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My name is Rachel Gritz and I am thrilled to be the new Office Manager at Temple Tikvah. I have spent the past ten years working in the financial sector in trading firms, as well as in private investment firms. I also have spent a great deal of time leading programs in synagogues that I have previously been a member of, as well as holding many positions in my school district PTA. I believe that serving the community where I live is important and I enjoy being a part of something greater than myself. I have lived in Austin, TX for ten years and in 2019 I moved back to Long Island, where I am from originally. I reside in Melville, NY with my husband Ryan and three children; Brayden, Jackson, and Danica.

Temple Building Reminders

With Covid cases on the rise, it’s important that we all adhere to Temple policies to keep our staff and each other safe:

  • Do not come if you have any Covid-19 symptoms, even if you think it is only a cold.
  • Always wear a mask that covers your mouth and nose.
  • Call first to let the office know you are coming. Only one visitor in the office at a time.
  • Respect social distancing guidelines by staying at least 6 feet apart.

EDITORIAL NOTE...You can click on any picture or article to enlarge it.


Rabbi Randy Sheinberg

Kislev 5781

  • As I write these words, we have just begun the new Jewish month of Kislev. Kislev, the month of light is best known for the festival of Hanukkah, which occurs at its end. Even as the month begins, I imagine the lights of the menorahs that will soon be flickering in each of our homes.
  • It is a time of light, but perhaps you are not feeling the light this year. Perhaps you are more aware of the darkness. The ever-climbing death toll wrought by the coronavirus. The political turmoil, even after the election. And the persistent dreariness of our confined lives during this pandemic.
  • Darkness abounds, to be sure; yet it is precisely at the darkest time of the year that we celebrate the Festival of Lights. Surely this is no accident. It is in the darkness when we most need to find, or kindle light.
  • I recently was reintroduced to this beautiful poem, by award-winning contemporary poet Jane Hirshfield:
  • This may not be the holiday season you hoped for, and it may be unlike any you have ever had; but still, we can be resilient. Like Hirshfield’s trees, finding the usual light blocked in one direction, we too can turn to seek it elsewhere.
  • How do we find light in dark times? Here are just a few ideas...Seek out the positive: One of my favorite musical artists, David Byrne, has recognized the need for light sources for a while now. He started a website called “Reasons To Be Cheerful.” I am a subscriber to its weekly newsletter. On the site you can find stories about “solutions not problems,” stories that challenge the usual assumptions about the intractability of political divides, and the persistence of xenophobia. It is inspiring and uplifting to read these stories. They remind me that I can turn towards the positive rather than get lost in the negative...Recommit to the essential: This coronavirus and pandemic time has taken away a lot from us. We are not always able to do the things that nourish us in the customary ways or to be with the people we love in the ways that we wish. Still, it cannot take away the essence of who we are. The Hebrew word Hanukkah means “dedication” or “re-dedication.” Even in constrained times, we can each find a way to recommit to and celebrate what is most important to us - read books, call up some old friends, do a workout in your living room, join an online social action project. You can dedicate yourself to living the life that best expresses the values you treasure...Spread the light: If you are feeling blue this holiday season, remember that you are not alone. One of the best ways to cheer up is to bring the light to someone else. If you know of someone who is alone, give them a call. If you have a favorite cookie recipe but nobody to host this year, bake them anyway and share them with your neighbors. Use your imagination to think of new ways to give - and you will feel the light come pouring in.

Wishing you a “Khag Urim Sameakh” - A season filled with light!

Temple President

andrea comerchero

Happy Hanukkah!

  • Hanukkah is about the miracle of light. The miracle of light lasting longer than anyone thought it would, in a time when the Jewish people needed a miracle. This miracle, we remember each year by lighting the menorah, making potato latkes, playing dreidel, and being with family.
  • We know that love and light are stronger than hate. That even in darkness it is possible to create light and compassion. The menorah is a symbol of hope and freedom.
  • These past months have given all of us time to reflect, time to find the light, and time to find our little miracles. It has not been easy, as we continue to quarantine and miss our friends and families. Let’s dedicate ourselves to bringing more light into our lives and the world.

