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St John Vianney Newsletter 23.06.2022

A message from our Headteacher

Dear Parents and Carers,

I do hope you and your families are well?

We have had another busy, but shorter week in School, with Friday school being closed for the Queen’s platinum jubilee day. I’m sure the children (and staff) will enjoy the long weekend.

A highlight of this week has been our ‘deep learning day’ on Thursday. We invited Teach Rex into School to develop learning opportunities in global sustainability issues and also to develop literacy and IT skills with all pupils. The children loved working with Dinosaur ‘Rex’ and it was lovely to see them engaged in wider aspects of learning too; they all contributed so well.

Today we also marked the official leaving of St John Vianney for 3 Post 16 pupils and 1 pupil in Year 11. It was a sad, but celebratory occasion and we send our very best wishes for the future to these pupils and their families. I am sure they will have some great memories of their time in SJV to take away with them. We will miss them all, but look forward to hearing of their progression in life beyond SJV.

It was also lovely, on Wednesday afternoon, to welcome in parents of our new pupils, who are due to join us in September this year. We hope they too have a wonderful school journey with us over the forthcoming years.

There are now only four weeks left, before we break for the summer holidays, (Thursday 21st July at 1.30pm) and we are busy preparing for the end of the academic year and the start of the new one, which will begin on Wednesday 7th September at 9.00am for our pupils. Annual pupil reports are currently being compiled and we will have them with you in early July.

I hope you have an enjoyable, long weekend,

Mr A Moloney


Please note, we have made a change to the School Calendar for the summer term 2022.

Friday 24th June is now an additional School holiday for St John Vianney School. The School will be closed on this date.

This additional date is in lieu of the national holiday for the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee celebration, which falls during the Whit break on June 3rd 2022.

The term dates for 2022-23 have now been approved by the Governing Body and are now available on the School website.

Stars of the Week

Each week a 'Star of the Week' is chosen by the class team to celebrate achievements both academic and pastoral.

This week we are celebrating the following achievements:

  • Ishaaq - For great work in Maths!
  • Keenan - For trying hard to improve his attendance and using his coping strategies in school to deal with his frustrations.
  • Charlie - For always having a fantastic attitude and producing some brilliant maths work.
  • Tyler - For a concerted effort to work cooperatively with his teachers and staff and great behaviour all week.
  • Sadie - For being in all lessons all week.
  • Renee - For a fantastic help in class one for her work experience.
  • Hassan - For making huge progress in all his lessons this week. Well done Hassan.
  • Ayla - For tidying the scooters and bikes and sweeping the leaves and rubbish.
  • Rayyan - For communicating more in class and around school.
  • Nesrine - For being such a good sportswoman at the football tournament on Wednesday.
  • Owen - Having a productive last full week at SJV.

SJV Class News

Class 3

Class 3 have started their own street art project, incorporating some of the styles we have looked at in class. I can't wait to see the finished pieces.

Class 12

Class 12 made a huge contribution at NACRO today, although it was really hot, they worked tirelessly, weeding, cutting down trees and clearing up the footpaths. Fantastic work everyone.

Class 10 & 11

Class 10 & 11 have been learning about Eyam, the famous Derbyshire village which was struck by The Great Plague, in 1665. Back then, people used herbs and plants as medicine. In English this week, we followed a recipe from those times, said to be a cure for the illness! Pupils mixed their own concoctions but only 1 sampled it. I can't imagine why!

Class 8

Class 8 had a great start to the week baking healthy alternative snacks; carrot and raisin muffins. They were delicious! All the pupils got 'stuck in', following their recipes and leaving the kitchen lovely and clean. Well done Class 8.

Class 13

Class 13 visited a very sunny and warm Wythenshawe Park to work with NACRO. While they were there they worked hard at weeding and maintaining the park grounds. Top stuff Class 13.

Class 9

At Forest School this week, Class 9 enjoyed bird watching from the outpost, duck racing in the water play area and making mud pies. We also enjoyed going on a bear hunt. All the children were thoroughly engaged in all the activities and found 21 bears in all.

Football Tournament

The boys had a great time at the CITC football tournament this week!

Class 1

Class 1 have been working on their money and social skills this week. We have set up a toy shop and taken turns to be customers and shopkeepers.

Poetry By Heart

Huge congratulations to our young poets Leah, Hassan and Dan who reached the finals of ‘Poetry By Heart 2022’, in London this week. It’s truly wonderful that their work has been recognised nationally and this award is so richly deserved. As part of their showcase prize, they experienced a fabulous overnight stay in London to watch King Lear at Shakespeare’s Globe Theatre. We had the finest seats in the house for the play and were given a guided tour with one of the Globe’s very own Shakespearean actors! Our pupils also took part in a range of different poetry workshops and events including a reading by the Poet Laureate, Simon Armitage! A truly inspiring few days in the capital for our brilliant students. It was a real privilege for our 'poet in residence', Mr Lomax and Mrs Garfin to accompany them and celebrate this amazing achievement. Well done budding poets!

Our Catholic School

It’s the end of an era this week for SJV, with some of our year 11s and post 16s leaving our school community. It’s a bittersweet moment for us; it's wonderful to see them ready to leave and to start the next chapter of their lives, but we will miss them. It was lovely to celebrate with parents/carers and friends at the end of our school week. The leaving service with Father Nick was a lovely way to end our formal journey together and we will look forward to hearing about their success and triumphs in life.

The Gospel focus for this week reminds us that we will all face challenges and testing times in our lives. If we choose to, we can put our faith in Jesus, who can guide and steer us through life’s storms. Pope Francis reminds us of the importance of nourishing our faith with prayer . ‘Let us be united to Jesus, nourished by daily prayer, by listening to the Word of God, and by sharing in the sacraments. Having Faith means keeping your heart turned to God, to his love, to his Fatherly tenderness, amid the storm’. We can’t expect not to have troubles in our lives, but with God’s support we can get through them.

Within our Catholic school we continue to celebrate staff Mass and share God's love with one another. The team are practising their readings and bidding prayers for our final Mass of the year - we’ve only got 4 weeks to go!

Within RE this week we have continued to look at British Values. We have been focussing on helping others, especially the poor and the needy, as its refugee’s week. We have been looking at how we can help refugees and with some of the older learners looking at why it is such a controversial issue.

By Mrs Garfin

A few tips from our emotional and mental wellbeing team here at SJV.

As the weather gets warmer and we have longer days in the sunshine, it is good to reflect on ourselves and the ways in which the weather can affect our bodies and our moods.

Here are 5 ways in which the sun can impact our physical and mental health:

1. Increased vitamin D

2. Improved mood

3. Higher quality sleep

4. Stronger bones

5. Lower blood pressure

A word from our Safeguarding Officer

Mrs Griffin

Safeguarding Officer & Family Liaison

Enjoy your Weekend!


Created with images by geralt - "board school done" • Yury Zap - "chronic illness gr" • tbralnina - "Baking or cooking background. Ingredients, kitchen items for baking." • Grafvision - "Gardening background with garden tolls" • gudkovandrey - "Brown bear stands near a tree in funny poses against the background of the forest. Summer. Finland." • AS Photo Project - "No more plastic. African woman with shopping cart trolley and eco bags jump outdoor market."
