All Eyes On You!
All Eyes on You is a project based in New York City about fashion. I find inspiration in the city streets because of the freedom and the feeling of having no care in the world. What makes New York, New York is how everyone is so different and no one judges or cares what you're wearing. New York is very different in its fashion sense, full of people with unique styles. Everyone looks at them as they casually walk the streets, as if it’s just a normal thing you wouldn’t be surprised to see. There are also different meanings and looks people go for which is very special to their outfits as well. Fashion plays a big role in my life because it helps express a little part of me, based on how I present myself. I know how people actually take the time to figure out their looks into what combines well to help present them, and I tried to photograph my experience of that in the city.
About the Artist
Kalee is a second generation Asian-American photographer, born and raised in New York City. She's currently a junior at the High School of Art and Design, where she pursues photography as her major. She explores different styles and types of photography but her work mostly focuses on her personal interest. Photography helps her express who she is and this is seen based off the work she presents.
This project was created in Future Imagemakers in the Department of Photography and Imaging at Tisch School of the Arts, NYU in Spring 2022.
To go to the 2022 Future Imagemakers Gallery, click here.