May miracles and light & love and hope embrace us this holiday season…

religious school

Education Director


Together We Rededicate Ourselves to Tikkun Olam, As We Light Our Candles

  • December is always an exciting time of the year as we celebrate the holiday season, the secular new year and Hanukkah. It is also a time to be thankful for the many blessings we have in our lives and to open our hearts and wallets to those less fortunate.
  • This year our Religious School is adopting two families for the holidays through the INN (Interfaith Nutritional Network.) With monetary donations and by helping to select toys and other gifts for the families, our students will help to bring them some holiday joy. Cheryl Stern and our Class Parents are coordinating this effort. Please be as generous as you can if you are approached to help.
  • Our Class Parents for the School Year 5780 – 5781: Grades K/1...Rachel Lavoie - • Grades 2/3…Lesley Faulkner • Grades 4/5…Jennifer Baker - • Grades 6/7…Lauren Gries -
  • As everyone knows, we are experimenting with all ZOOM classes, as well as a hybrid model for this school year, trying to balance both health and educational considerations. Please continue to give us your feedback and let us know what works and what doesn’t. This is a strange school year for many reasons, however by working together – staff, parents, and students - we will continue to teach our students and bond as a community.
  • December Events: December 4th - Shabbat Services at 7:30pm • December 5th - Junior Congregation at 9:30am • December 6th - Religious School • December 7th - Semi Annual Congregational Meeting at 8:00 pm • December 10th - First day of Hanukkah • December 11th - Hanukkah Shabbat Service at 7:30pm • December 12th - Tikvah Tots at 10:30am • December 13th - Religious School / Hanukkah Celebration • December 15th - Grades 6/7 Rehearsal for Service • December 18th - Shabbat Services at 7:30pm • December 19th - Family Havdalah/Drive-in Movie Night at 5:30pm • December 20th - Religious School • December 24th - January 3rd – Religious School is Closed for the Holidays

Wishing everyone a Happy New Year and Chag Sameach!



Lighting Up Our Hearts and Our Homes

  • When we enter a room, the first thing that we do is flip on the light switch. Now, might be a great time for all of us to turn on and turn up the light, and the joy in our hearts and in our homes by celebrating Hanukkah and introducing our Tikvah Tots to Judaism. As we hold their tiny hands wrapped around the shamash and light the candles with them, we feel our love passing through us to them. We see their happiness in the candlelight, and we immerse ourselves in the pure joy of being part of a family. Still clutching their hands, we sing “Maoz Tsur” (“Rock of Ages”) and thank God for blessing us with our children and for letting them sense how much joy they bring into our lives. We tell them the story of the Maccabees, the rebuilding of the temple, and the miracle of the oil that burned for 8 days. We teach them that we are a Jewish family and that we live, love, and pray together. Then we watch their eyes brighten at the sight of their gifts, their lips part in anticipation as the smell of hot latkes and fresh sufganiyot (doughnuts) fills the air, and their little fingers reach out to grab and spin the dreidel. The candles flicker and go out, but the joy that they brought into our homes continues to shine brightly. Smiles stream across our faces, for life is good - God loves us.
  • Join us on Saturday, December 12th at 10:30am for a Virtual Hanukkah Shabbat Service. Rabbi Sheinberg and Cantor Contzius will teach us about Hanukkah and sing fun songs. We will also light our menorahs, read a story, and make special handprint menorahs. See the flyer below for details. Please do not forget to RSVP to us at We look forward to seeing you and your children!

What a Wonderful Time to Reflect and Rededicate Ourselves to Our Heritage

Director of Youth & Family Engagement

Cheryl Stern

Chag Urim Sameach – Happy Festival of Lights!

