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Summer 2022 EJC Arboretum

Dear Friends of the Arboretum,

Come for the Green, come for the Green! If Summer is calling you--to find your way to some cool woodland gardens, some large oak trees spreading their shade, and for deep green canopies above your head and around your body--the Arboretum has your number. Find a trail, let it lead you to your favorite garden bench spot, and sit a spell. Enjoy a view of the pond or a tranquility garden and the curtain of green all around. You will be happier for it.

At the pond, visit our newest installation, Edith's Heart. It was created by Megan Bell, our new landscape manager at the Arboretum. She was delighted to have an abundance of impatiens to play with this summer and created a special place for you and your family, friends and relatives to take a group photo. We hope that Edith's Heart will resonate with many of you. Share the love this summer!

Edith's Heart.......a new photo op in our garden

The new At Home in the Woods Family Garden is a-buzz with children and families playing and enjoying the fun features, the cool art and the even cooler forest setting. In July, children's art is being added weekly to the garden along with new plantings. In August, signage will be installed with new kiosks, and by the end of the year a new land bridge (with a troll!) will be in place at the edge of the Family Garden. We recommend that you come for a visit here if you haven't been to the Arboretum this spring or summer. And if you are unable to stop by, scroll down to enjoy the photos below. Many thanks to so many of you for your raves, your gratitudes, and positive comments you've given me and many of the staff here when visiting!

May the Forest Be Your Sanctuary

Jan Sievers Mahon, Arboretum Director

Experience the Magic of the At Home in the Woods Family Garden

Take time to visit all that is new in our At Home in the Woods Family Garden this summer! Recently reopened to the public, the Family Garden offers educational features where children may interact and play, experience environmental activities and programs, and enjoy a renovated pavilion with newly installed restrooms. Phase 1 of the garden, the "Little Legs Loop", is designed for younger children. We are excited about progress made with the At Home in the Woods Family Garden project and the features to come!

On a more recent visit to the Family Garden, you may have noticed colorful nature-themed art features popping up. These art projects were created by participants of our summer art programs. Summer art programs for local youth were provided by local artists: Barbara Camph and EJC Arboretum summertime artist-in-residence, Deborah Coffey.

Barbara Camph guided participants through a two-part art program to install the Family Garden's colorful Texture Circle by adding mosaics using stained glass pieces. This circle is eye-catching and also serves as a sensory piece for feeling the different textures.

Summer artists at work with their glass mosaic pieces.
Voila! And room for more glass mosaic projects next summer.

Artist-in-Residence, Deborah Coffey, worked with staff to create the Leave Your Footprint Summer Art Enrichment Program. Projects allowed participants to be creative, make observations in nature, learn different art techniques, and apply what they learned to create features that will be installed in the At Home in the Woods Family Garden. Features include:

Texture-Based Weaving Project

Welcome Pole for Forest Creatures Project

Stippling the snake they wrapped around the tree pole sculpture
"What got me to make the squirrel, is because there were squirrels crawling around everywhere and they were jumping on the trees, and I thought why don't I put a squirrel on the pole."
"I wanted to draw something, so I grabbed a leaf, I traced it, and then I painted it. Then, I made a lot of leaves."
"We got ideas on what to paint from the arboretum and pictures of nature."
I was supposed to make a vine, but now it's a water monster. There's a woodpecker with two eyes. We even wrote a haiku.

What was your favorite part about the Welcome Pole Painting activity?

"That you could really draw whatever you want."
"Animals and painting. Painting the worms that live in the dirt."

Good Will Flag Painting

Some of the young artists with their finished good intention flags flying above.

Many Thanks to Deborah Coffey & Pascal Brousse for guiding the children through the creative process!

Volunteer Highlight

Julia Swanner

At Home in the Woods Family Garden Host

Family Garden Host, Julia Swanner

Tell us a little about yourself.

"I am a Speech Language Pathology graduate student who enjoys teaching and inspiring kids to be creative and inquisitive."

