Our 2022 school year is underway despite the current challenges. I am thankful for thoughtfulness, wisdom and flexibility of our families who helped the College ensure a peaceful and positive start to this very different year, especially considering the adjustments we have had to make to comply with all the COVID regulations. We will of course continue to communicate with families regularly as the conditions and restrictions placed on schools, and indeed the wider community, evolve.
A very warm welcome to new families! I trust you will soon feel at home in our College community.
Scripture Verse for 2022: Theme – Dwelling in Hope
26 Therefore my heart rejoiced, and my tongue exulted exceedingly; moreover, my flesh also will dwell in hope [I will encamp, pitch my tent, and dwell in hope in anticipation of the resurrection]. Acts 2:26 Amplified version
What a beautiful image of safety knowing that we can pitch our tent in a land of hope. Who knows what God has in store? We can only trust in He who holds the future through His goodness and mercy.
I encourage everyone to spend some time reading through the newsletter, as well following the College on Facebook, for access to some extra photos and articles. We aim to keep the Chronicle and our Website positive, accurate and informative.
You may have seen on our social media platforms that our 2021 SACE results once again showed just how amazing our graduates are. We are so proud of our students and appreciative of the partnership between home and school that resulted in these young men and women demonstrating perseverance and excellence in so many ways. We had a wonderful combination of students who achieved both academic and vocational endeavours. We know many received university and other further study offers, employment opportunities and a chance to rest after a very long year. I not only congratulate the many students who received an ATAR of 90 and over, but also those who achieved a personal best. Well done everyone involved in supporting these students!
Jenny Nelson, Principal
It has been a different start to the year with a blend of @Home Learning and on-site classes. The students have adjusted so well and are making the most of their learning! Thank you to our families for your support during this time.
Foundation and Year 1 Students On-Site
Year 7 & Year 8 Students On-Site
Children of Essential Workers On-Site
Year 12 Students On-Site
@Home Learning
Congratulations to Naomi for having two works selected for the 2022 SACE Art Show. This is such an accolade with limited placements of work across about a thousand submissions of the best works from each school across both private and public sectors. Naomi’s highly effective technical painting skills matched her insightful conceptual ideas to produce the portraits shown here. The self portrait depicted Naomi’s cultural heritage and the circular portrait of a class peer referencing the strength and resilience needed to complete Year 12 in such uncertain times. Naomi is now studying Veterinary Science but will also continue to develop her creative skills.
Congratulations also to Rubi-Jean who created the denim fashion sculpture which challenged the viewer about textile waste that has spilled out into our precious environment. Rubi-Jean placed first in the Casual Wear category at the 2021 Teenage Fashion Awards with a garment created in Fashion Design lessons. She not only has excellent skills in designing and creating garments but also thinks deeply when presenting as an art form. Rubi-Jean is now studying Design and has an incredible future ahead of her.
The SACE Art Show is from the 22nd March to the 22nd April at the TAFE Arts Centre on Currie Street in the city. Entry is free and the exhibition is open Monday to Friday 9am - 4pm and Saturdays 10am until 3pm.
Michelle West, Arts Coordinator