  • I hope you and your families are doing well. This is the time of year, when we prepare to celebrate one of the most widely observed Jewish holidays…Hanukkah! This eight-day festival, aka The Festival of Lights is a time to reflect on what we have, and to be thankful for the lights and warmth we each have within our Temple Tikvah Family. I am so thankful that we get to share this joy with one another in person and on screen.
  • Our Junior Congregation Services have begun and will continue to be held one Shabbat of every month from 9:30am – 10:30am. If you are able to RSVP please do so, but if not you are always welcome. Again, it is been fantastic having so many students on ZOOM. We are a truly blessed Congregation!
  • If anyone is interested in any virtual community service opportunities or helping, to give back please reach out to me via email at
  • Upcoming Events • December 19th – Drive-in Movie Night at 5:30pm. Home Alone will be shown for only $20 per car. All are welcome.



Together We Bring Light, Joy & Warmth Into Our Homes & Communities



President - Marc Gold

*Happy HANUKKA 23% - or - HANUKKAH 22% - or - HANUKA 13% - or -HANUKAH 12% - or - CHANUKA 11% - or - CHANUKAH 10% - or - HANNUKA 5% - or - HANNUKAH 4%

  • When we turn the calendar to its last page (not the Jewish Calendar) and see it is December, that could only mean one thing to me, and I am sure to some of you too. In a few short weeks we will be right smack in the middle of the holiday season. So, what do I do religiously? I get out my scorecard (always thinking sports) and start to count the houses with Hanukkah menorahs in the windows, and sometimes the houses with Christmas lights. The scoring is only on my block.
  • I have been doing this for fun for years. For those who really know me, everything is a game. I even keep statistics from previous years. Unfortunately, where I live the number of Hanukkah menorahs has declined each year. On the other hand, the number of Christmas lights seems to always go up a bit. This of course makes me sad; yet alas, this is where I live. I wonder what your numbers are? Why not get and keep your own scorecard, and we can kibbitz one Shabbat.
  • However, being in the minority does not change the fact, that we do put the menorah in the window; of course, a few days before Hanukkah to be ready, to get set and go. We test those bulbs, once and then twice. This is just in case we have to run out to get some more. Whether it is Hanukkah lights or Christmas lights, it certainly lights up one’s block and one actually does feel the warmth coming from those lights on cold December nights.
  • And of course, do not forget…to light them the correct way - is it left to right or right to left? Editor's Note to Marccc, “When the menorah is facing you, the candle for the first night is placed in the right-most holder of the eight-branched menorah and the shamash is placed in its holder, which is raised or otherwise distinguished from the rest of the candleholders.” (
  • I know many of you decorate the inside of your homes for the holidays. We too have always done so. When our children were young; additional menorahs, dreidels, and other various items would come down from the attic for these eight nights. Even though the children are older and don’t live with us, they will still come over to celebrate and we will continue our family traditions with our beautiful granddaughter.

Happy Hanukkah and Happy Holidays to All!

  • P.S...*My title was culled from folks who sent Hanukkah-related invitations on Evite in 2011, here are the "Top 8 Ways to Spell (C)Hanuk(k)a(h)" – (
  • P.S.S...Brotherhood will be having a Trivia Night (on ZOOM) on Tuesday, December 15th at 7:00pm, just for our Brotherhood Members – it is free, come and enjoy the fun. There will be prizes.
  • P.S.S.S...In addition, December will bring another event for members only……it is a surprise for now, more details will follow soon.
  • P.S.S.S.S…Brotherhood Sponsored Defensive Driving Course returns on Sunday afternoon, February 7th at 12:15pm. If you want to get an insurance deduction or have points on your license or just want to touch up on your driving skills, then TAKE THE is $45 for Temple Members and $50 for non-Temple Members. Look for our flyers.