How has your experience been volunteering for the EJC Arboretum, more specifically, in the At Home in the Woods Family Garden?

"I wanted to get more experience working with kids and saw volunteering at the arboretum as a great opportunity."

What is your favorite part about being an EJC Arboretum Volunteer?

"My favorite part is the interaction with kids and families. I enjoy seeing their smiles and watching them be creative."

What else about your experience would you like to share?

"Children have an unique perspective in the world. It's neat to experience those perspectives that bring you back to the simplicity and imagination of a child's mind. Even adults can enjoy a visit because of the At Home in the Woods Family Garden features, gardens, and watching their kids enjoy educational programs/garden features."

What advice do you have for future Family Garden Host volunteers?

"This volunteer opportunity has flexible hours to accommodate students/grad students, working adults, and retiree schedules. The experience brings a lot of joy out of everyone involved. My advice when leading a family garden activity is to let the children tell you about their experiences and what they enjoy, then ask questions, and go from there."

Interested in Volunteering or Becoming a Family Garden Host?

Family Garden Hosts are needed to tidy up the garden and share our pop-up activities with visitors. Hosts will volunteer for 2-hour shifts in the morning or early afternoon Monday - Friday. Days worked may be flexible. If you are interested in becoming a Family Garden Host, please contact Janis Traas with questions at or call 540-568-3194.

If you would like to help support the ongoing activities and upkeep of the At Home in the Woods Family Garden, please click below!


Attention Salamander Stewards!

An episode of the show "Untamed" featured Salamander conservation efforts at Polo Grounds Road (Charlottesville, VA area) last season. The show was titled "Habitat Corridors and Islands" (Season 3). The episode recently won a Silver Telly award! Enjoy an article about the award on the Wildlife Center of Virginia website by clicking below.

The Telly Awards honor excellence in video and television and showcase work from some of the most respected television stations, advertising agencies, production companies, and publishers from around the world. VPM (Virginia Public Media), submitted this episode for consideration, and it won in the General - Nature/Wildlife for Television category. For more information about the recognition and to watch the award winning episode, click below.

This Summer...

Summer Sound Bathing Series

with Connie Magee


August 23 | 6:30 PM - 7:30 PM

September 20 | 5:30 PM - 6:30 PM


Using gongs, crystal and Tibetan bowls, voice, drums, shakers, and chimes, Connie Magee will take you on a sound journey that will relax and de-stress you and bring your whole being back into a state of harmony on all levels; physical, mental, emotional and spiritual. Connie Magee is a multi-modality massage therapist, medicine woman, Yoga Instructor, and meditation teacher.

Park in the EJC Arboretum main parking lots, along University Blvd in our event overflow parking, or in the R5 lot at the top of the hill (Costco side). Class will take place on the Arboretum Tree Terrace beside the Frances Plecker Education Center.

Bring a yoga mat and comfortable clothes.

Capture Nature Through Art...

July - August Art Exhibition

featuring Peg Sheridan

Artist Peg Sheridan lives in Staunton, Virginia. She has 40 years of experience in painting watercolors. She enjoys sharing her experience and has been teaching art classes for 30 years. She is a faculty member of the Beverley Street Studio School in Staunton and teaches at several other art centers in the region. With a degree in Wildlife Biology, Peg has a special interest in painting landscapes and wildlife. She enjoys painting outdoors, or “en plein air.”

Peg is a signature member of the Virginia Watercolor Society, and is active in several other arts organizations. She has won several awards for her paintings, including “Best Watercolor” in Plein Air Magazine’s August salon competition. In 2021, Peg was awarded the Louisa Arts Center Award of Artistic Merit. Peg is known for her loose, colorful watercolors.

