In the name of Allah, the Gracious, the Merciful
The Holy Quran
(Surah Al-Baqarah Verse 111)
The Hadith
(Sahih Muslim Volume 3, Hadees No. 1026)
MKA Official Website
Excited to announce that by the grace of Allah Talah Majlis Khuddam-ul-Ahmadiyya Finland's official website is launched. With this website you can get several important information, some of which are following:
- View Salat timings regarding your region.
- Download or read online the Holy Quran.
- Calculate your chanda via Chanda Calculator and submit the Chanda Detail Form.
- View the monthly Newsletter if you have missed it.
- Watch current and any of the previous Friday Sermon.
- See Contact Details of MKA National Amla members.
- View photos and videos of khuddam Activities.
- Get Links of our social media platforms.
Note: On mobile the website works horizontal(landscape) mode so you have to rotate your screen.
Friday Sermon & Kahoot
Brief Summary of Friday Sermon 25th November 2022
After reciting Tashahhud, Ta`awwuz and Surah al-Fatihah, His Holiness, Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad(aba) said that he would continue highlighting incidents from the life of Hazrat Abu Bakr(ra).
His Holiness(aba) highlighted many incidents and one of them is, that it is recorded after Hazrat Abu Bakr’s(ra) passing, Hazrat Umar(ra) asked one of his workers the various virtues which he saw in Hazrat Abu Bakr(ra). Among the things he said was the fact that he went and fed a certain poor person every day. Hence, Hazrat Umar(ra) went to the same cave where the poor man, who was blind and had no limbs resided, in order to feed him. When he was given food, he began crying, realizing that Hazrat Abu Bakr(ra) had passed away. When asked how he knew this, he said that he had no teeth, and so Hazrat Abu Bakr(ra) used to chew the food and then put it in his mouth in order to make it easy for him.
Kahoot Quiz
All khuddam are requested to take part in the 'Weekly Kahoot Quiz' from the Friday Sermon of Hazrat Khalifatul Masih V (MABHH) every Sunday @ 19:45.
A Visit By HUzoor's (ABA) Representative: Respected Hibat Ur Rehman Saheb
First Day Of The Visit
On the first day of the visit, we organised an informal sitting and a Q&A session with our Markazi Guest in which all Jamat members were invited.
Second Day Of The Visit
On the second day, a refresher course was arranged for Khuddam Ul Ahmadiyya National Amla (which was the main purpose of his two-day visit), in which guidance was provided regarding performing the majlis tasks in the best possible way. In the refresher course, guidance from Huzoor (ABA) regarding Khuddam Ul Ahmadiyya National Amla was presented and valuable feedback was also provided by the respective markazi guest.
Taleem Class
From this Friday an online Taleem Class is starting @ 18:30 - 19:00 under the department of Taleem. In this we will read a part of The Holy Quran with translation for 15 minutes and a book of The Promised Messiah (AS) either "The Will" or "Risala Al Wasiyat". Every Khuddam is requested to join this class as it will be only for 30 minutes.
Last Year Stats Of Tehreek-E-Jadeed
Alhamdolillah by the grace of Allah the collection of Tehreek-E-Jadeed for the year 2021-2022 was more than the promises. 67 Khuddam participated in this. We should all try to be a part of this blessed scheme.
Following is a documentary regarding Tehreek-E-Jadeed for those who do not know the origin and purpose of this blessed Tehreek.
Solar Well In Africa
As you all know that Huzoor e Anwar (MABHH) instructed Khuddam ul Ahmadiyya Finland to donate a mini solar well in Africa, so it is requested to all khuddam to kindly try their best to take part in it. If each khadim donates around 40€ then we can easily reach our target, insh'Allah. For further details, you can check the email which has been sent earlier. Or you can contact Mohtamim Khidmat e Khalq, Jaree Ullah Junbah Saheb.
Donation Collection Progress:
Below is our current progress until the month of November in terms of collecting the donation for a mini solar well in Africa:
How to make a payment?
The payment for solar well donation in Africa can be made in the same way as you pay your chanda normally.
Step 1: Pay your donation to the following bank details:
Account Name: Ahmadiyya Muslimi Jamaat Suomi
IBAN: FI25 1228 3000 0664 54
Reference: 1232
Step 2: After you make the payment, please fill out the following Chanda Detail form to write your details.
Chanda Detail Form
Step 3: In the section "Others", please write "MKA Solar Well"
During the month of September, a blood drive campaign was held for one week in which khuddam were asked to donate blood as it helps save lives.
Sports Activities in Central Region
In the central region 'Helsinki', different sports are being played including Cricket and Volleyball. All khuddam are requested to actively participate in sports activities.
Hazrat Khaliful Masih V (ABA) during one of his addresses said:
"Taking part in sports and doing exercise is important because it enables a person to stay fit and if a person is physically strong and healthy, he is better able to worship and fulfill the rights of Allah the Almighty and His creation."
Here are the timings for the upcoming scheduled games in the central region:
- Volleyball: Every Wednesday From 20:00 - 22:00
- Cricket: Every Saturday From 19:00 - 22:00
Khuddam In Finland
Below is the khuddam tajneed in Finland and it also shows how many khuddam are situated in different regions of Finland.
Upcoming Events
- MKA Volleyball Game (Capital Region) - Every Wednesday @ 20:00 - 22:00
- MKA Cricket/Volleyball Game (Capital Region) - Every Saturday @ 19:00 - 22:00
- Taleem Class: Every Friday @ 18:30 - 19:00
- MKA Khidmat e Khalaq Day (Blood Donation): 8th December
- Atfal Weekly Class | Men's Hall: 11th December @ 13:30
- Global Seminar: Taleem Outreach: 16th December @ 16:30 - 18:00
- Atfal Weekly Class | Men's Hall: 25th December @ 13:30