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MKA Newsletter Finland | Jan - feb 2023

In the name of Allah, the Gracious, the Merciful

The Holy Quran

(Surah Al-Baqarah Verse 278)

The Hadith

(Sahih Muslim Volume 3, Hadees No. 1056)

Updates On MKA Official Website

Some of the updates made on the website in this month are following:

  • Salat timings of Helsinki Namaz Center are updated.
  • Added the latest virtual mulaqaat video.
  • Added the link of previous month Newsletter, incase if you have missed it.

Note: On mobile the website works horizontal(landscape) mode so you have to rotate your screen.

Friday Sermon & Kahoot

Brief Summary of Friday Sermon 24th February 2023

After reciting Tashahhud, Ta’awwuz and Surah al-Fatihah, His Holiness, Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad(aba) said that of the Badri Companions who have been previously mentioned, there were still some details that remains and which would be mentioned today. After this mention, His Holiness(aba) said that the series of sermons which he wished to deliver on the Badri Companions would now be complete.

His Holiness(aba) said regarding Hazrat Amir bin Rabi’ah(ra) that his father’s name was Rabi’ah bin Ka’b bin Malim bin Rabi’ah. His Holiness(aba) said that Hazrat Amir bin Rabi’ah(ra) said that when the Muslims would be sent on an expedition, the only provisions they would have was a bag of dates. The leader of the caravan would distribute a handful of dates to each person and they would eat them one at a time as needed. Hazrat Abdullah bin Amir(ra) asked his father how one date would suffice? Hazrat Amir(ra) responded by saying that they would realise the significance of even a single date, when they had no dates left at all.

In the end, His Holiness(aba) said that he wished to urge everyone to pray for the Ahmadis in Pakistan, that the difficulties they are facing may be alleviated. He prayed that may Allah grant understanding to the lawmakers and those perpetrating cruelties, or bring them to task. His Holiness(aba) also appealed for prayers for Burkina Faso, where Ahmadis are facing difficulties. Terrorists are committing cruelties in the name of Allah and His Messenger (sa). Then, in Algeria, the government is inflicting cruelty upon Ahmadis. May Allah keep everyone in His protection.

Full Summary

Kahoot Quiz

All khuddam are requested to take part in the 'Weekly Kahoot Quiz' from the Friday Sermon of Hazrat Khalifatul Masih V (MABHH) every Sunday @ 19:45.

A Virtual Meeting of Finland’s Khuddam and Atfal with Huzoor

On 12th February, Alhamdolillah by the grace of Allah Finland's Khuddam and Atfal had an opportunity to virtually meet with beloved Huzoor. In this gathering, 61 Khuddam and 12 Atfal from different cities around the Finland came to Helsinki to virtually meet with beloved Huzoor. Several Khuddam and Atfal asked questions to Huzoor and received guidance.

Your can also view the video of this blessed virtual mulaqaat following:

Ramadhan 2023

InshaAllah the blessed month of Ramadhan will start from 23rd march. The Promised Messiah said:

  • “Ramadhan is a blessed month, a month of prayers”. (Al Hakm, 24.1.1901).
  • It is reported in Hadith that two types of people are the most unfortunate: one who lived through Ramadhan and failed to have his sins forgiven; the other who had his parents and they passed and he was unable to have his sin remitted. (Majmooa Fatawa Ahmadiyya, Vol. I, p. 182).

Tabligh Stall

A Tabligh stall was arranged in Sello library, Espoo  by the Tabligh department on 28th January. In this free brushers and books were distributed in people.

Update On Weekly Taleem Class

Kindly note that MKA Finland's Weekly Taleem Class will now take place on every Tuesday from 6:45-7.15 pm. Kindly try your best to participate in the class. We study translation of Holy Quran and few pages from book of Promised Messiah AS.

