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Enhancing Mental Health and Substance Use Access for Family Physicians, Allied Health Professionals, and Patients Vancouver island region

Acknowledging the right of people to receive health and care services that are culturally safe.

We are looking for input from family physicians and nurse practitioners, psychiatrists, MHSU providers and from people who interact with the Mental Health and Substance Use (MHSU) System in the Island Health region. This site was developed to engage many different people and we ask for your understanding if the site seems generalized for a wide-audience.

The Vancouver Island Region Interdivisional Strategic Council (ISC) created the Primary Care & MHSU Taskforce to help improve mental health and substance use access for patients and providers in the region.

We need you to complete our survey and sign up for focus groups to support two major projects that will improve access to MHSU services in our region.

Ways to Engage

Complete the Survey

This should take approximately 15-30 minutes. Patients and family members will be entered into a draw for a $100 Visa gift card. Family physicians and psychiatrists will be funded at a sessional rate for their time. The survey can be accessed by clicking the button above and will be closed on August 15th 2023.

Your participation will support two projects aimed at improving navigation, access and quality of mental health and substance use services across Vancouver Island. These projects aim to enhance family physicians’ capacity to address mental health and substance use challenges, and to improve the experiences of patients and family members seeking mental health and substance use care. Your input will inform the development of tools, resources and recommendations for improving care.

Join A Focus Group

To explore your experiences and perspectives in greater depth:

For physicians:

Wednesday August 9th, 5:30 – 7:00 pm (virtual)

Monday August 14th, 5:30 – 7:00 pm (virtual)

For people with lived experience:

Thursday August 10th, 5:30 – 7:00 pm (virtual)

Tuesday August 15th, 5:30 – 7:00 pm (virtual)

Please email to schedule a focus group session.

1-to-1 Interviews

You also have the option to sign up for a 1:1 interview if that format is preferable. Interviews will be up to 1 hour and will be compensated as described above. Please email to schedule an interview.

Thank You from All of Our Partners

The key contact for PC MHSU Taskforce engagement opportunities this summer is

Created By
Matthew Burbidge


Created with images by David Hutchison/Wirestock - "Landscape of Tofino covered in greenery surrounded by the sea in the Vancouver Islands, Canada" • Sandwurm79 - "Braunbär Mutter mit Kindern Clearwater"
