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Star Board Term One Week Three

Principal's Message

Kia Ora Koutou

Thank you for your patience as you receive the Newsletter on Monday.

I was saying to someone just recently how predicted winds and rain had not been as damaging as we had expected in our local environs and how grateful I was for that. But then a sense of hopelessness pressed down on me as we watched image after image of the damage to our country’s northern and eastern regions, and to those areas in the Wairarapa ravaged by the Cyclone’s impacts.

I reached out to you our community with this message:

Kia Ora Whanau

We have all been watching the news and have borne witness to the devastation and hardship in our country and own community.

I am reaching out to you to help us help others. Please look in your pantries and cupboards and send along to school with your daughters an item or two so we can donate to our helping centres.

Do not hesitate to ask if we can lend you a hand also.

Can these be sent along tomorrow and/or Monday 20 February and our Co-ordinator Mrs Schaefer will sort for distribution.

Every bit helps.

Nga Mihi - Kiri

The responses from you the community were heartfelt and appreciated. We gathered donations on Friday and again today and it all serves as a reminder about what our school of special Anglican Character is all about - doing for others grows ourselves.

In amongst that we feel the earth literally move with a 6.1 quake hitting the west of Paraparaumu. In contacting the staff who were camping on Waikanae Beach with our Years 7 and 8, I asked how they were. Doug Davidson’s comment encapsulated our students perfectly- that although clearly shaken he stated , and I quote ‘ Girls knew exactly what to do’.

As a school we will continue to reach out to our neighbours here and overseas and I ask that we continue to do this together. As Doug said we all know exactly what to do, that is what I adore about us.

Thank you for your support.

Ngā Mihi and Arohanui


Around School

Boarding Note

In preparation for Valentine’s Day Miss McCoy along with one or two helpers, decorated the Main House foyer. This was a good excuse to make the boarding house look nice and inviting especially after such an unbelievable week.

With the cooler weather the younger girls enjoyed the opportunity to do some arts and crafts in the junior common room. (Pictured below: Cousins Vienna Weatherstone and Zeta Radford.) Thank you to Don and his team in the kitchen for the lovely Valentine’s Day dinner and especially the strawberries and ice-cream for dessert.

Maddy Ross had a pleasant surprise when she popped into the Main House office the other day to find this little cutie hanging out with Mrs Keats. This is Lulu who belongs to April and Annabelle Wyeth and family. There was a lot of discussion about how nice it would be to have a boarding house dog … might need to think about that one!

In addition to our food collection for those in need with the recent devastation throughout the North Island, the St Matthew Boarding Houses would like to begin a clothing collection. Can all members of the St Matthew’s Community please start to sort through any items of clothing that you may have at home that you no longer need, that are clean and in good condition and drop them into Main House. We will accept clothing for any age group and our team of boarders will sort these into age appropriate clothing packs. Thank you for your support of this project.

Take care everyone - Jo

Athletic Sports Friday 24th February

  • This is a twilight event so school will start late on this day. Girls will need to report to your house tent on the bottom field at 12pm. This event runs through to 7pm.
  • Girls may come to school in your tracksuit with PE gear, and can also wear a colour block T-shirt in your house colour as they did for Swimming Sports.
  • Girls who travel on the South Wairarapa bus, there will be a minivan available to collect you mid-morning to bring you to school. If you need a ride, please give your name to Miss Glass.
  • There will be a lunch break in the middle of the event from the school kitchen. The Friends of SMS will also be selling treats at the event as well.
  • The Sports Department will be sending out information about events etc.

Kapa Haka

Exciting things are happening in Kapa Haka at the moment. We have a new name for our rōpū: Ngā Manu Tīoriori (The Songbirds) and we have lots of new students joining; our group is now twice as big as it was at the end of 2022. There is still room for more though if anyone else is interested! Here are some photos from our rehearsal this week. One of our members, Year 11 Fashion student India Bartlett, has started the consultation process that will lead to new uniforms later in the year. We wish Jimbo, our talented Kaiako, the best of luck as he travels to Auckland with his own rōpū, Rangiura, to compete at Te Matatini next week.