President - Phyllis Richards

Together or Remotely, Let Us Feel the Warmth and Joy of Lighting Our Hanukkiah

  • Sisterhood held a wonderful Pop Culture Trivia Night. Many thanks to Lisa Lupo for making the arrangements with Mainstage. All of Sisterhood was invited. The ZOOM presentation was impressively smooth and lots of fun! We were all very challenged by the range of questions, yet who could be knowledgeable in all those categories? Congratulations to our winner, Ellen Aronoff!! Should plans be made for another Trivia Night?
  • Sisterhood, together with Brotherhood purchased a lovely plaque dedicated to the late Nuccia Hernan, Early Childhood Director & Teacher for her work with the children of Temple Tikvah. The plaque will be presented to Nuccia's family at a future Shabbat Service and then it will be displayed in the Library. Nuccia will not be forgotten.
  • We are now all focusing on how to celebrate Hanukkah. I traditionally light candles with my daughters and their families. Two years ago, this was a challenge since we were in four different time zones. We were scattered from Switzerland to Arizona to Missouri to New York. We did a lot of laughing trying to schedule a Facetime call. We never fully succeeded. How much easier it would have been on ZOOM.
  • Since we now all have experience with connecting remotely, we can apply that knowledge to create ways to celebrate with our loved ones. We will miss the traditional holiday experience while we reconfigure our ideas about being together.

Let the light of our menorahs bring warmth and spread joy and hope to our loved ones and to our community and country...Chag Sameach

social action

Elaine Brooks, Judy Kirschner & Elaine Weiss

Let’s Continue Our Mission, One Candle at a Time

  • As we prepare to say goodbye to 2020 we have a bright ray of hope to end living with loss, fear, and separation from our loved ones; and build good times in a brighter future. The development of the vaccination makes us think of the Jewish heritage of the study of science and of medicine going back to the physician, Maimonides almost a millennium ago. As we light the Hanukkah lights think of all those who used the blessing of intellect that God gave humanity to heal the world.
  • As you light your Hanukkah lights think of the warmth and joy of light, and traditional enjoyment in our homes; please also continue to think of those who lack the means of a warm and joyous home on the holidays and every day.
  • Thank you for your generous donations to the INN for warm winter clothing. Hats, scarves, and gloves must be new, and coats must be dry cleaned. The INN always needs toiletries and diapers (size 4 - 6) and wipes. We thank the Religious School for the wonderful project of adopting a family to bring them some money for the holidays and gifts of clothing and toys for the children. Please continue to check the Weekly Update on Sundays and Wednesdays for donation instructions and contact information.
  • The pandemic rules our holiday charity. Yet, we can continue to help Island Harvest, The Winter Coat Drive, and Toys for Tots - just to name a few organizations that we have supported in the past. You may want to assist some of our elderly congregants, who may be lonely and help them to join in our holiday activities that unite our congregation, even though it is via ZOOM. We can stay safe and still help those in need by sharing what we can.

We hope that our mid-December Hanukkah celebration coincides with an America that looks toward 2021 as a year of achievement that unity can bring.

