, please reach out to FNAC Jill at jswank@coastmountaincollege.ca
Gitlaxdax Nisga'a Dance Group
- Date: Every Wednesday
- Time: 6 p.m. to 7:30 p.m.
- Where: Waap Galts'ap Longhouse
- Virtual: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/83260876546?pwd=amEwa3l4elF4NUYralFXUmNqMjVvUT09
Everyone is welcome to join in or watch. Please keep in mind safety protocols.
If you are thinking about joining, please reach out to FNAC Jill at jswank@coastmountaincollege.ca
Highlights from Past Events
Poppy Pin Beading Workshop
Here are some beautiful, beaded poppies that were created by participants in the Poppy Pin Beading workshop facilitated by Shalane Pauls of Wise Woman Creations.
Yak with Ye'e
We hope you get to spend time with your Ye'e (Grandfather) , Nts’i’its (Grandmother) Noo (Mother), Nagwaat (Dad), and/or Wilaaysk (Relatives) this Christmas. Please reach out to your family and friends during this time if you can't make it home for the holidays. Here are some Ts'msyen or Sm'algyax words that you may hear this Christmas. We hope you all have a wonderful holiday. Take care!
amap'asm smg̱a̱nnoun - Christmas tree
k’åwtsa daaw - icicle
k’a’atm swiidis - candy cane
nu’untgm gan - decorated tree
ha'lik'eexl - sleigh
'Wii limx - Santa Claus (literally big beard)
ksa kyila'ma - presents
midzagaleem Ha’ligyeda Miyaanm - Christmas flowers (poinsettias)
Ha’liawån - Christmas Eve (or New Year’s Eve)
Ama su k’oo¬ Happy New Year
Words from Sm'algyax Resource!
From Sagoo Li’taa (Edward Innes)
"As we all celebrate the birth of our lord, where we live, we ask our Big Chief in the Sky – to take great care you all. Merry Christmas everyone! WAYI WAH"
From Dm Syl Haaytk Gyibaaw (Emily Bryant):
I met Sagoo Li’taa, Edward Innes, early October 2022 through my cousin and mentor in language, Mique’l Dangeli. She knew Sagoo Li’taa wanted to share his knowledge, and we have been together every week since. Every Saturday, we meet together in Kitsumkalum, as well as his wife and any community member who wants to sit and learn with us. We sit together for 4-5 hours each Saturday and join Juneau Language Learner’s online via Zoom.
These past few months have been quite the journey. For Sagoo Li’taa, Sm’algyax is his dominant language, growing up speaking Sm’algyax with his family in Kitkatla. English is his second language, so with that came many challenges. I had to really listen to the way he tells stories, to really pay attention to his hand movements, and I had to truly utilize my knowledge in Sm’algyax to ask for clarification on what he is trying to convey. He encourages me, every single time, to ask questions in Sm’algyax – to repeat my English in Sm’algyax – and to tell stories in Sm’algyax. I am extremely fortunate to be able to sit with this man from Kitkatla, once a week, and learn from him. He also texts daily in the language, never misses a “good morning” message. Ap lukwil ayaaltganu (I am so, so, so lucky).
Eats with Jiits
Ts'iits knows that you're starting to dig into your jarred and frozen harvests. Ts'iits likes to use her fruit harvests from the summer to make a warm fruit crisp on cold, winter nights.
Stove-Top Fruit Crisp
- 2 Apples (diced) or 1 Jarred Apples
- 1 cup or 1 Jar Berries
- Cinnamon
- Honey
- Granola
- Butter
- Heat up your pan to medium heat. Add butter or oil in your pan.
- Add your apples, cook them down a bit before adding your strawberries.
- Add water, a tablespoon of honey or maple syrup, cinnamon and mix together.
- Sprinkle granola over top.
Recipe taken from "Food is Medicine" Recipe Book from First Nations Health Authority & ISPARC.
Your weekly meme!
Indigenous Reads
Discover the wonder of ancient sea gardens on the Northwest Coast!
Sea gardens have been created by First Peoples on the Northwest coast for more than three thousand years. These gardens consist of stone reefs that are constructed at the lowest tide line, encouraging the growth of clams and other marine life on the gently sloped beach.
This lyrical story follows a young child and an older family member who set out to visit a sea garden early one morning, as the lowest tides often occur at dawn. After anchoring their boat, they explore the beach, discover the many sea creatures that live there, hear the sputtering of clams and look closely at the reef. They reflect on the people who built the wall long ago, as well as those who have maintained it over the years. After digging for clams, they tidy up the beach, then return home.
