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ECU Sociology News Spring 2022

A Note from the Chair

Dear ECU Sociology Community:

Like so many organizations, the ECU Sociology Department faced many challenges this past year. The pandemic brought several new obstacles, but also new opportunities. We were able to teach courses in creative ways, collaborate differently, and recruit from a new population of students. In the midst of all of the ongoing pandemic-related uncertainty, we managed incredible accomplishments. Sociology faculty won prestigious awards. Faculty were tenured and promoted. We hired new faculty, and bid farewell to long-term faculty who are and will be missed tremendously. Our students presented research and took advantage of new and exciting opportunities in the department. We thought that we should share our news with you! Thanks to Colin Campbell for conceptualizing and compiling material for this newsletter. Here, we review some of our accomplishments, sharing our points of pride as well as our sadness over losing our beloved friend and colleague, Kathy Jones, last summer. We continue to mourn, remember, and honor her.

I am proud of the work, creativity, and perseverance of our faculty, staff, and students. We are all excited about the department’s future.

Go Sociology!

Kristen Myers, PhD

what's new?

Medical Sociology Minor Launches Fall 2022

In response to growing interest in better understanding how society influences health and medicine, ECU Sociology has created a new minor in Medical Sociology. The curriculum for the minor requires students to take courses that will develop their expertise in both the social dimensions of health and medicine (e.g. SOCI 3327: Introductory Medical Sociology; SOCI 5318: Social Aspects of Death and Dying) and also courses in core sociological concepts and methods (e.g. SOCI 3213: Methods of Research). The Medical Sociology minor will help prepare students for careers in medicine, public health, public policy, and social services. For more information about the minor, contact Dr. Lori Heald (

Department Creates Accelerated MA Degree Program

In Fall 2021, ECU Sociology introduced an accelerated MA degree option for both BS and BA students that allows students to complete a Sociology bachelor’s degree and master’s degree in 5 years. As part of the program, students may begin taking master’s level courses during their junior year and count 12 semester hours toward both a bachelor’s degree and a master’s degree. For undergraduate students interested in pursuing a master’s in sociology, the accelerated MA program allows students to gain additional skills and expertise more quickly and enter the labor market with an advanced degree. To learn more about the accelerated MA program, contact Dr. Melinda Kane (

5 reasons you should pursue your MA in Sociology at ECU

Welcome to new Faculty in Sociology

Kirk Miller & Jennifer O'Neill Join the Department

New faculty, Dr. Kirk Miller and Jennifer O'Neill

Kirk Miller...

...joined the ECU Sociology Department as an Associate Professor in Fall 2021. Before coming to ECU, Dr. Miller worked at Northern Illinois University, where he held several academic leadership and administration positions, including Chair of the Department of Sociology and Associate Dean for Academic Affairs in the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences.

Dr. Miller’s teaching and research expertise in sociology spans crime and formal social control; race, class, and gender inequality; and sociological research methods, with specific training and expertise in survey research and secondary data analysis on large criminal justice, crime, and community datasets. Much of Dr. Miller’s research is focused on aspects of the police industry and the intersection of social control and social inequalities. His early research focused on documenting and explaining traffic stop patterns across race and gender and for different types of law enforcement agencies. Dr. Miller oversaw survey data collection for a large-scale survey of North Carolina drivers. Subsequent work on the racial profiling phenomenon was among the first published research to use data that were independent of the police officers and law enforcement agencies under investigation. More recently, Dr. Miller has published work on how the use of cell-phone video to produce public awareness about police use-of-force cases has contributed to changes in public opinion and influenced protests over police murders. His current research is concerned with explaining patterns of social protest and the policing of protests of the police that occurred in the summer of 2020.

Jennifer O'Neill...

...joined the Sociology Department as a Teaching Instructor in Spring 2022. Ms. O’Neill earned a Bachelor’s degree in Sociology and American Studies at the University of Kansas and then a Master’s degree in Sociology from East Carolina University. She began teaching in 2010 as a graduate student at ECU, teaching Introduction to Sociology and Health in Modern Society. After graduating from the MA program in 2012, she continued to teach Sociology courses at ECU and taught Sociology courses at several community colleges across the state. Ms. O’Neill also worked as a School-Community Outreach Coordinator for the Pender Alliance for Teen Health, a non-profit organization that operates school-based health centers in Pender County Schools, where much of her work focused on working with pregnant and parenting students and providing them with resources and support that allowed them to successfully complete their high school diploma. Most recently, Ms. O’Neill worked as a teacher for a Title I middle school in Craven County. She also currently serves as a member of the Board of Trustees for Craven Community College in New Bern, North Carolina.

Ms. O’Neill has broad sociological interests but tends to focus on issues of inequality based on race, class, gender, and sexual orientation, particularly in the areas of educational and health outcomes. This interest in inequality in educational outcomes is what drives her current focus on pedagogy and sociologically informed instructional design.

Fabulous new staff

In summer, 2021, we hired a new administrative support associate, Airene Costelo. Airene has a Bachelor's degree in Philosophy from UNC-G, which is perfect because the Department of Sociology shares her with the Department of Philosophy and Religious Studies. Airene is a welcome addition to our staff. Her skills are incredibly valuable and she's delightful to work with.


Melinda Kane Recognized for Outstanding Teaching

Dr. Melinda Kane, BOG Distinguished Professor for Teaching (and family)

Dr. Melina Kane was awarded a 2021-2022 UNC System Board of Governors Distinguished Professor for Teaching Award. ECU gives only six of these each year, to be recognized in the spring. This prestigious and well-earned award recognizes Dr. Kane’s teaching excellence and is an incredible accomplishment.

Dr. Kane regularly teaches courses on social movements; race, class, and gender; social statistics; and LGBT identity, society, and politics. Among students, Dr. Kane is known for having high standards while also providing the resources and support that will allow them to succeed. As one student noted, “[The course] has been challenging but in a good way.” Students also regularly seek out Dr. Kane for mentorship and advice outside of the classroom. Dr. Kane’s expertise as an adviser is unmatched, and students regularly ask Dr. Kane to chair master’s thesis committees and to supervise honors projects. In short, Dr. Kane is both an exceptionally popular and tremendously effective teacher and mentor.

Bob Edwards Awarded Distinguished Professorship

Dr. Bob Edwards...

...was named the 21st ECU Thomas Harriot College of Arts and Sciences Distinguished Professor. The appointment is the college’s highest honor and recognizes Dr. Edwards' outstanding teaching and advising, research and creative productivity, and professional service.

Dr. Edwards came to ECU in 1995. Over the last quarter-century, Dr. Edwards has served as the chair or committee member for more than 40 master’s degree thesis committees and has taught a wide range of courses covering social movements, social statistics, applied social research, society and coastal policy, and environmental sociology. Dr. Edwards’ research focuses on social movements, social organizations and change, civil society and social capital, and environmental sociology and inequality. He has authored or co-authored nearly 100 journal articles, reports, book chapters, and encyclopedia entries, and his research has been cited over 11,000 times.

Tenure & Promotions

Recently promoted faculty, Drs. AJ Jacobs, Susan Pearce & Colin Campbell

In fall, 2021, Dr. AJ Jacobs was officially promoted to Full Professor. In Fall 2022, Dr. Susan Pearce will be promoted to Full Professor. Dr. Colin Campbell will receive permanent tenure and be promoted to Associate Professor. Congratulations to these excellent scholars and colleagues. When they succeed, we succeed.

Saying goodbye

Remembering Kathy Jones

The Department of Sociology is deeply saddened by the passing of Kathy Jones, a beloved friend and colleague. Ms. Jones taught in the department for 15 years, beginning part-time in 2006 after receiving her MA in Sociology from ECU earlier that year. She joined the full-time faculty in 2012 and taught 8 courses per year until her retirement in Summer 2021. During this time, Ms. Jones owned and operated an applied research firm and worked for Education Insights, Inc., performing psychological testing services throughout eastern North Carolina.

Ms. Jones will be most remembered and missed for her love of teaching undergraduate students and her dedication to helping them better understand and find their way as young adults. Ms. Jones taught a range of courses related to family, marriage, relationships, deviance, and social problems. Yet, her courses in women’s and gender studies most inspired her. Ms. Jones creativity, empathy, passion, and intellect moved students and her colleagues in incalculable ways.

Ms. Jones’ dedication to enriching students’ knowledge and experience at ECU extended well beyond the classroom to administrative service and leadership in student activities. She was an active member of the Women’s Studies Executive Committee and the Chancellor’s Committee on the Status of Women. She co-directed the annual presentation of the Vagina Monologues for 5 years and for 8 years served as a faculty advisor to three different student organizations related to issues of inclusion and justice.

To honor Ms. Jones’ career and dedication to undergraduate teaching, the department established the Kathy Jones Gender Studies & Sociology Scholarship. To contribute to the scholarship fund, click here.

Lee Maril to Retire

Dr. Lee Maril, retiring 2022

Dr. Lee Maril will retire this summer. Dr. Maril joined the department in 2003 and served as Department Chair from 2003-2008. Dr. Maril regularly taught courses on law and society and qualitative research methods. Over the course of his career, Dr. Maril published 8 books, including Patrolling Chaos: The United States Border Patrol in Deep South Texas and The Fence: National Security, Public Safety, and Illegal Immigration along the US-Mexico Border. He is currently writing two more books. Dr. Maril’s rigorous research, commitment to student learning, and dedication to social justice will be missed.

spotlight on Sociology Students

Undergraduate Alumni Spotlight

Q and A with Sydney Johnson, BS in Applied Sociology, ’21

What are you doing now?

I’m a first-year medical student at the University of Louisville School of Medicine.

How did majoring in sociology help prepare you for medical school?

Majoring in sociology has prepared me for medical school by providing me with a unique perspective by which to better understand the intersection between society and health. Medical practice is so greatly influenced by social factors, and my sociological background has given me the knowledge and skills I need to address the social aspects of health as a future physician.

Are there any skills or experiences that you gained while completing your sociology degree that are particularly useful to you in medical school?

So much of what I learned in sociology has been useful thus far in my medical education. For instance, I was able to apply what I had learned in SOCI 3216: Intro to Social Statistics to a course in biostatistics I took earlier this semester. However, one of the most impactful experiences I had while completing my sociology degree was conducting research with Dr. Edwards and Dr. Tumin (Department of Pediatrics, Brody School of Medicine) in which I learned many valuable skills. The experience taught me how to design a research project, collect data, and increased my familiarity with the process of publishing a research article.

What was your favorite sociology course?

My favorite sociology course was SOCI 4385: Theoretical Perspectives and Applications. I really enjoyed learning about sociological theory and how its application can be used to explain complex social phenomena. This course taught me how to think critically about society, a skill that I use today in relation to how it affects health.

Do you have a favorite memory from your time as a sociology major?

One of my favorite memories from my sociology major was having weekly pizza and donut parties in SOCI 5318: Social Aspects of Death and Dying with Dr. Heald. We covered a lot of difficult concepts in the course, but Dr. Heald had a way of making the class so enlightening and engaging.

What advice do you have for current students?

My advice for current sociology majors would be to find an aspect of sociology they are most passionate about and to pursue it whole-heartedly. ECU and the Department of Sociology have many great resources and opportunities available to students. It’s just a matter of getting connected with faculty and seeking out these experiences!

Master’s Student Alumni Spotlight

Q and A with Jasmine Walker, MA in Sociology, ’20

Where do you work?

I am a Data Administrator at the North Carolina Child Care Health and Safety Resource Center, which is an affiliate of UNC - Chapel Hill.

What responsibilities do you have at your job?

I provide support and technical assistance for those using our data collection tool in the field. I also handle data management, analysis, and create reports for programmatic partners and funders.

Are there any skills or experiences you gained while completing your MA that are particularly useful in your current position?

I was able to collaborate with Dr. Dmitry Tumin (Department of Pediatrics, Brody School of Medicine) on two research papers and I think this experience really reinforced my technical skills, but also gave me an opportunity learn soft skills like communication, critical thinking, and problem solving.

What was your favorite sociology course?

I enjoyed both statistics courses the department offers. I really enjoyed learning to use Stata, and the foundational knowledge of working with data and stats software is relevant to so many careers.

Do you have a favorite memory from your time in the MA program?

I think my favorite memories stem from being a graduate assistant. I worked for different professors throughout my time in the program and it was a great opportunity to get to know them and explore their research interests.

What advice do you have for current students?

You should enjoy your time in the program, but the two years you spend getting the degree goes by quickly. Don’t put off taking advantage of opportunities or working on projects that will help you with your future goals.

Networking opportunities

During the pandemic, everyone has felt socially isolated. Some graduate students and faculty have only been at ECU during the pandemic. For them, there is no pre-COVID ECU to reference-- only a pandemic ECU. To combat isolation and to invest in a strong and vibrant community, we held a working lunch for faculty and graduate students in spring 2022. People got to meet each other in person, network, and learn about research and teaching opportunities. The weather conspired to make this a great event. We will continue hosting interactive networking events liek this in the future.

Spot the difference? Grad students and faculty at our spring networking lunch, 2022.

Introducing the new ECU Department of Sociology Research SYmposium

Images from the spring 2022 Research Symposium
Images from the spring 2022 Research Symposium
Images from the spring 2022 Research Symposium
Images from the spring 2022 Research Symposium

To help build our students' research portfolios and to give them practice with professional presentations, we launched the ECU Sociology Research Symposium in Fall 2021. Students who want to participate submit an abstract for their research paper mid-semester. The Symposium is held at the end of the semester. Students who've participated find the event affirming and valuable. We were happy to see family members and loved ones in the audience in spring. We plan to expand this event in the coming year to include alumni papers, an awards ceremony, and a reception. Reach out to the Chair, Dr. Kristen Myers, if you want to know more (

If you want to donate funds to help support this special event, click here.

Students at the Southern Sociological Society

According to its website, the Southern Sociological Society was established in 1935 as a society of professionals "that promotes the development of sociology as a profession and scientific discipline by the maintenance of high academic professional and ethical standards, and by encouraging effective teaching of sociology, valid and reliable methods and research in the study of human society, diffusion of sociological knowledge and its application to societal problems, cooperation with related disciplines and groups, recruitment and training of sociologists, and development of sociology programs in educational and other agencies."

Members of the Society convene for a meeting each spring. Each year, students from ECU Sociology present their research. This year, several students traveled with faculty to Birmingham, Alabama, to present.

Before you go...

A trip down memory lane

Look familiar?

This is Brewster Building in 1974. See this and other historic photos at ECU's Digital Collections.

Support student Engagement, learning & Research

The Department of Sociology shares ECU’s commitment to working with students to make education accessible. We understand that many students and their families face considerable hardship in paying for a college education. Therefore, our fundraising efforts focus on building on our scholarship opportunities for students. We are proud to report that the Sociology Department awards an average of $20,000 in scholarships to outstanding students every year. We can only do that with your help. To make a donation to a Sociology Department scholarship fund, click here. And THANK YOU.

In investing in our students, we show our commitment to developing solid, marketable skills that serve our graduates well into their careers. If you want to help support student research and engagement, please consider donating to the general sociology fund. We use this money to do these things and more: ensure that the Sociology Computer Lab has cutting-edge software and hardware, host networking events for students, support student travel to conferences, cover costs of the Sociology Research Symposium, and pay guest speakers. To donate today, click here. And THANK YOU.

Want to get involved? Email the Chair, Dr. Kristen Myers, and follow the ECU Department of SOciology on FB, Instagram & Twitter


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