Year 11 Art trip and intaglio printmaking workshop

During Tuesday’s storm, the Year 11 Art class met with their counterparts from Rathkeale at Aratoi. We were welcomed by the new director who introduced us to the colonial artifacts in the ‘Cabinets of Curiosities’ exhibition. Students sketched a variety of objects from moa bones to ship’s biscuits, then negotiated their way to McDonalds for a hearty morning tea. Here, they sketched and photographed their fast food, keeping the packaging, which was all brought back to school. The students then each produced an intaglio print based on the McDonald’s building, using the burger boxes and chip packets as printing plates. It was a productive and fun day and we are already planning another collaborative art workshop for next term!

Print is by Indie Bartlett

Friends of St Matthew's AGM

The Friends of St Matthew's Committee will be holding its AGM on Tuesday 7 March at 6.30pm. The meeting will be held in the Boardroom.

We welcome all and any parents, caregivers and friends of the school to join our committee and help us with fundraising activities throughout the year. We work hard but we also have a lot of fun!

The Friends' committee meets monthly and our meetings are relaxed, informal gatherings where we share ideas and organise ways we can support events to help the school.

Anyone is warmly invited to attend the AGM and join us on the 'Friends'. If you'd like more information, please email

Year 13 Chemistry

Year 13 Chemistry looking at Oxidation-Reduction reactions.

School App

If you are new to St Matthew's Collegiate, or have yet to download, please follow the link to install our school app

For current families, please update your subscription groups by clicking on the cog in the top right hand of the screen. It will take you to the groups for you to change.

Key Dates

  • Wednesday 22nd February - Y7/8 Parent meeting
  • Friday 24th February - Athletic Sports
  • Saturday 4th March - Exeat
  • Sunday 5th March - Exeat
  • Monday 24th April - Teacher Only day
  • Tuesday 25th April - ANZAC day public holiday
  • Thursday 4th May - Parent Teacher interviews
  • Friday 5th May - Parent Teacher interviews
  • Tuesday 9th May - Open Afternoon
  • Monday 5th June - Queen's Birthday public holiday
  • Monday 23rd October - Labour Day public holiday
  • Saturday 2nd December - End of Year Prizegiving

Sports Sheet

2023 Term Dates

  • Term One - Monday 30th January to Thursday 6th April
  • Term Two - Monday 24th April to Friday 30th June
  • Term Three - Monday 17th July - Friday 22nd September
  • Term Four - Monday 9th October to Saturday 2nd December

Community News and Events

It is with pleasure that St Matthews Collegiate is hosting an event for parents of toddlers to teens about Raising Body Confident Children on Thursday, 16 March at 7.30 pm.

Emma Wright is an internationally recognised expert on how to raise children to have a healthy relationship with food and their body. Having worked with hundreds of parents in her coaching practice and online programs, Emma has proven that conventional methods to prevent body image issues are flawed and offers a powerful new approach to those who are worried and frustrated.

In a world where many of our young people are bombarded with distorted images of perfection, Emma’s toolkit of proactive strategies is particularly relevant. This event is open to all, so please share with friends and families inside our Wairarapa Community.

At this event you'll learn how to:

  • - nurture a positive relationship with food,
  • - deal with sugar so they don't sneak it, or eat without being able to stop,
  • - promote body diversity,
  • - body-positive social media use & screen contracts,
  • - what to say if your child says they hate their fat body,
  • - support a child who has been 'body' bullied,
  • - prevent eating disorders

When: Thursday 16 March, 7.30 pm–9 pm

Where: St Matthews School Auditorium, 33 Pownall Street

Tickets: Gold Coin donation. Tickets are limited and will be in strong demand. Please register at