caring community

Sharon Kahn & Helene Schonhaut

We Cannot Help Everyone, but Everyone Can Help Some One…Ronald Reagan

  • We would also like to share with you some beautiful words in the English language. These words sound as lovely as their meaning. We hope that the sound and meaning of the words will have you saying them over and over again and bring warmth to your home and make a difference in our community • Aurorayou might recognize this word as short for aurora borealis (also known as the northern lights). "Aurora" can also be another word for dawn; so no matter what the connotation - an aurora is bright, colorful, and inspiring. • Mellifluous…The definition of "mellifluous" also describes the word itself. "Mellifluous" means to have a pleasant, musical sound. You can practically sing the word. People typically use the word to describe someone’s voice. Male voices such as James Earl Jones and Morgan Freeman stand out, but we are also partial to the mellifluous tones of Kathleen Turner. • Felicity…"Felicity" is a beautiful word - not just because of how it sounds, but also because of how it feels. "Felicity" means intense happiness. It can also mean that perfect satisfaction of finding the right words to express your thoughts. Given how hard it can be to express ourselves, felicity is any word lover’s dream. • Lithe…Not all lovely words are long or even multi-syllabic. "Lithe" is short, sweet, and evokes an image of grace. If you have ever seen a ballet dancer, then you have seen "lithe" in person - lean, flexible, and agile • Scintillating…This word’s rising and falling syllables make it true to its definition. "Scintillating" means sparkling (literally), or especially skillful and clever. It stands out in every sense - whether you say it or see it. • Visceral…The beauty of this word comes from the intensity of its sound. When you say the word, it feels like it comes from deep within your chest. A visceral emotion comes from pure emotion with often no logic involved. The "viscera" are the internal organs in the abdomen, so "visceral" also refers to these bodily functions (though the intense, emotional definition is more poetic.) • Effervescent…"Effervescent" is a word that makes you feel good. It is bubbly - both in a carbonated drink and in a person who brims with enthusiasm. Effervescent people usually have contagious laughter. You cannot help but love them. • Gossamer…"Gossamer" - with its hard “G" - might not be a word you would expect to hear when discussing delicate things. Once you repeat it a few times however, you feel how gentle it is. You feel the silkiness of the word and it starts to feel like a cloud you can sink into. • Halcyon…"Halcyon" sometimes refers to peaceful days gone by, which sounds like a dream. It is also a bird - both real (a kingfisher) and mythical. The mythical version of a halcyon once lived at sea and had the power to calm water and wind.
  • Upcoming Events: The Afternoon Book Club will next meet on Thursday, December 3rd at 1:00pm to review Ten Years Gone by Jonathan Dunsky. The Evening Book Club will next meet on Monday, December 28th at 7:30pm to review American Dirt by Jeanine Cummins. The Creative Writing Group will next meet via ZOOM on Tuesday, December 17th at 7:30pm. All ZOOM information can be found in the Weekly Updates.

May the lights of the menorah bring you warmth and joy, happiness and health…HAPPY HANUKKAH

lifelong learning

Meryl Root

Wishing You a Bright Festival of Lights

  • Lunch & Learn: We are delighted to welcome Cantor Erik Contzius to Temple Tikvah for his first Lunch & Learn. If you have been to his Wednesday evening gatherings of Jewish Music & More, you already know what a dynamic teacher he is. Cantor Contzius will be leading a course entitled, Everything You Wanted to Know about Chanting the Torah. Jews and Music - they go great together, don't they? Music enriches our text in ways that reading words alone cannot. Come learn from Cantor Contzius some of the oldest chanting of the Jews that are known as, cantillation: the ritual chanting of prayers and responses. We will study the history of this practice along with its functions and how we incorporate chanting into our modern worship. We hope that you will join us on Saturday, December 12th 2020 at 11:00am. Please consult the Weekly Update for the ZOOM link.
  • Torah Study: Shabbat Morning Torah Study continues every Saturday at 9:00am via ZOOM with Rabbi Randy Sheinberg. We are working our way through B’reishit, also known as Genesis. We will continue re-reading the stories of our ancestors and see how they, even with their imperfections, are still an inspiration to us today, even in these very challenging times. During the month of December, we start out reading about Jacob and Esau making peace, the birth of Benjamin, and the deaths of Rachel and Isaac. The rest of December and into the New Year will spent on the story of Joseph with all the ups and downs that he faced. No experience or prior knowledge is required. All are welcome. The ZOOM link will be published in the Weekly Update each week. We are always welcoming new participants, why not you too?
  • Hyperlinks: All ZOOM information and links are available in the Weekly Updates. Please scroll to the bottom of the Updates for Lifelong Learning Resources - Learning from Home, with live hyperlinks to a variety of things to do. If you have any suggestions, feel free to share them with me at

Happy Hanukkah!