Kasouti Competition

With the grace of Allah Almighty, the most gracious ever merciful, Majlis Khuddamul Ahmadiyya Finland has conducted a Kasauti Competition on 26-02-2023 at 16.00 as part of Ashra Taleem o Tarbeat. The mode of communication was online, where six teams of which three were from the central region, and the remaining three from Vaasa, Turku, and North participated. Excluding Sadr Sahib Majlis Khuddam ul Ahmadiyya Finland and Tahir Ahmad Sahib (Judge), a total of 17 khuddam participated in this event.

Job Searching Seminar

In the month of February, a job searching online seminar was organized under the provision of Sanat-o-Tijarat department. In this an important presentation was given by the Secretary Shb Tarbiyyat.

Also you can download the slides of the presentation incase if you have missed it.

Solar Well In Africa

Solar Well

As you all know that Huzoor e Anwar (MABHH) instructed Khuddam ul Ahmadiyya Finland to donate a mini solar well in Africa, so it is requested to all khuddam to kindly try their best to take part in it. If each khadim donates around 40€ then we can easily reach our target, insh'Allah. For further details, you can check the email which has been sent earlier. Or you can contact Mohtamim Khidmat e Khalq, Jaree Ullah Junbah Saheb.

Donation Collection Progress:

Below is our current progress until the month of February in terms of collecting the donation for a mini solar well in Africa:

How to make a payment?

The payment for solar well donation in Africa can be made in the same way as you pay your chanda normally.

Step 1: Pay your donation to the following bank details:

Account Name: Ahmadiyya Muslimi Jamaat Suomi

IBAN: FI25 1228 3000 0664 54

Reference: 1232

Step 2: After you make the payment, please fill out the following Chanda Detail form to write your details.

Chanda Detail Form

Step 3: In the section "Others", please write "MKA Solar Well"

During the month of September, a blood drive campaign was held for one week in which khuddam were asked to donate blood as it helps save lives.

Sports Activities in Central Region

In the central region 'Helsinki', different sports are being played including Cricket and Volleyball. All khuddam are requested to actively participate in sports activities.

Hazrat Khaliful Masih V (ABA) during one of his addresses said:

"Taking part in sports and doing exercise is important because it enables a person to stay fit and if a person is physically strong and healthy, he is better able to worship and fulfill the rights of Allah the Almighty and His creation."

Here are the timings for the upcoming scheduled games in the central region:

  • Volleyball: Every Wednesday From 20:00 - 22:00
  • Cricket: Every Saturday From 19:00 - 22:00

Khuddam In Finland

Below is the khuddam tajneed in Finland and it also shows how many khuddam are situated in different regions of Finland.

Upcoming Events

  • MKA Khidmat e Khalaq Day (Blood Donation): 9th March
  • MKA Tableegh Stall: 11th March @12:00 - 16:00
  • Atfal Weekly Class: 12th March @ 13:30-17:00
  • Youm e Walidain: 12th March @ 14:30-16:00
  • Ashra Tehreek e Jadid: 22nd - 31st March
  • Atfal Weekly Class: 26th March @ 13:30-17:00
  • Seminar: Importance of Education & Career Guidance: 26th March @ 17:00 - 18:00
  • Taleem Rally: 8th - 9th April
  • Ramadhan: 23rd March
  • Atfal Weekly Class: 9th April @ 13:30-17:00
  • MKA Khidmat e Khalaq Day (Blood Donation): 13th April
  • MKA Tableegh Stall: 15th April
  • Atfal Weekly Class: 23rd April @ 13:30-17:00
  • MKA Maal Week: 28th April - 4th May
  • Taleem Class: Every Tuesday @ 18:45 - 19:15
  • MKA Volleyball Game (Capital Region) - Every Wednesday @ 20:00 - 22:00
  • MKA Cricket/Volleyball Game (Capital Region) - Every Saturday @ 19:00 - 22:00

Published by the Department of Ishaat Majlis Khuddam ul Ahmadiyya Finland
