Our detailed SAP Security Review can check all or any key areas of concern you might have about your SAP systems such as: System Vulnerabilities • Access & Identity Management • Sensitive Data Visibility • Cyber-Attack • Audit Controls • Advanced Threat Detection • Real-Time Policy Enforcement • Employee Lifecycle Management
Many organisations believe that standard SAP Access Controls, even with an additional GRC tool, will protect them. Unfortunately, whilst it may satisfy a basic audit, it will not adequately protect your business and sensitive data from being compromised.
SAP Systems contain many open doors presenting opportunities for your business data and processes to be compromised. These open doors leave you at risk of cyber-attack, business exploitation, and data theft. In fact, the number of open doors within a typical production SAP system can easily be tens, or sometimes hundreds, some of which will date back to your initial implementation. Our expert SAP penetration testing partners were able to compromise over 90% of SAP systems via known vulnerabilities that enabled them to bypass traditional Access Controls and GRC tools.
We can analyse your entire SAP estate or just particular areas of concern you might have by using highly sophisticated software and analysis tools in conjunction with specialist consultancy. We will also recommend, and can carry out, remediation activity to mitigate any risks both in the long term, and/or via short term options.