An author’s note provides further information about sea gardens (also known as clam gardens), which yield a reliable food source and have been traditional places of learning. They have been found along the Pacific coast, from Alaska to British Columbia to Washington State, and some of these gardens are being restored today.
The book is available at the CMTN Library. Check it out with your CMTN student ID!
Indigenous in the Media
Booktopia: Listen to an interview with Roy Henry Vickers and Kay Weisman about their book called "Visit a Sea Garden".
COVID-19: Golden Rules on Campus
- If you're sick, stay home and get tested
- Masks as of March 14, 2022 are now optional in all indoor public spaces at CMTN.
- Wash your hands often and thoroughly; Use hand sanitizer when it's available
- Cover your face when you cough or sneeze
- As restrictions lift for space limitations, it is important to acknowledge that some are still practising careful social contact. Please be considerate.
At Coast Mountain College, we monitor the COVID-19 situation very closely and are guided by the Provincial Health Officer as we work with the Ministry of Advanced Education and Skills and Training. Updates will be shared as information becomes available. Please note removal of vaccinations requirements effective April 8, 2022 to access events and services and for post-secondary student housing.
Student Support
Coast Mountain Students' Union
Golnoosh Namazi, organiser for the Coast Mountain Students’ Union, is here to support students with events, services and advocacy. If you’re having trouble understanding your rights as a student, navigating through school procedures and policies or engaging in campus life then the Students’ Union is here to support you. Download the CMSU app for virtual community boards, services and support systems in your region.
To learn more about what the student union does, email CMSU at:
CMSU Health & Dental Plan
Please be aware of the CMSU Health & Dental Plan that you are auto-enrolled into when you register for courses. This is a $250 annual fee that students can choose to opt-out of if you already have coverage. You have 30 days to opt-out from your program start. Connect with CMSU for more details.
Learner Services
Peer Tutoring
The Writing Centre is open on Terrace campus! Staffed by peer tutors. Students can drop-in for 1:1 assistance with proofreading, using citations and other writing skills every Wednesday 10:00-12:00 and Friday 11:00-1:00 in Waap Amgam (Cedar building) 1006
Peer-tutoring is up and running with tutors available to assist students in a variety of subjects including chemistry, biology and math. Interested? Contact jjstone@coastmountaincollege.ca.
Computer Assistance
Are you facing challenges with lack of equipment or support? There is a laptop lending library available. As a registered CMTN student you are eligible to borrow a laptop per semester.
LAS & Advising Help
Having a hard time academically? We can connect you with the Learner Services team to make sure you have even more tools to complete your studies successfully.
One-on-one Brightspace Help — If navigating and using Brightspace is making your course more difficult to manage, let us help!
Our Learning Assistance Specialists (LAS) are available to walk you through the finer points of Brightspace so you can focus on your coursework.
Need tutoring? Check out TUTORME! A new, on-demand virtual service with access to over 1000+ tutors in 300+ subjects. Writing support is available as well. All CMTN students can access this service for two hours a week for free!
To contact the Learner Support Team & Accessibility Services for appointments, email las@coastmountaincollege.ca.
Financial Aid
Coast Mountain College offers several emergency funding programs available to eligible students experiencing unexpected financial hardship during the course of their studies at CMTN. Find more information about emergency financial assistance HERE!
Have any financial aid questions? Connect with our Financial Aid Officer, Allison Conway at 250.635.6511 ext. 5204 or email financialaid@coastmountaincollege.ca.
Mental Health Check-in
Are you looking for support? Here at CMTN, we can help you explore and find what support works best for you. Follow this LINK to find resources like regional counsellors, mobile apps, and crisis lines.
Need support right now?
- Youth Online Chat at crisis-centre.ca or text 250.564.8336 or call 1.888.564.8336. A confidential, anonymous peer support service operated by trained youth answering calls from other youth. Available 24/7.
- KUU-US Crisis Line Help is just a phone call away. Call the toll-free number for Indigenous based support 25/7, 365: 1.800.588.8717
- BC Suicide Line 1.800.SUICIDE or 1.800.784.2433. If you are considering suicide or are concerned about someone who may, please call! Available 24/7.
- Indian Residential Schools Survivors Society Crisis Line is available 24-hours a day for anyone experiencing pain or distress as a result of their residential school experience. Call 1.866.925.4419.
Stay connected and check out our FNAC Facebook group to keep your finger on the pulse!
Have something you want to contribute for next month's issue?
If you have any feedback, story ideas or pictures to share, please contact us: