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December 2022 @BVNLibrary Students finished up research papers, created infographics, 3D designed board games, and studied for finals! Read on to hear about Cocoa and Cram and all of the great student work created this month.

Biology and Honors Biology

Students in all Biology classes learned to use databases to research various types of cancer. They completed research documents and then learned about using Canva to create infographics from Mr. Holloway! It was very busy with 10 classes and both Honors and on-level classes in the library all at once! The results were pretty good and we were able to assess important skills of the information search process and content creation.

Cocoa and Cram

The library hosted Cocoa and Cram after school on Wednesday, December 14th. This event, sponsored by STUCO allowed upperclassmen to tutor underclassmen as they prepared for finals. Students worked together to study, had cocoa and snacks, and the library was packed!

3D Design and Printing

Semester's End

The semester ended with students using the library to study, hang out, play chess, 3D print holiday gifts, eat, print, and relieve stress. We noticed that this semester was busier than usual and days frequently moved with a frenetic pace. We continued to teach and assess for our students. We wish that we were able to implement more new lessons especially with our newer teachers. But overall, we helped 13 classes of seniors to complete the research process, worked with every freshman as they learned, researched and created content, and helped countless other students in class and as visitors in the library. For many of our students, we helped them make it through the day and provided snacks and a listening ear on challenging days. Our services are vital to our students and teachers and unfortunately, the library was completely closed on 2 separate occasions when both librarians were absent. This changes everyone's day when they can't get the unexpected help that they need. We plan to continue teaching daily and trying to maintain the collection with any time we have left. We have a goal of working on the fantasy section of the collection during second semester and working to continue implementing the resources provided to us through our BVEF grants!

Created By
abby cornelius


Created with an image by Tierney - "Document management system concept with person using a laptop computer"


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