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Hagwil Yaan Student newsletter | April 2022

Welcome to the seventh issue of Hagwil Yaan!

Welcome back to another Hagwil Yaan issue! If this is your first time here, volume two of this student newsletter has a new name: Hagwil Yaan which means "walk softly, walk slowly" in Sm'algyax!

In each issue, we focus on an Indigenous language in our region. This month, we are happy to feature the language of the Ts'msyen People which is a dialect of sm'algyax!

Goyim (spring) is quickly approaching! Things are melting fast as we approach Ha'lila̱x sixs'waanx (when herring eggs are harvested) and the miik (rain showers) will bring a most welcome return to gyiksuunt (summer) weather and more gimgmdziws (sun)!

We hope you are all doing well in your studies and you are able to keep up with your assignments. We understand it is a very busy time, so feel free to reach out to us if you need extra support. Be mindful of the space you hold around others. Masks are optional in all indoor public settings, including your classrooms and lab times. T'oya̱xsut 'nüüsm (thank you all) for being considerate and safe.

We hope to hear from you! If you need any assistance, we are always here to łimoom (help/assist). We will do our best to support you in every step of your educational journey. Look after yourselves! Gyilks amaniisgn (take great care)!

Enjoy, take care and stay safe!

Jillian Stephens, Terrace

Sharon Oskey, Prince Rupert

Kellie Nyce, Hazelton

Left to right: FNACs Jillian Stephens, Kellie Nyce, and Sharon Oskey
We are already missing FNAC Katie from the Smithers Campus! Katie will be temporarily away from the office. We are working to find another FNAC for the Smithers Campus. In the meantime, please reach out to and our team will do our best to support you with your needs.

Year-end Notes

Preparing for the Upcoming Academic Year

Are you ready for the FALL Semester? Applied for band or village government post-secondary funding? If you need assistance applying before your deadline, reach out anytime to the FNAC team!

Preparing for Graduation

Graduating this year? Don’t forget to apply for convocation through your myCMTN account before Friday, April 1 for all campuses! Not sure when convocation is? Check out the dates below for the upcoming celebrations:

  • Terrace: June 2nd, 2022
  • Smithers: June 10th, 2022
  • Rupert: June 23rd, 2022

Student Spotlight

We had a wonderful time watching the Hoobiyee Celebrations that just happened in Gitwinksihlkw! We hope to be able to attend next year and bring in the new harvest year with all of our relations. Until then, check out this great student spotlight of CMTN Alumnus, Smiddy Grandison who celebrates Hoobiyee!

April Events

'Xbisuunt Dance Group Weekly Practice

Date: Every Monday

Time: 6 p.m. to 7 p.m.

'Xbisuunt Student Group Sessions are held every Wednesday from 2:00 pm to 2:45 pm at the Waap Galts'ap Longhouse and are open to watch with safety protocols in place.

If you are thinking about joining, please reach out to FNAC Jill at

Gitlaxdax Nisga'a Dance Group

Date: Every Wednesday

Time: 6 p.m. to 7 p.m.

Open to watch with safety protocols in place.

If you are thinking about joining, please reach out to FNAC Jill at

Language Series Wrap up Session & Feast Practice

Date: Wednesday, April 6, 2022

Time: 11:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m.

Join the FNACs for a special virtual language session to wrap up the Language Series that happened in March! Language Holders & Knowledge Keepers will be sharing language and stories. The event will be held online via Bluejeans, link will be provided after registration.

Sign up with student number and campus location to to receive our language kit and login information to join these virtual sessions.

All Native Basketball Tournament

Dates: April 3 to 9, 2022

Find First Nations Access Coordinator Sharon Oskey at the All Native Basketball Tournament in Prince Rupert with an information booth and resources on how to apply to CMTN.

Can't make it to Prince Rupert for the tournament? Drop by the Waap Galts'ap Longhouse to catch the games streamed live!

Looking to catch a particular game? Email and let us know which game

Farewell Student Learning Feast

Date: Wednesday, April 13, 2022

Time: 11:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m.

  • In-person: At the Waap Galts'ap Longhouse with safety protocols in place.
  • Virtual: Bluejeans link sent upon registration to those unable to attend in person.

Join the FNAC's, CMTN Staff & Faculty for our farewell student feast. Our feasts are wonderful learning opportunities that offer our students and staff the opportunity to connect in a culturally supportive way.

We will be distributing a limited supply of Wellness Gifts to honour your presence at the event. Please include your student number, and campus location for pickup of wellness gift (Prince Rupert, Terrace, Hazelton, Smithers). Sign up by April 4 for wellness package to

Recent Event Highlight

Language Series Session #1: How to Introduce Yourself

'Ap luk'wil t'oya̱xsut 'nüüsm! Many thanks and gratitude to the language holders who have provided language and knowledge for our Language Series!

  • Sim'oogit Gilseen (Ron Nyce) - Nisga'a Sm'algyax Holder
  • Liitam Laxdaaw Gyibaaw (Sharon Bryant) - Ts'msyen Sm'algyax Holder
  • Galdimalgax Algmxaa (Murray Smith) - Ts'msyen Sm'algyax Holder
  • Louisa Smith - Ts'msyen Sm'algyax Holder
  • Dolly Alfred - Witsuwit’en Language Holder
  • Dm syl haaytk gibau (Emily Bryant) - Ts'msyen Sm'algyax Holder
  • Kil Gal Tseetiks (Cheyenne Morgan) - Gitxsanimx Sm'algyax Holder
  • Mel Bazil - Witsuwit’en Language Holder
Our Language Holders, Knowledge Keepers & Elders
How to Introduce Yourself Session. Photos captured by FNAC Team

Language Series Session #2 & #3: Stories & Scrubbies

Stories with Mel Bazil & Kil Gal Tseetiks (Cheyanne Morgan) on March 9.
Stories with Dm syl haaytk gibau (Emily Bryant) & Sim’oogit Gilseen (Ron Nyce) on March 16.

Check out the story The Little Pitch Emily shared here: Photos captured by the FNAC team.

Language Series Session #4: Painting with Language

We wrapped up this great language series on March 30th! We celebrated by painting with language. We had used Beam Paints, which are sustainable vegan paints made by an Indigenous company. We painted on cardstock and then used language we had learned to label our creations.

Beam Paints which is Indigenous women owned and sustainably made.
Photos captured by FNAC Kellie

What would Ya'as Do?

Ya'as has been helping us learn how to lip gyilks wilaay'nsgn (introduce ourselves) in sm'algyax! Ya'as wants you to learn too so that you are ready for luulgit (a feast) when you come home. Check out this great video from Ya'as Gavin Huk Tgini’its’ga Xsgiik Hudson in Metlakatla! Gavin serves on SHI’s Southeast Regional Language Committee and is one of three founders of the Haayk Foundation, a nonprofit dedicated to the revitalization of the Tsimshian language. Nt'oyaxsn for watching and learning the Tsimshian language.

Lip gyilks wilaay'nsgn Introduce yourself

Gavin Hudson di waayu Gavin Hudson is my name

La̱xsgiik di pdeeg̲u Eagle clan is my crest

Su Maxłaxaała di wil 'waatgu New Metlakatla is where I'm from

Lynette Hudson waa di nooyu Lynette Hudson is my mother's name

Mitchell Hudson waa di nagwaadu Mitchell Hudson is my father's name

La̱xsgiik di pdeext Eagle clan is their crest

Ts'msyenu I am Tsimshian

Learn more at First Voices HERE! You can also find great resources like this video and workbooks through the Sealaska Heritage page for Tsimshian, Tlingit, and Haida!

Eat with Ts'iits

Ts'iits loves anything hoon (salmon)! Especially while she is waiting for her feed of ha'limootk (oolichans). Ts'iits also loves Asian fusion; she says it reminds her of working at the cannery with her 'nsipsiip'nsk (friends) she met there! Ts'iits knows that you're always busy during year-end of school but she wants you to have energy to finish your year in a good way. Try out this quick salmon bowl with your last few jars of salmon!

  • 1 teaspoon oregano
  • ½ teaspoon garlic powder
  • ½ teaspoon onion powder
  • ¼ teaspoon salt
  • ¼ teaspoon black pepper
  • ¼ teaspoon cayenne pepper
  • ¼ teaspoon paprika
  • 12 ounces salmon, deboned, cubed and seasoned
  • 2 tablespoons olive oil
  • 1 cup cooked rice
  • ¼ cup cucumber, sliced thin
  • ½ avocado, sliced thin
  • ¼ cup green onions, chopped small
  • 1 tablespoon jalapeno, sliced thin
  • 2 tablespoons cilantro, remove stems and chop
  • 2 tablespoons sesame seeds
  • 2 sheets seaweed
  • 1 large lime, quartered
  • ¼ cup mayonnaise
  • 1 tablespoon sriracha
  • 1 tablespoon soy sauce, low sodium
  • 2 teaspoons maple syrup

We would love to see how the recipe worked for you. Send pictures of your bowl to

Your weekly meme!