“My paintings are a way for me to share my love of the outdoors, and my appreciation for the beauty around us. Many of them are painted outside. They also share my love of the medium of watercolor, with its transparency, ability to flow across the paper, and the wonderful surprises that happen. I usually start with a small sketch. I plan my colors, often using a limited palette of three to five colors. I then often wet my watercolor paper, and quickly put in washes of color. When that dries, I start adding details, lights, and darks. When the light, colors, and atmosphere of the day are captured, I stop. I hope that my work inspires you to get out and explore the beauty of our region.”

Facebook & Instagram: Peg Sheridan Art


Phone: 540-679-9396

Summer Youth Programs

All Youth Programs are FREE admission unless otherwise specified.

Storytime in the Understory

Mondays, July 25, Aug 8, and 22 | 11 AM - 11:30 AM

Pre-School - Elementary Suggested

Bring a blanket and come enjoy 30 minutes of nature-themed reading. We will meet in the At Home in the Woods Family Garden in our new Storytime area! In case of wet weather, Storytime will take place inside the Frances Plecker Education Center.

Fairy House/Gnome Home Building

Friday, July 22, August 12 | 11 AM - 12 PM

Pre-School - Elementary Suggested

We will meet in Fairy World in the At Home in the Woods Family Garden to explore the magic and wonder of the outdoors with a story together, then have free space to build a habitat out of found natural materials for our fairy and gnome friends!

Nature Study Series: Explore the Flora

Mondays July 25, Aug 15 | 4 PM - 4:45 PM

All Ages Welcome

Has wonder and curiosity about the natural world ever made you stop and look a little closer? What’s that called? How does it grow? Getting to know our flora is a rewarding life-long skill that just takes a little effort to cultivate. Drop in for our free nature study series for families: we’ll meet at the Frances Plecker Education Center for a short nature walk through the Arboretum, then hone in for a close look at one of our native plants! We will make careful observations, learn some facts and lore, and do a little relaxed sketching. Bring a notebook or paper and some colored pencils, but we’ll have extras on hand. Registration requested but not required.

Wondercraft: Spider Webs

Wednesday, Aug 10 | 2 PM

For Elementary School Age Explorers (and older)

Water Appreciation Day

Thursday, August 11 | 10 AM - 12 PM


Made possible in part by a grant from the Shenandoah Valley Pure Water Forum, this morning of activities will teach families about the water around us, how it gets polluted, and what we can do to keep our watershed clean and healthy. We’ll have activities suitable for both younger and older children, so bring the whole family! Registration required.

Big Bug Hunt

A Collaboration with Explore More Discovery Museum

Wednesday, August 17 | 12 PM

Free for the Whole Family

Meet us at the Pavilion for a scavenger hunt for the fascinating insects that call the Arboretum home. Learn about the different parts of an insect and how other invertebrates, such as spiders and millipedes, are different. After the Big Bug Hunt, our friends from Explore More will help us make a bug-themed creation to take home.

Plants and Trees are Still Available for Purchase Online!

Colorful Rainbow Pots are available in the Frances Plecker Education Center!

For more information about our online sale and to view plant and tree lists, click below!

Save the Date...

Fall Bulb and Plant Sale

Member Sale: September 22

Public Sale: September 23 - October 7 (Excluding Sundays)

Wine & Cheese

Featuring the Harrisonburg Urban Wood Utilization Program & Rocktown Urban Wood

September 8 | 5:30 PM - 7:30 PM

Harvest Fest

October 22 | 11 AM - 2 PM

Thanks for Visiting Us!

We have enjoyed serving our community, local school faculty/staff/students, and visitors by offering tours, facility rentals, programs, and environmental educational opportunities.

In the Last Fiscal Year, the EJC Arboretum has:

  • Welcomed approximately 11,478 guests for events, facility rentals, and educational programs.
  • Welcomed 1,309 children and 422 adults on field trips alone.
  • Given 74 tours so far with the assistance of volunteer tour guides.

Enjoy captured moments from this Spring/Summer so far...

Click an image for slideshow view.

We look forward to seeing you soon!

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EJC Arboretum