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St John Vianney Newsletter 21.04.23

A message from our Headteacher

I do hope you had a good Easter break and managed to spend some time celebrating with your families.

School reopened on Monday and we have had a very good first week of term. Our pupils have quickly returned to their school routines and attendance this week has been very pleasing. We have certainly benefitted from the more pleasant spring weather, which has helped settle everyone back into the expectations we place on our pupils each day in School.

I was thrilled earlier this week to be able to send the final Ofsted Inspection report to you. The report of the Inspection, which took place in late February, has needed to go through a quality assurance process and has now been approved for general release. I am sure you will agree it reflects so well on the School and the hard work and commitment displayed by the staff, governors and wider community in making the school the very best it can be. The report reflected really well on our pupils too. I am confident that any prospective parent reading the report would definitely want their child to attend our school and it was lovely to read how happy our pupils were when they spoke with the inspecting team. I know we still have work to do to improve further, but we are really happy with the validation of our work, which is brought by an Ofsted Inspection. I hope that you value the report too? Thank you for your continued support of the school.

Pupil attendance last term was very positive and frequently above the 90% mark. It was fantastic to see so many pupils enjoy the end of term attendance reward trip to Bury Arcade, at the end of March. We do wish however, to continue to improve our pupil attendance at school every day. Could I ask please, that you help us by ensuring the pupils are present every day unless they are genuinely poorly? Having teenage children of my own I know the excuses some young people use in avoiding getting out of bed; so please continue to insist on your child attending school each morning. If they are not in School they are not learning and they could quickly fall behind their peers; it is essential if they are to maximise the progress they can make in these developmental years that their attendance is maximised. Thanks in anticipation of your support.

The summer term will be another busy one in School. We have lots of activities planned for the children to enrich their learning and additionally we will begin our planning for the next academic year. We are making good progress with our ‘New Build’ planning and design activity, which will definitely impact upon the School site from September 2023 onwards. We will keep you informed!

I hope you and your families enjoy the weekend.

Best wishes,

Mr A Moloney

Stars of the Week

Each week a 'Star of the Week' is chosen by the class team to celebrate achievements; both academic and pastoral.

These are some of the achievements we are celebrating this week.

Charlie - For being a brilliant role model to others.

Renee - For showing a very mature attitude when faced with disappointing news.

Harley - For a massive improvement in his behaviour this week.

Jason - For amazing behaviour and trying his hardest.

Jay - For always being reliable, happy, caring and kind. Jay is such a good role model and always willing to help his friends and teachers.

Hassan - For making positive choices when on class trips. Well done Hassan!

Ayla - For great concentration in her phonics group.

Sadie - For good choices.

Callum - Improved attendance.

Kayden - For great Maths work!

Pupil Voice

Name - Abdul

What I have done this week.

I have visited the sensory room. I went swimming and our class and we had a visit from the farm! There were lots of new animals to see!

What is the best thing about being in SJV?

Dinner time! The food at school is lovely!

It would be even better if…

We had lots more juice in class!

Hopes and dreams for the future:

I would love to be a Ninja!

Class News

Class 1

This term Class 1 are looking at 'growing in the garden'. Class 1 have planted some seeds and will be helping them to grow. We also celebrated a birthday, friends helped decorate the classroom as a surprise, HAPPY BIRTHDAY!

Class 2

Class 2 had a great first week back to Cronkshaw Farm, we moved fences to create a sheep pen in the field and helped the sheepdog to round up the one we needed. We learned about lambing season and saw a lamb who was only 4 hours old!

Class 3

The boys have had a great first week back!

They spent Wednesday morning having a tour of Trafford ASDA. They enjoyed learning about how the store was run and having a look around the walk-in freezer and lego aisle.

On Thursday, they learned about electrical circuits and the do's and don'ts of putting them together.

Class 4

This week Class 4 enjoyed an outing to Chorlton library. We learned how to borrow books and had stories read to us by the librarian.

Class 5

Class 5 have enjoyed their first week back. We met the new lambs at Cronkshaw Farm and some of the class spent the morning at ASDA to learn about careers

Class 6

Class 6 made the most of the sunshine this week and took a stroll around our local Park. It was so good to get outside in the fresh air and really enjoy ourselves in the sun!

Class 7

This week in Class 7 we went to Forest School for the first time this term.

We practised our life skills including cooking & sawing and playing on the hay bales.

