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St John Vianney Newsletter 04.11.22

Headteacher's Message

Dear Parents and Carers,

On Monday this week, we welcomed our children and staff back into school after the autumn half term break; I do hope that you and your families managed to have a rest during the week’s holiday? The staff and pupils certainly look refreshed, after a week away from school.

The children have come back from the half term break enthusiastic and positive and this was displayed particularly well, with over 15 pupils attending extra-curricular activities after school on Wednesday night. Lunchtime clubs are also very popular, with Art Club having many pupils attend. That is a fantastic start to this extra weekly provision that we can give pupils at SJV. Thank you for getting them ready for being back in school this week; your support is really appreciated.

Additionally, we are beginning to make plans for Advent to ensure pupils are fully prepared to celebrate Christmas, which is always an exciting time at School. We have started already, with 2 classes out at the Variety Club’s Christmas Party in Manchester next week, which is always a great event. We are all anticipating another busy 7 weeks before the next break.

This week we marked in school November as the month of the Holy Souls, with pupils and staff attending services in the Chapel on Wednesday morning. It was lovely to see so many pupils (and staff) identifying prayer intentions from their families and friends for us to pray for as a School Community. Next week we will prepare our children for Remembrance Sunday, which falls on the 13th November. We have assemblies planned for all pupils to help them understand the significance of Remembrance Day.

As always, we will try to keep you as informed as possible of any developments in school and if there is anything we can do to support you and your families please do contact us through the admin office.

I hope you have a safe and restful weekend.

Best wishes,

Mr A Moloney


Attendance Rewards

Here at St John Vianney School we aim for full attendance each and every week. Each child that achieved full attendance each week last half term received a raffle ticket, which then went into the big draw at the end half term. Prizes were art kits, Lego, family visit vouchers worth £50, vouchers and games. Well done to the students who were able to get a chance of winning some amazing prises!

Stars of the Week

There has been lots of great behaviour and positive attitudes around school this week. The children & young people below were chosen by their class team as 'Star of the Week'.

Ben - is a great asset to SJV. he is caring kind and respectful. He did a great reading at our harvest festival service.

Charlie - For coping with change very well and trying new things.

George - For making excellent contributions in all of his lessons and he has supported his classmates in Maths, well done George.

Zachary - For working really hard in all lessons, for doing his best in everything he tries and being an all-round fab member of Class 4.

Theo - For engaging well in all his SALT sessions this week. Well done Theo!!

Emilia - For amazing engagement at the zoo.

Adam - For joining a whole school trip to Chester zoo and behaving amazingly throughout the day.

Munir - For behaving well on a more consistent basis and contributing more in lessons.

Rhys - For a fantastic attitude and mature behaviour this week.

Ethan - For coping well with challenges.

Allice - For her excellent contributions in class.

Mikail - For taking greater responsibility for his behaviour!

Heaven - For consistent hard work and wonderful behaviour.

Well done everyone!

SJV Class News

Class 1

Class 1 have had a busy week doing lots of different activities; some children made bridges to walk on and some children went out to CAFT. Class 1 had a creative art lesson creating firework pictures and paintings of things we enjoy.

Class 3

Class 3 enjoyed being back at forest school this week!

Class 4

This week Class 4 had a visit to Asda at Trafford Park. We rode the tram to get there and the children were all very excited. We had a tour around Asda that provided us with opportunities to; check out behind the scenes where the deliveries are brought, the extremely cold freezers and the office area. We also discovered that Asda Trafford Park's food bank donations are taken to the food bank in Stretford, where our students helped to bag the food for distribution.

Class 7

Class 7 have had a busy week this week in their first week back. We went to the park on Tuesday for Enrichment time, it was so lovely watching the children enjoy some outdoor time. We had a great music lesson with Mr Dumville, they were creating their own music on the keyboards! And finally, in PE, Lancashire County Cricket Club came in and played some cricket and table cricket!

Class 2

Thank you to CAFT for giving Class 2 a fantastic day out this week. We fed lots of animals, walked a sheep, played on the park, did a monster hunt through the woods, toasted marshmallows and had hot chocolate and a story to finish off our day.

Class 8

Class 8 enjoyed making cup cakes this week in Food Technology.


Created with images by - "Shiny golden stars glitter festive background" • sunftaka77 - "ニッコウキスゲが咲く霧ヶ峰高原" • bonnontawat - "Green park area with trees" • takoburito - "Woman with shopping cart." • alswart - "Cricket Ball And Wickets" • Africa Studio - "Tasty colorful cupcakes on wooden table"
