Students in ELA 11 worked through poetry stations in the library. Each group had multiple poetry related tasks to complete including book spine poetry, poetic analysis, and poetry creation!
American Government
Students in Mrs. Chugg's and Mr. Dudley's Government classes learned about media bias in preparation for a semester long current events activity. Students were introduced to the interactive media bias chart to help evaluate their sources. Throughout the semester, each student presented a current event to the class that they learned about. Students used the interactive media bias chart and library databases to search for and evaluate sources.
AP Literature
Students in Mrs. Worthington's and Mrs. Weir's AP Literature classes began the research process by learning about peer-reviewed sources. Librarians taught students the most efficient ways to find peer-reviewed sources using library databases. These seniors also selected research topics and began preliminary research this month.
HELA 9: The Odyssey
Students in Mrs. Moran's HELA 9 classes used our Canva template to create Snap Chat conversations with a partner. Each student researched a mythological being and then conversed with their partner (via our faux Snap template) to demonstrate their understanding of mythology while reading The Odyssey. The results were phenomenal! Find some great projects here, here, and here.
Culinary Essentials
Students in Chef Guthrie's Culinary Essentials classes practiced measurement and baking conversions by playing Breakout EDU! All three groups broke out despite some pretty challenging puzzles. This was our first experience with the baking game and students felt pretty good about it!
Modern World History
80 classes collaborated with BVN Librarians this month! This equates to approximately 2,000 students participating in instructional activities in the library. Collaborative activities included library standards and content area curricula making our learners into more skilled, knowledgable and capable citizens.
Created with images by Sam Edwards/Caia Image - "Smiling snowman with knit hat and scarf in snowy field" • Atlas - "Many books textured background, top view. Multicolored books" • JYPIX - "A pile of documents with the man in the document"