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We Are Stoked to Serve You! NC Cooperative Extension, Stokes County

Fall 2022 Newsletter

Our Mission - North Carolina Cooperative Extension partners with communities to deliver education and technology that enrich the lives, land and economy of North Carolinians.

La Extensión Cooperativa de Carolina del Norte se asocia con las comunidades para ofrecer educación y tecnología que enriquecen la vida de los habitantes, la tierra y la economía de Carolina del Norte.

Help us welcome our new Commercial Horticultural and Field Crops Agent, Taylor Darnell.

Taylor is a recent graduate of the University of Florida with a Master of Science degree in Agronomy with specializations in row crop weed science and aquatic weed management. Prior to attending UF, Taylor received his Bachelor of Science in Chemistry from Ferrum College. Taylor has worked extensively with several state and federal agencies (Army Corps of Engineers) to develop research plans and projects that address hard-to-control and noxious weed species across the southeast. Taylor has also worked with members of industry to address real-world issues and develop strategies to mitigate barriers to successful harvests while formulating practical solutions. Taylor grew up in northern Forsyth County (Rural Hall) where he has worked with his nursery operation and parent's plant breeding and collection programs to establish new daylily breeding lines for commercial production. Along with working in specialty ornamentals, he has also worked extensively with commercial Fraser fir (Abies fraseri) production across Southwest Virginia and North Carolina.

Taylor’s time will be split serving both Stokes and Forsyth Counties. Taylor can be reached at 336-593-8179.

Visit NC Farms app

To order go to - Orders are due September 2, 2022!
The Stokes County Agricultural Fair will be held September 13-17, 2022. Stokes County Cooperative Extension will be hosting the livestock shows. The sheep show will be on Tuesday, September 13, the goat show will be on Wednesday, September 14, and the cattle show will be on Saturday, September 17. Entries for these shows can be found at If you have any questions please contact Taylor Hartman at 336-593-8179 or

4-H & Youth Development

Thank you to the 64 youth who participated in the Stokes County 4-H Summer Fun camps! We enjoyed meeting new faces and learning with you all. If you have not had a chance to complete the summer evaluation form please do so here: We would also like to thank all those who helped organize our camps, from the Extension Staff to volunteers for teaching our camps - THANK YOU!
Explore the world of 4-H this Fall! Check out these resources to get a glimpse of what 4-H has to offer. There are many at home activities your youth can participate in. Fall into 4-H at
This year our Gingerbread House competition will not be held face-to-face, but we would still love to see your awesome work. Please consider bringing your already made gingerbread house to the Extension Office by December 2, 2022 at 4PM. Judging will be completed by December 5, and all participants will be notified of their placing by December 6. The top three gingerbread houses will be put on display at the Stokes County Government Building. Please register for this event in your 4-H Online profile by November 30th.

4-H Clubs

Stokes 4-H Livestock Team is a club that specializes in livestock judging and skillathon. The club’s goal is to give youth a chance to better understand livestock. For more information, contact Brandon Hartman at 336-520-2548 or

Northern Stokes Shooting Sports Club is for North Stokes High School area youth who are interested in shooting sports. For more information, contact Ben Hall at 336-593-8134 or

School Skippers is a community club with a diversity of ages that does service projects and studies centered on various themes. For more information, contact Christian Moorefield at 336-351-4858 or

CloverPaws 4-H Club is for youth ages 5-9 who have interest in dogs. This club in particular will not be for youth to bring their dogs, except for special occasions. It is for youth to learn more about dogs in general, before working and training their dog. Youth will also learn arts and crafts related to dogs. For more information, contact Pam Davis at 336-341-7524 or

4 Paws 4-H Club is a dog club for youth ages 9 and up that focuses on dog training, dog sports, projects and studies. For more information, contact Pam Davis at 336-341-7524 or

TheraPaws 4-H Club is a special interest club for youth ages 12 and older. Youth MUST be willing and have the desire to serve others. Their focus will be more community service driven. Youth will train their dog to become therapy dogs. Dogs WILL have to pass a temperament evaluation before they are able to participate in the club. For more information, contact Pam Davis at 336-341-7524 or

At-Large is a for a child who would rather not join a particular club, then he or she is an At-Large Member. At-Large members , along with club members, are allowed full 4-H privileges. For more information, contact Taylor Hartman at 336-593-8179 or

Agriculture & Natural Resources

Register at
Register at
Register at
Orders are due November 18, 2022 -
The Stokes Extension Master Gardeners Volunteer Association had an interesting and exciting late winter supporting our three high school horticulture programs, the Friends of Sauratown Mountains (which supports Hanging Rock State Park, among other facilities), and the Stokes Partnership for Children. Read more at

The Stokes County Beekeepers Association meets the second Tuesday of each month at the Stokes County Cooperative Extension Office at 7:00 p.m. Our meetings are open to the public. We welcome new members throughout the year and membership dues are $10 annually. To subscribe to the Stokes County Beekeepers listserv, email Bryan Hartman with “Subscribe to Beekeepers List” in the subject line. A welcome email will confirm you’ve been added to the listserv. If you have any questions, contact 336-593-8179 or visit

Stokes County Plasticulture Equipment Rental

The following equipment is available to rent

  • Nolt (Red) Mulch Layer with or without Equipment Trailer
  • Nolt (Red) Mulch Lifter with or without Equipment Trailer

How do I rent the equipment? The equipment will be rented on a first‐come, first‐served basis. Contact N.C. Cooperative Extension, Stokes County Center to request an application and be placed on the schedule. The equipment cannot be rented for more than three days at a time.

