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St John Vianney Newsletter 29.04.2022

A message from our Headteacher

Dear Parents and Carers,

I do hope you had a good Easter break and managed to spend some time celebrating with your families.

School reopened on Monday and we have had a good first week of term. Pupils have quickly returned to their school routines and attendance this week has been very pleasing. We have certainly benefitted from the pleasant spring weather, which has allowed our external activities to start well.

Pupil attendance at SJV continues to fluctuate each term and we wish to maximise our pupil attendance at school every day. Could I ask please, that you help us by ensuring all pupils are present every day, unless they are genuinely poorly? Having teenage children of my own I know the excuses some young people use in avoiding getting out of bed; so please continue to insist on your child attending school each morning. If they are not in School they are not learning and they could quickly fall behind their peers; it is essential if they are to maximise the progress they can make in these developmental years that their attendance is maximised. Thanks, in anticipation of your support.

The summer term will be another busy one in School. We have lots of activities planned for the children to enrich their learning and additionally we will begin our planning for the next academic year. We are making good progress with our ‘New Build’ activity, which will definitely impact upon the School later this year. I look forward to hopefully sharing the exciting plans that are being produced, with you, before the end of the summer term.

I hope you and your families enjoy the long Bank Holiday weekend.

Best wishes,

Mr A Moloney


Please note, we have made a change to the School Calendar for the summer term 2022.

Friday 24th June is now an additional School holiday for St John Vianney School. The School will be closed on this date.

This additional date is in lieu of the national holiday for the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee celebration, which falls during the Whit break on June 3rd 2022.

The term dates for 2022-23 have now been approved by the Governing Body and are now available on the School website.

We are Recruiting

Stars of the Week

Each week a 'Star of the Week' is chosen by the class team to celebrate achievements both academic and pastoral.

This week we are celebrating the following achievements:

  • Ishaaq; for a fantastic newspaper article!
  • Zack; for brilliant attendance over the past 3 weeks.
  • Tyler; for doing his buddy duty well, making some good mature choices and showing empathy and care to one of his friends, who was anxious.
  • Dylan; for having a very productive & positive week.
  • Theo; for staying focused and listening well during his SALT sessions this week. Very well-deserved.
  • Isaac; for his excellent attitude and behaviour
  • Scarlett; for having a brilliant few weeks at school - she's been working hard helping out with chaplaincy, and has been a kind, loyal and honest friend.
  • Dylan; for Improved contributions in class.
  • Reece; for always trying new things and being resilient.
  • Jensen; for maintaining a positive attitude and engaging in lessons consistently, even ones he finds challenging. Well done!
  • Amy; for an exuberant performance at Gorse Hill.
  • Rome; for being engaged and completing work independently in Science.
  • Heaven; for her effort in class and greater independence skills.

SJV Class News

Class 7

Class 7 had a great time on their Retreat to the Spiritan Centre this week! We enjoyed spending time with Father Nick and Sister Kathy. We played some games, said some prayers and did some dancing. Thank you for having us, Father Nick!

Class 1

Class 1 have been exploring life skills through Maths this week. We chose items to sell, set up our own shops and took turns being shopkeepers and shoppers.

Class 12

Class 12 displayed great skills and participated with enthusiasm, as they discussed different methods of communication. Well done everyone

Class 8

Class 8 had a lovely visit to Cronkshaw Farm and we got to see the beautiful views and baby lambs, that have recently been born. What a nice way to start back the term.

Class 13

Class 13 visited the Salvation Army this week. While they were they did some excellent work in the community garden, painting a bench.

Class 9

Class 9 have been working hard this week in horticulture.

Our Catholic School

Its lovely to be back, I cannot quite believe we are in our last term of this academic year! How fast has this year gone? Time really does fly when you are having fun!

Within SJV we are focussing on our faith, after the celebration of Easter to remember the importance of faith and in believing. Did you know that Easter is the most important feast in the Christian calendar, even more important than Christmas! The Easter season continues on for 50 days, through the Ascension of Our Lord to Pentecost Sunday; seven full weeks after Easter Sunday! Pope Francis reminds us of our evangelistic responsibilities after Easter; ‘May you bring to all the joy and hope of the Risen Christ’.

Within our Catholic School this week we have been counting up all our different fund-raising activities that we did for St Joseph’s Penny from raffles to name the bunny, we were very busy over Lent. I will let you know the final total when all the money comes in, but it shows what a big heart SJV has! Thank you to all the staff, students and families who have been involved.

In RE this week we have been looking at vocations and what would be our dream job and what makes a job of a vocation. In upper school we have been looking at prejudice and discrimination , looking at the importance of the Golden Rule.

By Mrs Garfin

A few tips from our emotional and mental wellbeing team here at SJV.

Enjoy your Weekend!


Created with images by geralt - "board school done" • maxbelchenko - "Young African American woman - dancer dancing in the street at sunset. Stylish woman with curly hair in an orange suit showing some moves. Sport, dancing and urban culture concept." • schankz - "Sheep graze in the meadow" • kitsana - "Colored paint splashes isolated on white background" • Raymond - "Tools needed for gardening aligned along an ivy plant in pot, including a watering tank, a pair of gloves and rake and a shovel."
