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SEND Matters March 2022

Welcome to the spring edition of SEND Matters which gives up to date information on what’s happening and new across the Bromley SEND community. This edition focuses on the many different ways you can get involved. If you would like to submit any information for our Summer edition please email

So what's been happening in Send?

Engagement Matters

We’re committed to reporting on what we have done in response to feedback from disabled children, young people and their families, carers and professionals. Please read our You Said, We Did report.

SEND Network Champions Update

SEND Network Champions Update

On 26th January, a group of nearly 50 SEND Network Champions representing education, health, social care and parents attended a virtual session.

The SEND Champions were able to hear from a variety of presenters including Stephie Withers (Group Lead: SEN Advisory Teams, LBB) who shared some of the initiatives being led by her teams: an update on the Down Syndrome Training offer, Dyslexia Training and resources and the launch of the Autism Education Training offer (AET) in Bromley. The Champions also heard about how the SEND Community is embracing diversity through a presentation from Kay Moore (Children, young people and parent SEND lead, LBB) and Pip Rastall, Director of SEND (Your Voice Health and Social Care)

The SEND Network Champions is an exciting initiative which brings together parents and professionals across Bromley who have the common goal of making a difference to Children and Young People who have SEND.

The Champions meet three times a year to hear about key SEND themes affecting Bromley.

If you are interested in becoming a SEND Network Champion please contact

EHC Plan Annual Review Project – Do you want to know more?

As part of our Annual Review project, Bromley Council is introducing a range of bespoke information sessions for parents and carers, school professionals or other health and social care professionals working in the borough. These sessions will you to learn more about the Annual Review Process and to give you the opportunity to ask any questions that you may have.

Launch of the new Social Communication (including Autism) Family Support Service in partnership with Bromley Mencap

Who's Who?

Catriona Hardiman I am the new Social Communication Needs (including Autism) Family Support Co-ordinator. This is an exciting brand new role working closely with The Bromley Children Project.

I work with parents, families and carers looking after people aged 0-25 with social communication difficulties. My assistance is available for the whole of the borough. I am available by phone and email to ask any questions that they may have, especially if they do not know their next steps.

I can help with how you can find more information, what support is available within the borough and the various education settings available.

I am here to make sure that everyone has accessed all the help available and talk them through their options and provide guidance.

How do you make a difference?

I am here to listen to people and answer any questions they may have. People will be at different stages and I understand the importance of having people to talk to. I find it so fulfilling to be able to meet and connect with new people and help them find their next steps and provide more clarity.

I work really closely with Bromley Mencap who work with those families that need more intensive support.

The aim of both services is to ensure that families with children and young people with social communication needs (including Autism) feel supported.

All referrals for both services are through Autisticspectrumconditionenquiries@

Contact Number - 0208 461 7697

Launch of the new Bromley well service supporting adults with autism 16+

So what’s coming up in SEND?

The Bromley SEND 14 – 25 Transition Day Monday 25th April 2022

Following the success of the first 14 – 25 Transition Day in October 2021 and feedback from families we are delighted to announce the date for our next Transition Day.

Becoming an adult is an exciting and special time, but for some children and young people who have special educational needs and/or a disability (SEND) it can also be a time which needs more careful planning.

Once again we will welcome young people aged 14 – 25, who have SEND and their families to meet with professionals from the Council’s SEND Education Teams, the Children Disability Service, Adult Social Care teams and colleagues from both Bromley Healthcare and Oxleas NHS Learning Disability Community Nursing team, and service providers. This is a fantastic chance to learn about the support options and opportunities available to young people as they move into adult life with a look at topics such as education; employment and training; developing independence; community inclusion and good health.

We are also planning a series of presentation workshops where families can discuss subjects such as Wills and Trusts, Benefits and Money, Education, Health and Care Plans/Aspirations and Outcomes, Sexual Health and the REMIX theatre arts group will again be offering taster sessions for young people in a ‘chill-out’ space.

If you are a professional who would also like to attend, please do join us on the day.

This event has been planned using feedback from our first event and will run during term time in order to support parents, carers and families who requested to attend without needing to provide support to their young people.

All young people who have SEND are welcome and we will be working closely with schools and settings to ensure that they can participate with the appropriate support in place.

Join us on Monday 25th April 2022 and help to make this event a success by spreading the word to the parents, carers, families and young people that you support and by attending on the day.

Where: The Warren, Metropolitan Police Sports Club in Hayes, Bromley BR2 7AL

When: Monday 25th April 2022

Time: 10am – 3pm

Contact: for more information.

Further details will also be available through the Bromley Local Offer Latest News

SEND Matters LIVE is back @ The Glades Wednesday 23rd March to Saturday 26th March 11am – 4pm

SEND Matters Live is back for four days at the Glades in our store opposite Lush on the 2nd floor of the Glades. The event provides an opportunity for parents, carers, professionals and young people with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (0-25) to speak to experienced professionals in SEND from across the Local Authority, Health, Social Care and volunteer partner agencies.

Everybody is welcome to pop in for information, advice, signposting or just a chat. There is no need to book but for more information about the event please email

So… how can young people get involved?

Young People’s Voice – Make Yourself Heard!

We are delighted to announce the formation of a new Young Persons Engagement Group specifically for young people (14-25) with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND).

We would like to work with schools and colleges to identify young people who would like to tell us their views about the support that they need and the services they would like to have available as they prepare for adult life.

The group will allow young people to share their views and to hear more about what is happening in Bromley, to keep informed and get involved.

The group will give young people with SEND the opportunity to:

• Develop their self-esteem, confidence, and independence

• Make choices and influence decisions

• Learn new skills

• Make new friends

We are inviting young people with special educational needs and/or disabilities from your school/college or organisation to get involved and if you know of any young person who would like to get involved they will earn a £10 Amazon voucher for joining and sharing their views.

If you are a young person who would be interested in joining or if you know of a young person who might be interested please contact Kay Moore, Children, Young People and Parent SEND Lead (

Design your Life – Children and Young People with SEND shaping their services

As the 0 – 25 Transformation Project moves on to its next phase we are once again asking young people to contribute their views about what’s important to them in their lives now and what’s going to be important in the future. We would like to understand what information and support they need to support them into adulthood and where they would like this to come from.

At the start of March, we circulated a link to our short Design Your Life Survey to schools and settings and would like to extend our thanks to those who have supported young people to complete them. The findings from these surveys will feed directly into the development of new SEND services in Bromley through the 0 – 25 Transformation project.

We are always keen to ensure that the voice of children and young people who have SEND is at the front and centre of the decisions that we make as we develop our services, and so we are keeping the surveys open for another month (until 30th April 2022) so that any other young people wishing to contribute their thoughts has an opportunity to do so.

For more information about the 0 – 25 Transformation project please email:

Other Updates

Educational Psychology (EP) Service input to annual reviews and Year 5 transition reports

The EP Service do not routinely offer the optional Year 5 updates for children with EHC plans. However, description of the child/ young person’s progress and functioning presented at an annual review will usually be sufficient to allow their EHC plan to be amended and kept current.

Alternatively, the EP Service can support a school in terms of thinking about the information that they may need to submit as part of the annual review process (but this will not involve direct work). Schools can also approach their Complex Needs Team representative for support, and we are planning further ways that we can support schools to prepare for key annual reviews without EP input – more information to follow.

Bromley’s Children’s and Young People’s Plan 2021 -2024

This plan sets out the work that will be undertaken in Bromley to further develop partnership practice across agencies, to increase integration of services and to strengthen joint accountability for improving outcomes for local children and young people. Find out more and download the plan here.

Bromley Y training for young people and parents

Bromley Y is providing a wide range of free webinars for young people and parents, including topics such as: emotionally based school avoidance; managing academic stress; low mood; anxiety; and worry. Sessions can be booked here.

Other things to look out for

Celebrating Down Syndrome Awareness Week 21st - 27th March 2022

We would like to invite you to join the countdown to the World Down Syndrome Day celebrations on Monday 21st March.

This week of celebrations kicks off on 21st March with a themed “Lots of Socks” day where we are supporting the Bromley Down Syndrome Support Group (DSSG) in asking everyone to join us in building awareness of Down Syndrome by wearing odd socks to their nursery, school, college, and work.

The #LotsOfSocks campaign exists to raise awareness about Down syndrome. All you need to do is choose some socks that are going to get noticed - they might be mismatched socks or your craziest and most colourful socks, whatever takes your fancy! And then raise funds or simply post your pictures on social media using the hashtags #LotsofSocks #WDSD2022.

Bromley’s education, health, social care colleagues are proud to have partnered the Bromley Down Syndrome Support Group (DSSG) to begin to develop a Down Syndrome pathway. This includes the development of two unique training packages that relate directly to the specific learning profile of children and young people with Down Syndrome and the development of reading skills.

This training is available, through the SEN Advisory Teams, to all early years settings and schools wishing to build confidence and understanding in supporting the needs of children with Down Syndrome. The training will aim to facilitate the most positive transition in advance of a child with Down Syndrome starting at that setting.

If you would like to run an assembly or class lesson about Down Syndrome as part of this Awareness Week please click here for more useful information, resources and lesson plans.

Or contact the SEN Advisory team for more information.

World Autism Acceptance Week

MyClub Junior - FREE Weekly Activity Sessions at The Pavilion in Bromley

The free programme of activities for children and young people with SEND at Bromley MyTime has been extended.

The weekly programme includes – soft play, 10-pin bowling, and teen circuits, with a monthly family splash session also scheduled.

The programme will be offered until at least June 2022.

For more information please go to

Created By
Donnell Asare