Does it cost to rent the equipment? Yes. Rental costs are based on the length of use and due at the time of pick up. One‐day rental ‐ $25 Two‐day rental ‐ $50 Three‐day rental ‐ $75

How do I pay the rental fee? Cash or check

If you have questions about the Stokes County Plasticulture Equipment Rental program, contact Bryan Hartman, Agriculture & Natural Resources Agent, at (336) 593-8179 or

Family & Consumer Sciences

Contact Savannah Moore at or 336-593-8179 to make an appointment.

Livestock & Forages

Register at
Register at
Register at
Complete survey at to be added to our hay directory.

Breeding Season Management for Small Ruminants

Profitability for many small ruminant operations is reliant on successfully weaning lambs and kids. Decisions made during the breeding season can contribute to the number of lambs and kids born and weaned. Generally, small ruminants are seasonal breeders meaning breeding occurs with the onset of increasing daylength. Breeding season and breeding management practices can vary from farm to farm; however, there are a few common practices that can be easily implemented on every operation.

Body Condition Scoring - Body condition scoring (BCS) is a subjective measure of assessing the fleshiness, or fat and muscle covering of an animal. On a 5-point scale (1=emaciated, 5=obese, over-conditioned), an ideal target BCS for most ewes and does is between 2.5 - 3. Condition is evaluated by feeling the level of muscling and fat over the vertebrate, loin area, spinal and transverse processes. Some dams may have lost a considerable amount of weight/condition during lactation and require additional nutrition to achieve a BCS of 3. Typically, dams with higher BCS tend to have higher ovulation rates, which therefore may lead to increased lambing percentage. However, there is a threshold for conditioning. Over-conditioned females, BCS >4 are generally less productive with reduced fertility.

Rams and bucks should be body condition scored as well. Ideally, BCS 3-4 at the time of breeding works well for most males. During breeding season, males may lose up to 15% of their body weight.

Flushing - Providing increased nutrition to ewes/does prior to and during breeding to increase weight and condition is referred to as flushing. Flushing is typically done two weeks prior to breeding and continued two to three weeks during the breeding season. Ovulation rates are often increased for dams when flushed properly. Dams respond to flushing best when increased nutrients are provided early and are below a BCS 3. Breed and age can also influence a dam’s response to flushing. Flushing is achieved by feeding supplemental grain concentrates (or high-quality pastures). Flushing rations are typically provided as an increase in energy by 20% above maintenance requirements. Ovulation rates and lambing percentages are not typically affected if a flock/herd is already on a high-plane of nutrition or above a BCS 3.

Breeding Soundness Exams - We often associate breeding soundness exams (BSE) with male livestock; however, BSEs can be done on females as well. With regards to males, a veterinarian can perform a BSE to evaluate the potential breeding ability of a ram/buck. During a BSE, males are evaluated on physical examination (good health, hooves, eyes, legs, etc.) and semen evaluation (motility and morphology). Producers can typically perform BSEs on females themselves. Evaluating females for the following:

  • Teeth - broken or open mouths (missing teeth) will inhibit her ability to eat
  • Udder - udder conformation will be important for nursing offspring
  • Hooves - good, sound feet will aid in her ability to be serviced by the male and forage
  • Mothering ability - did she successfully raise last years’ offspring? Obviously you cannot evaluate a female that hasn’t lambed/kidded before, but use this metric for females that have.

The recommendations above are not meant to be an exhaustive list of production practices to evaluate prior to breeding season, but provide a starting point to assess breeding season management. Evaluate current practices, review records from last year, and make changes accordingly. Remember, decisions made during the breeding season can affect lambing/kidding season.

Stokes County Cattlemen's Association

RSVP at by September 2, 2022.

Equipment Rental

NC State University and N.C. A&T State University commit themselves to positive action to secure equal opportunity and prohibit discrimination and harassment regardless of age, color, disability, family and marital status, genetic information, national origin, political beliefs, race, religion, sex (including pregnancy), gender identity, sexual orientation and veteran status. NC State, N.C. A&T, U.S. Department of Agriculture, and local governments cooperating.

Created By
Amy McKenzie


Created with an image by fahrwasser - "Fall chalkboard frame with pumpkins"