Physical Science Egg Drop Contraptions
Students in Mr. Ocon's Physical Science classes learned about 3D design and printing technology. They were tasked with creating a contraption to protect an egg using the knowledge they gained of Newton's 3 Laws. Students could use 3D design, or could use upcycled materials. The results were mixed, but many groups were able to protect their egg!
Senior Research Paper Process
Students in Mrs. Dalton's and Mrs. Buchanan's ELA 12 classes started the research paper process with a current events opinion poll. Students then completed topic selection, preliminary research and thesis writing activities! These are important elements in crafting an argumentative research paper.
Sociology Children's Book Activity
Students in Ms. Salimbene's Sociology classes explored social norms by sharing children's books with each other. They read aloud in small groups and explored the meanings behind the stories. Students loved reading to each other and read extra books for the fun of it!
Earth/Space Natural Resources Tournament
Students in Mr. Ocon's Earth Space science classes were each assigned a natural resource to research. Students were responsible for crafting an argument as to why their resource was the most valuable resource, for creating a one page graphic, and for arguing in a tournament-style competition the value of their resource. Sun won 2nd hour's competition and water won 6th hour's!
ELA 10 Article Annotations
Students in Mr. Christensen's ELA 10 classes needed help using library databases to find non-fiction articles to practice annotations. We already had 2 classes working in the library so we were forced to make a video to help his classes learn to access the databases. This was not as good as direct instruction, but it was the best support that we could provide.
Created with an image by Tierney - "Halloween balloon ghost with happy face - flat lay"