If you would not normally visit the beach in the middle of - or at the end of - winter I encourage you to give it a try.
It is at this time of year you are most likely to have the place to yourself. And it is a big place. The season allows you the luxury of being immersed in nature. You might be able to spend several hours walking the coast of the National Seashore on Cape Cod without seeing a human soul. You may however see a whale breach near the horizon.
This is the eastern most end of Cape Cod. There are people who live here all year long, but most of the Cape is boarded up waiting for spring.
The wind is unrelenting. There is no traffic noise. No umbrellas dotting the view.
The waves move the beach with the same determination as the rest of the year, but in winter the cold water offers no relief. Only unforgiving reliability.
Barren. Blue. Gold. Green. Beauty.
This is the time nature uses to shape the summer.
© Dean Pagani 2023