Captured from Facebook

Indigenous in Media

Congratulations to Tsimshian and Tahltan-Tlingit Master Carver, Stan Bevan on his Award of Distinction and retirement from the Freda Diesing School of Northwest Coast Art this year! We truly appreciate his contributions to the school and the commitment to students over the many years.

Stan has been an integral part of Coast Mountain College since 2006. He is one of the Founders of the Freda Diesing School - along with Master Carvers, Dempsey Bob and Ken McNeil - and has been an instructor, coordinator, and mentor with the school for 15 years.

"We aren't just educating ourselves, we're educating the world." - Stan Bevan

We will miss you, Stan! Best wishes as you take another step in your journey.

Spotlight: Passing on the torch at the Freda Diesing School of Northwest Coast Art

At the Freda Diesing School of Northwest Coast Art, located on the Coast Mountain College campus in Terrace and traditional Tsimshian territory, First Nations artists of all ages come to learn traditional north coast art. Taught by an impressive fleet of internationally, renowned master carvers and artists, this art school is home to a movement of reviving lost culture and bringing forth a new generation of powerful storytellers. Read more of the story here. Read more of the story on our website!

Interested in learning more about the Freda Diesing School of Northwest Coast Art, check out more info here or connect with your local FNAC!

Indigenous Reads

What we learned : two generations reflect on Tsimshian education and the day schools curated by Helen Raptis ; with members of the Tsimshian Nation

In What We Learned, two generations of Tsimshian students – a group of elders born in the 1930s and 1940s and a group of middle-aged adults born in the 1950s and 1960s – reflect on their traditional Tsimshian education and the formal schooling they received in northwestern British Columbia. Their stories evoke both good and bad memories of their youth, their communities, and their education. Surprisingly, while the older generation experienced physical and verbal abuse at their schools, they were also exposed to, and have retained more of, their Tsimshian traditions and language. The younger generation, by contrast, although not subjected to physical abuse at school, experienced more discrimination, which eroded their connections to Tsimshian culture, language, and values.

Their stories offer a starting point for understanding the legacy of day schools on Indigenous lives and communities. Their recollections also invite readers to consider a broader notion of education – one that includes traditional Indigenous views that conceive of learning as a lifelong experience that takes place across multiple contexts.

You can access this e-book through the CMTN Library using your student card!

Want more to read? The CMTN Terrace Library is giving away kids books for free! While supplies last, drop by to pick up and read over Spring Break.

On-Campus Safety Guidelines

Due to our COVID-19 response, things look a bit different at CMTN. Take a tour of our Terrace campus to learn more about how what kinds of changes to expect this year if you need to visit any of our campuses for your program.

Golden Rules on Campus

  • If you're sick, stay home and get tested
  • Masks as of March 14, 2022 are now optional in all indoor public spaces at CMTN.
  • Wash your hands often and thoroughly
  • Cover your face when you cough or sneeze
  • As restrictions lift for space limitations, it is important to acknowledge that some are still practising careful social contact. Please be considerate.
  • Use hand sanitizer when it's available

Please note removal of vaccinations requirements effective April 8, 2022 to access events and services and for post-secondary student housing.

At Coast Mountain College, we monitor the COVID-19 situation very closely and are guided by the Provincial Health Officer as we work with the Ministry of Advanced Education, Skills and Training. Updates will be shared as information becomes available.

First Nations Health Authority

Student Support

Student Union Design by CMTN Alumna Kari Morgan

Golnoosh Namazi, organiser for the Coast Mountain Students’ Union, is here to support students with events, services and advocacy. If you’re having trouble understanding your rights as a student, navigating through school procedures and policies or engaging in campus life then the Students’ Union is here to support you.

To learn more about what the student union does or if you just want to pop by to say hello, email Golnoosh at or Mudit Mehta, the student union outreach worker. Mudit can be reached at You can also visit their website at

As a member of the CMTN Students' Union, you are automatically enrolled if you met the eligibility criteria (taking 6 or more credits, or enrolled in a program of 26 weeks or longer). There is a $250 annual fee for this service, and any students who already have coverage through another provider can choose to opt out, or maintain dual coverage.

Deadline to submit an opt-out request is 30 days after the first day of the month in which your program starts (ex. for students starting programs in September, the deadline is September 30). If you decide to opt out and require assistance, please feel free to reach out to the CMTN Students' Union directly

To learn more about the plan, or if you're unsure whether you qualify to opt out, please contact Golnoosh or visit the CMSU's Student Health BC website. On this site, you will also find the opt-out request form.