with gratitude

TODA RABA – תודה רבה

kol nidre

  • ANGEL • Ken & Neela Weber
  • CHESED • Barbara Silberman
  • TZEDEKAH • Lorraine & Lester Bertan • Arnold & Sylvia Bloch • Elaine Farber • Cheryl & Steve Levine • Marilyn & Jerome Markowitz • Joyce & Joel Mensoff • Susan & Martin Siroka
  • BENEFACTOR • Marty Cohen & Rabbi Randy Sheinberg • Robin & Bob Jacobson • Carole Kaplan • Anonymous • Sandra & David Peskin
  • PATRON  Arline & Jack Cazes • Nancy Eschemuller • Bruce, Maria, Lauren & Marc Gross • Justin Wax Jacobs Family – Helen Jacobs, Leonard Jacobs, Goldie Schwartz, Joseph Schwartz, Eva Jacobs, Samuel Jacobs, and Ruth Bader Ginsburg • Gloria & Lawrence Konstan • Lisa Selkin Lupo • Helaine & Ed Schachter • Janet & Barry Spool
  • SPONSOR  Helen & Bob Bader • Maureen & Steve Berman • Betsy Jacob Bivrano • Andrea & Marc Comerchero and Family • Marc & Michele Gold • Judith & Joseph Kirschner • Debbie, Larry & David Klig • Phyllis & Marc Newman • Arlene Sheff & Family • Ruth Vincent-Sechechtman • Stuart & Judy Weinstock • Irene & Stanley Zorn
  • DONOR • Sharon Adler • Michele & Dennis Baltuch • Florence Baravarian • Sharon Bibergal • Sheila & Martin Bosker • Farhad Bolandakhtari & Nazita Dashitpour • Anonymous • The Chirel Family • Terry & Michael Cutler • Arleen & Ronald Degen • The Diamond Family • Anonymous • Edythe Fastow • Sonia Fink • Vivian E. Floch • Fran Fredrick • Sharon Fricano • Ruth Friedlander • Vivian Goldbaum • Stephen & Barbara Goldberg • Lori & Mark Gordon • David Herz & Janet Stahl • Ronni & Charles Hollanders • Andrea & Doug King • Leslie Kizner • Joel & Sadie Kramer • Rachel & Nicole Lavoie • Terry & Ira Lepzelter • Traci & Victor Levy • Susan & Andre Louis • Estelle Magidson & Family • Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Massey • Lynn Moser • Margery & Edward Orenstein • Beverly Osrow • Phyllis Richards • Barbara & Milton Rosenberg and Family • Barbara Rosenthal (IMO - Philip Kaplan) • Adam Lee Sabel • Burton & Susan Schall • Ron, Barbara, Melissa & Justin Schreiber • June & Jack Schwarz • Felice Tarter • Anonymous • Leo & Jane Tujak • Elaine & Howie Weiss • Sandra Witt • Jeffrey Young • Jerome & Sydell Zelanko
  • PARTICIPANT  Deborah Abramowitz • Anonymous • Jeanie & George Berger • Cindy & Joe Bettelheim • Steven & Doreen Geller • Selma Goldberg • Deborah Golob • Muriel Gorochow • Abe & Hanna Kormas • Steven B. Levine • Anonymous • Sandra Lichtenstein • Frances Lowenstein • Andrew & Marilyn Mandell • Mark & Robin Mandell • Lee Newman • Karla & Orlando Osuna • Donald & Lori Panetta • Sandy Portnoy • Anonymous • Rachel Raphael-Kupferberg • Jaynie Rudick • Helene & Alene Schonhaut • Susan & Irwin Schneider • Anonymous • Gerty Wolf • Laurence & Ari Wolfson • Linda Lustig-Zaffos & Jack Zaffos • Howard & Gale Zeidman • Elaine & Morris Zipser


