Principal's Message
Kia Ora Koutou
I have not long got back from SPANZ (NZ Secondary Principals Association) Conference in New Plymouth. If I was to summarise the key themes, they would be Equity, Diversity, Inclusivity, Safety and education in the age of smart machines. For me another wondering is not ‘How smart is your child?’ but ‘How is your child smart?’.
I want to cover off a few topics in this message so buckle up.
Road Safety
Crossing Pownall Street, both before and after school has become akin to an adrenaline experience fraught with danger which for extreme exercisers is exciting. However, we are a school, and we want your children, our staff, and you to be able to use the road safely. I immediately recall that riddle “how did the chicken cross the road?” – well if the road is Pownall street, then that chicken crosses the road with fear and trepidation.
So why fear and trepidation? because parents are pulling out from the curb without indicating, leaving students stuck in the middle of the street. It is also disappointing to see that there are distracted drivers, because they are on their phones.
Please also be reminded that there is no parking on the corner of Pownall and Kummer because there are yellow lines. The parking space was removed last year as vehicles parked there were causing a black spot for drivers turning right out of Kummer onto Pownall.
All schools will have signs like this up:
In our school we take the above expectation seriously. This week I stood down several girls who made a choice to ignore the ‘No Vaping’ rule. But the thing is as inappropriate as that choice was, they did have a choice.
It is important to remember mistakes have clear, and sometimes heavy consequences. Our mistakes are meant to guide us, not define us. Everyone makes mistakes in life, but that does not mean one has to pay for them for the rest of one’s life. Sometimes good people make bad choices. It does not mean they are bad; it means they are human. Life does not come with instructions but when it does follow them closely.
King’s Birthday Reunion Weekend
I close by welcoming back those of the ‘years of the threes’ to St Matthew’s and Rathkeale this weekend. Both SMOGA and ROBA (St Matthew’s Old Girls’ Association and Rathkeale Old Boys’ Association) have organised a wonderful weekend of reminiscing and fun for those who once walked our schools’ corridors and grounds.
Have a safe long weekend.
Ngā Mihi
Around School
Boarding Note
This photo was taken by our tutor Eleanor when running the arts and craft session this week. It is great to see boarders from different year levels interacting and making the most of the afternoon activities that are on offer in the boarding houses. Great effort girls.
Last weekend a small group of boarders visited an orchard in Greytown to pick their own apples. This was an extra special experience for our International students who thoroughly enjoyed their time in the orchard.
Enjoy the long weekend. Please note the boarding houses reopen at 7pm on Monday night.
Over the past 4 weeks our literacy service group has visited Solway Primary School year 3/4 students to support them with literacy tasks. Together they have written letters to each other, read each other books, wrote poems, been on an alphabet scavenger hunt and written descriptively about popcorn. It has been fantastic to see the excitement in both age groups during this collaboration.
Another service group have been sewing beautiful blankets for babies who need a little extra help in their first days. They have done an amazing job of these as you can see.
Y10 French
The students in Year 10 French used their creative talents last Friday to produce a classic French dessert, La Tarte Tatin. Traditionally, this version of apple pie involves cooking slices of apple in a caramel mixture on the stove-top, then covering the apples with sweet short pastry and transferring the whole thing to the oven. After 45 minutes or so, the pie is removed from the oven and inverted onto a serving dish, so that the pastry is at the bottom and the caramelised apples on top. If you would like to hear a French chef explain how to make it, follow this link:
Our version needed to be cooked in an hour, so we adapted the recipe to make La Tarte Tatin des Tricheurs – Cheats’ Tarte Tatin. It’s top secret, although if you are lucky, you might find a French student who can tell you how to make it.
Y7/8 Scots Winter Sport Exchange
Thursday last week at 8.30am the Year 7 / 8 department travelled to Scots College in Wellington for a winter sports exchange. St Matthew’s took to the field/court in three codes - netball, football and hockey. Every girl in the department was involved and the weather was kind to us. Although the results were not all in our favour, the sportspersonship was excellent. After the games we were treated to a very nice afternoon tea consisting of yummy sushi. Players of the day were presented with a banner. We then packed the bus and left for home. A group of very tired young ladies arrived back at school at 4.15pm.
School App
If you are new to St Matthew's Collegiate, or have yet to download, please follow the link to install our school app
For current families, please update your subscription groups by clicking on the cog in the top right hand of the screen. It will take you to the groups for you to change.
Key Dates
- Saturday 3rd June - Exeat
- Sunday 4th June - Exeat
- Monday 5th June - King's Birthday public holiday
- Tuesday 6th June - PPTA Industrial Action; Year 10 rostered home
- Thursday 8th June - PPTA Industrial Action; Year 9 rostered home
- Sunday 11th June - Sheppard House Chapel (TBC)
- Wednesday 28th June - Year 11 Social (6-8pm)
- Thursday 29th June - Year 9 and 10 Social (6-8pm)
- Monday 31st July - Teacher Only Day
- Saturday 12th August - Exeat
- Sunday 13th August - Exeat
- Sunday 27th August - Cooper House Chapel
- Saturday 2nd September - Exeat
- Sunday 3rd September - Exeat
- Thursday 21st September - House Music event
- Monday 9th - Friday 13th October - Y11 Derived Grade Exams
- Saturday 21st October - Exeat
- Sunday 22nd October - Exeat
- Monday 23rd October - Labour Day public holiday
- Sunday 29th October - Wake House Chapel
- Thursday 2nd November - Last day for Y11-13
- Thursday 2nd November - Senior College Prize Giving
- Monday 6th November - NZQA Exams begin
- Saturday 2nd December - End of Year Prize Giving
2023 Term Dates
- Term Two- Monday 24th April to Friday 30th June
- Term Three - Monday 17th July - Friday 22nd September
- Term Four - Monday 9th October to Saturday 2nd December