For enrichment, Class 7 did a lesson on value, by visiting Aldi in Manchester. Our pupils managed to grab a bargain; Prime drink for £1.98, a very happy class.

Class 8

Class 8 had a great trip to Bridgewater Hall on Tuesday.

Lourdes Easter Pilgrimage.

Over the Easter Holidays I went on a Pilgrimage to Lourdes with HCPT Manchester (Group 81.) I was a bit scared before I left because I don’t like flying, but once I arrived in Lourdes I was fine.

I enjoyed learning about St Bernadette and making lots of new friends. There were groups from all over the World, but my favourite groups were from Manchester and Liverpool. When you met new groups, they gave you a badge and I attached all mine to my Lourdes cap in the photo.

The best part of the trip was the torch light procession, where we walked around Lourdes at night, singing hymns, whilst holding a candle.

In the other photo I am touching the smooth stones of the grotto where Our Lady appeared to Bernadette.

I am really glad I went to Lourdes and feel it has made me a better person. I would recommend anyone to visit if you get chance.

Megan (Class 10)

Class 10 & 11

The pupils in Classes 10 & 11 have this week been to Salford Cathedral to undertake some work experience in the Cathedral Café and Book Shop.

Class 12

Class 12 have had an amazing week working in the community at 'The Bread and Butter thing'. Our Eco warrior Ben, has been collecting our recycling and the students have been working on sustainability preparing soil and planting potatoes and flowers to attract bees into the orchard area at Wythenshawe Park, Greater Manchester Outdoor Learning.

Class 13

Class 13 took part in their first Tennis session at the Albert Tennis Club in Didsbury. The class had a great time and worked really hard in the sunshine. Next stop Wimbledon!


Our Catholic School

I hope you all had a wonderful Easter, its lovely to be back in school. I cannot quite believe we are in our last term of this academic year! How fast is this year going? Time really does fly when you are having fun! We have a lot to look forward to in SJV and we can wait to share all that we do with you.

Within SJV we are focussing on our faith, after the celebration of Easter, to remember the importance of faith and believing. Did you know that Easter is the most important feast in the Christian calendar, even more important than Christmas. The Easter season continues on for 50 days, through the Ascension of Our Lord to Pentecost Sunday, seven full weeks after Easter Sunday! Pope Francis reminds us of our evangelistic responsibilities after Easter; ‘May you bring to all the joy and hope of the Risen Christ.’

Within our Catholic School this week we have been celebrating all our different fund-raising activities that we did for CAFOD from raffles, sponsored litter picks and cake sales- we did so much and we were very busy over Lent. it shows what a big heart SJV has and thank you to all the staff, students and families who have been involved.

On Tuesday I led awhole school Catholicity training with Mr Moloney. He led on how SJV has responded to Pope Francis' Laudato Si message and how we as a school have responded to the message of care of our common home, care of others, what we have done so far and what we are going onto do. I led a section updating SJV on the new inspection framework for Section 48.

In RE this week we have been looking at the key words for the upcoming term and self and peer assessing our knowledge on topics such as community cohesion/ British Values and love, marriages and relationships.

Mrs Garfin


This week at Carrington our young learners helped to get the horses ready for assessments and met Terry the Tortoise for the first time.

We made the News!

A selection of St John Vianney students were fortunate enough to visit ITV at Media City and meet a variety of staff from Camera Crew to Weather and News Reporters. Students had the opportunity to read the weather and watch the production of a live News broadcast along with asking questions to the experts; we had such an amazing experience. 🙂

One of the most impressive aspects of the day was how brilliant our pupils were at asking interesting and relevant questions ,as well as showing how well-mannered and enthusiastic they were. As their teacher, I am so delighted that it was successful for all of our students and am hopeful that this will be an unforgettable experience which may provide aspirations for their future careers. well done to all involved.

Mrs Whiting

Enjoy your Weekend!


Created with images by geralt - "board school done" • Liudmyla - "Smiley in the form of gingerbread on the blue background.Top view.Closeup.Copy space." • lovelyday12 - "corn growing in the vegetable garden with sunshine" • Karin Jähne - "Die Ostpreußische Skudde mit Lamm " • .shock - "people shopping in modern supermarket" • Cavan for Adobe - "Brothers reading books in library" • stokkete - "People at the supermarket" • Patrícia F. Carvalho - "empty room theater with red seats and light" • Zenzeta - "Green Park. Green Park in Urban City at Cloudy, excercise and relax" • Budimir Jevtic - "Child grooming horse with brush"