  • CARING COMMUNITY FUND: Helaine & Ed Schachter in memory of Helen Bader
  • RABBI’S DISCRETIONARY FUND: Elaine & Howie Weiss in memory of Jerry Markowitz
  • SIMCAH FUND: Elaine Farber in honor of the birth of Yvette Greiff’s great-grandchild • Edythe Fastow in honor of the birth of Yvette Greiff’s great-granddaughter, Leah Wettenberg • Daniel Leff & Sandra Klein in honor of Murray Leff • Helaine & Ed Schachter in honor of the Rabbi, the Cantor, Jay Beber, and David Peskin for all their work in providing wonderful, engaging, and creative Services • Barbara Silberman in honor of her Aliyah and in honor of the B'nai Mitzvah for Zoe Albert and Alexandra & Victor Baron
  • TEMPLE TIKVAH MEMORIAL FUND: Lindsay & Matthew Aaronson in memory of Jerry Markowitz • Deborah Abramowitz in memory of Israel and Sarah Chester • Muriel Adler in memory of Phil Hersh • Ann Arkin in memory of Richard Arkin • Danielle & Robert Appelblatt in memory of Jerry Markowitz • Barri Lynn Baltic, Monica Baltic & Steven Peltz in memory of Jerry Markowitz • Mathew & Lainie Baxt in memory of Jerry Markowitz • Lynn & Jay Beber in memory of Helen Bader and Lisa Freeman • Steve & Maureen Berman in memory of Edna Berman • Betsy Jacobs Biviano in memory of Kenneth Silver • Bernice Bloch in memory of Judson Schiebel • Sheila & Seth Bokser in memory of Lillian Jupiter Sussman • Brotherhood in memory of Bess Robbins, Odette Menielle, and Robert Harris • Doris Brown in memory of Hannah Ginsberg • Alissa Cartun in memory of Jerry Markowitz • Arline & Jack Cazes in memory of Erich Herz • Elaine Farber in memory of Helen Bader • Edythe Fastow in memory of Helen Bader • Gayle & Joel Feinstein in memory of Charles Feinstein • Pam, Mark, Sara & Andrew Fisher in memory of Roberta Salshutz • Merle Fishkin in memory of Helen Bader • Susan & Martin Fox in memory of Jack Gelman • Fran Fredrick in memory of Edgar Daniel • Yury Gabay in memory of Henry Gabay • Elaine & Matthew Gise in memory of Jerry Markowitz • Michele & Marc Gold in memory of Wilma Cohen and Louis Laskes • Larry & Terrie Goldstein in memory of Etta Goldstein • Muriel Gorochow in memory of Dina Zavlick • Jodi Hafkin & Family in memory of Jerry Markowitz • Scott & Stephanie Honig and Family in memory of Jerry Markowitz • Lois & Richard Howard in memory of Sheldon Feitell • Robin & Robert Jacobson in memory of Pearl Sernoff • Michael & Meredith Kaufer in memory of Jerry Markowitz • Judith & Joseph Kirschner in memory Odette Menvielle and Jerry Markowitz • Doug & Andrea King in memory of Maribeth Denson and Isabelle Barach Story Mutzek • Debbie & Larry Klig in memory of Yehuda Klig • Patrice Kolomer in memory of Evelyn Lipchoasky • Gloria & Lawrence Konstan in memory of Odette Menvielle • Elaine Lasner & Family in memory Leonard Lasner • Judy & Sol Lefkowitz in memory of George Silverman • Terry & Ira Lepzelter in memory of Jerome Lepzelter and Robert & Dolores Schonfeld • Jill & Ross Levine and Bonnie & Michael Hausman in memory of Jerry Markowitz • Steven B. Levine in memory of Frances Levine and Joseph Levine • Victor Levy in memory of Harry S. Levy • Estelle Magidson in memory of Joseph Farber • Andrew & Marilyn Mandell in memory of Samuel Mandell • Barbara & Joseph Massey in memory of Lenore Katz and Jeanne Friedenberg • John Mateyko in memory of Helen Bader • Jacqueline & Kevin McCorey in memory of Harriet Dubow • Justin & Samantha Meservie in memory of Jerry Markowitz • Lee Newman in memory of Lillian Newman • Gigi & Michael Newman in memory of Carmen Gutierrez • Gloria Oppeinheimer in memory of Helen Bader • Maxine Oresky in memory of Jerry Markowitz • Beverly Osrow in memory of Rochelle Weisman • Karla & Orlando Osuna in memory of Shirley Brooks • Donald & Lois Panetta in memory of Frank Panetta and Matilda Freeman • Sandra & David Peskin in memory of Albert Cohen and Daniel Egan • Phyllis Richards in memory of George Glick and Sadie Soloshatz • Barbara & Milton Rosenberg in memory of Rose Rosenberg • Martin Ross in memory of Roberta Amrani • Shari & Rony Rotstein in memory of Esther Sackstein-Siegel • June & Jack Schwarz in memory of Jerry Markowitz • Kimberly Davis Shapiro & Brian Shapiro in memory of Jerome Markowitz • Stacy & Stephen Shimony in memory Jerry Markowitz • Barbara Silberman in memory of Samuel Kellner and Helen Bader • Doris & Irving Silberman in memory Harry Silberman and August Silberman • The Storella Family in memory of Jerry Markowitz • Felice Tarter in memory of Sol Tarter, Harold Tarter, and Rhea Tarter • Saul Teichberg in memory of Lillian Teichberg • Nina & Michael Whitteman in memory of Jerry Markowitz • The Yorkmack Family in memory of Jerry Markowitz • Howard A. & Gale C. Zeidman in memory of Robert Mindlin

