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2021 Annual Report Helping Communities and Generations Thrive

We are the National Council for Mental Wellbeing, a thought leader with a 53-year history of advancing mental health and substance use care through advocacy, partnership and action.

On behalf of and alongside our 3,131 member organizations, we are fighting for a stronger, better-funded, more integrated approach to mental health and substance use treatment.

We are doing this by driving mental health reform at the local and federal level, strengthening the substance use and mental health safety-net system, increasing mental health literacy and more.

In this annual report, we reflect on our impact and influence in 2021, while looking ahead to 2022 and our work to connect more people to the health care they deserve.

Message from

Chuck Ingoglia, President and CEO

“We did more than show our strength and resilience in 2021. We displayed a dynamic spirit and willingness to innovate.”

A Year in Review

On the heels of a uniquely challenging year, we approached 2021 with a reinvigorated commitment to connect more people to comprehensive, high-quality care and help our member organizations provide essential community services. Despite the hurdles, we moved the field forward by turning obstacles into opportunities and challenges into meaningful change. Here’s a snapshot of our progress.

Advocating for a Healthier Future

We made a big mark on advocacy this year. We secured significant financial relief through the American Rescue Plan Act and Consolidated Appropriations Act of 2021, leading to billions of dollars in provider relief funding being made available for our members; helped pass critical 988 legislation and a crisis stabilization bill; delivered advocacy education during Hill Day at Home; and fought hard to successfully include key mental health- and substance use-related provisions in proposed legislative packages.

Expanding Mental Health First Aid Nationwide

Helping people help others remains a top priority. Through Mental Health First Aid (MHFA), we taught individuals how to identify, understand and respond to mental health and substance use challenges. We hit a milestone of 2.6+ million First Aiders trained; grew our MHFA Instructor base to 25,000+; launched teen MHFA nationally (in-person and online); and streamlined the training experience by launching MHFA Connect, a new virtual platform.

Addressing Substance Use and Overdose

To help communities address the rising rate of substance use, we delivered new tools, resources and virtual learning opportunities – from a messaging guide funded by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) on how to engage youth around substance use and “National Council Conversations” episodes on harm reduction to surveys highlighting the need for addiction treatment funding and guidance on how to handle the increasing prevalence of drugs adulterated or laced with fentanyl.

Investing in the Workforce

We increased our investment in health care organizations across the country by delivering evidence-based trainings and technical assistance. We led trauma-informed, resilience-oriented programs; hosted a COVID-19 learning collaborative; produced a virtual learning series on integrated health; offered a new training institute for health officials; and launched a child and family CCBHC learning community, while helping health care leaders maximize their abilities and workforce.

Bringing Mental Wellbeing into Focus

To better align with our vision to make mental wellbeing, including recovery from substance use challenges, a reality for everyone, we changed our name to the National Council for Mental Wellbeing. Throughout the year, we emphasized the importance of mental wellbeing through dozens of webinars; united thousands of people online for NatCon21; and shared toolkits, change packages and guidelines on topics like crisis systems, recovery housing, team-based care and medication non-adherence.


View, download or print our 2020/2021 Consolidated Statement of Financial Position and Consolidated Statement of Activities.

Thank You to Our Board

We would like to thank our board of directors for their unwavering support, generous time and constant guidance throughout the year. Their many contributions are greatly appreciated.

Thank You to Our Platinum Partners

Partnering for Positive Change

Organizations and foundations nationwide support our work to help communities and generations thrive. Learn how you can help advance our efforts, support Mental Health First Aid or engage our consultants around leadership and organizational growth opportunities.

National Council for Mental Wellbeing

1400 K Street NW, #400, Washington, D.C. 20005

202.684.7457 |