Pandemic and Student Voice
We must reflect critically on the choices we make with digital technologies and constantly ask ourselves, who is being included and who is being excluded by the choices we make... -Dr. Todd Taylor
Columbia University found that in a typical lecture course, students are attentive 40% of the time.
- Students retain 70% of what they hear in the first 10 min and only 20% during the last 10 min.
- Adding visual aids increased retention 14-38%.
Created with images by JoshuaWoroniecki - "laptop digital device technology" • Surprising_Shots - "woman face mask covid-19" • ArtsyBee - "e-learning training school" • AmrThele - "child student video conference" • Adamsov - "reality virtual technology" • naassomz1 - "people students university" • thumprchgo - "faculty workshop professional training" • athree23 - "thank you thank you card table"