* THE HELEN BADER SPECIAL PROJECTS FUND - Bob Bader has set up the Helen Bader Special Projects Fund in honor of his late wife Helen. Helen & Bob have been members of Temple Tikvah for over 60 years. Together they contributed their time and their love, and always showed their commitment to Reform Judaism and our Synagogue. Please join Bob in honoring Helen's dedication to our Temple Community and consider donating to this special fund when you are thinking of making a contribution to Temple Tikvah.

in loving memory

kislev - TEVET 5781

*december's CALENDar

  • TUESDAY, DECEMBER 1st – Sisterhood Board Meeting
  • WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 2nd – Brotherhood Meeting & Jewish Music and More with the Cantor at 7:00pm
  • THURSDAY, DECEMBER 3rd – Afternoon Book Club Meeting at 1:00pm ; On the Marc Sports Talk at 4:00pm & Meditation from 7:00pm to 8:00pm
  • FRIDAY, DECEMBER 4th – Shabbat Service at 7:30pm
  • SATURDAY, DECEMBER 5th – Torah Study at 9:00am & Junior Congregation at 9:30am
  • SUNDAY, DECEMBER 6th – Religious School & Social Action Meeting
  • MONDAY, DECEMBER 7th – Semi Annual Congregational Meeting at 8:00pm
  • WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 9th - Jewish Music & More with the Cantor at 7:00pm
  • THURSDAY, DECEMBER 10th – On the Marc Sports Talk at 4:00pm
  • FRIDAY, DECEMBER 11th – Hanukkah Shabbat Service at 7:30pm
  • SATURDAY, DECEMBER 12th – Torah Study at 9:00am; Tikvah Tots / Virtual Hanukkah Shabbat Service at 10:30am & LifeLong Learning at 11:00am
  • SUNDAY, DECEMBER 13th – Religious School & Hanukkah Celebration
  • TUESDAY, DECEMBER 15th – Grades 6/7 Rehearsal for Service; Brotherhood Trivia Night at 7:00pm & Writing Group Meeting at 7:30pm
  • THURSDAY, DECEMBER 17th – On the Marc Sports Talk at 4:00pm & Meditation from 7:00pm – 8:00pm
  • FRIDAY, DECEMBER 18th – Shabbat Service at 7:30pm
  • SATURDAY, DECEMBER 19th – Torah Study at 9:00am & Family Havdalah/ Drive-in Movie Night at 5:30pm
  • SUNDAY, DECEMBER 20th – Religious School
  • WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 23rd - Jewish Music & More with the Cantor at 7:00pm
  • THURSDAY, DECEMBER 24th to SUNDAY, JANUARY 3rd – Religious School is Closed for the Holidays
  • FRIDAY, DECEMBER 25th – Meditation at 6:45pm & Shabbat Service at 7:30pm
  • SATURDAY, DECEMBER 26th – Torah Study at 9:00am
  • MONDAY, DECEMBER 28th - Evening Book Club Meeting at 7:30pm



Editor at Large - Alene Schonhaut, Assistant Editor - Madeleine Wolf & Jay Beber - Cover Design & Consultant


Created with images by Annie Spratt - "Blue Hydrangea" • Emma Matthews Digital Content Production - "Black and White Desk Flat Lay"