The CMSU APP is now available on the Google Play Store or Apple App Store. Download the app to check out our virtual community boards, services and support systems in your region. You can also find the app through this link here:

Financial Aid


Deadline to apply: April 1

Hey students! Apply for awards, bursaries and scholarships* through Coast Mountain College to help fund your expenses while you study!

Next big Awards Deadline is April 1 make sure to research and apply to awards, bursaries & scholarships for your program before the application deadline!

*CMTN awards are available to Canadian citizens, BC residents, landed immigrants and protected persons.

Have any financial aid questions? Connect with our Financial Aid Officer, Allison Conway at 250.635.6511 ext. 5204 or email

Computer Assistance

Are you facing challenges with lack of equipment or support? There is a laptop lending library available. As a registered CMTN student you are eligible to borrow a laptop per semester.

Connect with one of our Education Advisors at or First Nations Access Coordinators at to learn more.

LAS & Advising Help

One-on-one Brightspace Help — If navigating and using Brightspace is making your course more difficult to manage, let us help!

Our Learning Assistance Specialists (LAS) are available to walk you through the finer points of Brightspace so you can focus on your coursework. Contact to book an in person or virtual appointment.

Drop-In Q & A, plus shared tips for success. Are you looking for learning strategies to help you succeed in your courses? Need some time management tips to help you juggle school and other parts of life?

Need tutoring? Check out TUTORME! A new, on-demand virtual service with access to over 1000+ tutors in 300+ subjects. Writing support is available as well. All CMTN students can access this service for two hours a week for free!

Register by visiting our CMTN website at

How to connect with a tutor tutorial video can be found here!

Having a hard time academically? We can connect you with the Learner Services team to make sure you have even more tools to complete your studies successfully.

To contact the Learner Support Team & Accessibility Services, email them at

Education Advisors also have weekly drop-ins on Mondays from 12 p.m. to 1 p.m. If you have questions about course planning or need to speak to an education advisor, please join them here:

For Education Advising, contact

Connect with FNACs if you need help accessing any of these services.

Upcoming Important Dates

  • April 15, 2022 – Good Friday [College Closed]
  • April 18, 2022 – Easter Monday [College Closed]
  • May 2, 2022  Spring Semester Starts (for most programs)
  • April 29, 2022  Winter Semester Classes End (for most programs)

Keep up to date with important dates through the CMTN Website!

Student Engagement Updates & Activities

  • LivingWorks Start is a 90-minute online training program that will teach you how to recognize when someone is having thoughts of suicide and take meaningful action to keep them safe. The messaging and learning goals are similar to safeTALK. This training can be done at your own convenience and pace. Staff and students, please contact Kezia Sinkewicz at for more information.

If you have any questions about Student Engagement activities, please reach out to Andy Kerr at or Nikila Prodduk at

Mental Health Check-in

Here2Talk connects students with mental health support when they need it. Through this program, all students currently registered in a B.C. post-secondary institution have access to free, confidential counselling and community referral services, conveniently available 24/7 via app, phone and web.

Mental Health Supports
Check out the CMTN website to access the Counselling Self-Referral Form. It must be completed before your first visit.

Foundry BC is now offering virtual drop-in counselling for young people ages 12 to 24 and their families. To access this service, call 1.833.FØUNDRY (yes, that’s FØUNDRY with a zero... or 1.833.308.6379) to book an appointment. Sessions available through chat, voice-only calls or video calls.

Feeling down? Here are other resources you can reach out to:

Youth Online Chat at or text 250.564.8336 or call 1.888.564.8336. A confidential, anonymous peer support service operated by trained youth answering calls from other youth. Available 24/7.

Northern BC Crisis Line A safe, confidential and non-judgmental crisis line to discuss anything troubling you available 24/7. Call 1.888.562.1214.

BC Suicide Line 1.800.SUICIDE or 1.800.784.2433. If you are considering suicide or are concerned about someone who may, please call! Available 24/7.

The Indian Residential Schools Crisis Line is available 24-hours a day for anyone experiencing pain or distress as a result of their residential school experience. Call 1.866.925.4419.

Thank you for enjoying the fourth issue of volume two: Hagwil yaan!

Stay connected and check out our FNAC Facebook group under the name “CMTN - Indigenous Connection & Support”.

Have something you want to contribute for next month's issue?

If you have any feedback, story ideas or pictures to share, please contact us:

Connection is Indigenous!


