Submission Topics | Content-Related Topics | Account Related Topics
How can we help?
This page is designed to help Adobe Stock Motion Graphics Templates (MoGRTS) artists find answers to common questions, issues, and concerns that may come up when creating, preparing and submitting .mogrt templates to Adobe Stock. Please be sure to visit our Adobe Stock Motion Graphics Templates Artist Guidelines for more extensive information on the submission process and other important documentation.
Submission Topics
Can I sell the same works on Adobe Stock and in other marketplaces? Yes. Work accepted and published on Adobe Stock is retained under a non-exclusive license.
How many templates can I submit? We ask that you submit at minimum 5 templates and up to 10 templates in a batch per submission. You may submit an unlimited amount of batches over the year, but only one batch at a time please.
Can I submit packs of content? We do not allow packs of templates. However, a single .mogrt template may have up to 5 animation styles within it that do not cross categories.
How many rounds are allowed (revisions and feedback on revisions)? We do not allow more than 3 rounds of revisions for a single .mogrt template. If your template has been rejected 4 times, we ask that you do not submit it again.
What type of feedback can I anticipate? Templates are evaluated on the following major criteria: Adobe Fonts, Broken Controls, Expressions Universalizer, Guidelines, Legal Standards, Media Replacement, Performance, Text, Preview Media, and Metadata.
I don't understand my feedback. If you are having trouble understanding your feedback due to format, readability, or language used to describe errors made, please send your concerns to and we will do our best explain anything that may be confusing to you.
How long does a review take? In general, you should hear back from us within 3 weeks, but this can be extended due to the amount of templates queued before your batch, holidays, etc.
What footage is used when reviewing Media Replacement MoGRTs? HD sized stock images and vectors are used to check Media Replacement inputs.
Can I submit Motion Graphics templates through the contributor portal in my Adobe Stock Artist Account? Motion Graphics templates submissions are not supported via the portal. If you are a current artist for Stock MoGRTS, please use the file request link that was sent to you by the Adobe Stock Team to submit your work for review.
Are there examples of acceptable Motion Graphics templates? We've put together these free project files to teach technical best practices, optimal Essential Graphics Panel set-up, useful expressions, and ideal user experience for MoGRTS: Download Educational Templates.
Our free collection is also a great resource and can help exemplify best practices in making a .mogrt. Feel free to download the free MoGRTS and open them up in After Effects to see how they are built.
My Dropbox link is broken. Please contact to re-link your url.
I've forgotten which batch I'm currently on. Please contact and we'll let you know.
Content-Related Topics
Can I include images, logos or design elements in my templates? Do not include images, logos or content copied from copyrighted materials when submitting templates to Adobe Stock. This includes modifying images until no longer recognizable and also to textures used in 3D renders. You may create a Media Replacement MoGRT that will allow the user to change out the placeholder graphic to their own images or video.
What requires a release? Property releases can often be required for images that depict real-world objects or locations. Special attention should be paid to unique furniture designs, fine art (especially sculptures) and recognizable architecture and buildings. Model releases may be required for assets that depict recognizable people or locations.
Why can't I use trademarks names or product names in my file names? In accordance with the Adobe Stock Artist Legal Guidelines, you may not use any references to names, companies, product identifiers or other elements that are at high risk for IP (intellectual property) violations.
Can I include a logo or references to my own name or company? Please do not reference your own personal name, email, company or logo within a template as part of the design or as a note in the Essential Graphics panel. We cannot accept any trademarks or logos. Please use Media Replacement to allow the user to input their own logos.
Can I submit a template that is similar to an existing motion graphic, like television openers, movie trailers, etc.? Yes you may, but take care to be inspired by the motion graphic with different text and colors and not completely copy it.
What type of templates should I submit? We are open to a variety of content types so long as the overall aesthetics align to the Premiere Pro user and fits within the overall scope of the Adobe Stock Motion Graphics templates collection. Refer to the Creative Brief for inspiration and ideas on themes/designs for your MoGRTS.
Can I submit multiple versions of the same template? Please try not to submit the same template repeatedly with only minor variations. Please submit templates that you may not already see in our collection or that are truly unique to the design community.
Can I use videos or images in my preview video and thumbnail image? Yes, as long as it is licensed from a stock site. We encourage use of the Adobe Stock free collection.
Can I set my own price for my templates on Adobe Stock? No, Motion Graphics Templates are sold at Subscription pricing.
Can I update a template and submit it? At this time, we do not allow updates to templates. If you discover that one of your templates on Adobe Stock is broken, please contact for assistance.
Can I submit a data-driven template? We do not accept data-driven templates.
Are you accepting templates for Premiere Rush? We do not have an artist program for Premiere Rush templates.
Account-Related Topics
How do I update my display name on Adobe Stock? You may want to update your display name as it appears on Adobe Stock. This is the name that appears on the details page and on the top of your personal portfolio.
Will I be notified when one of my assets is licensed? Yes. When you open your Adobe Stock artist account, notifications are on by default. To confirm and/or update these notifications, visit the Email Preferences section under My Profile in your Adobe Stock artist account.
How do I request a payment from my Adobe Stock artist account? Payment will be made in USD through a third-party payment processor such as PayPal or Skrill. The first cash out is available 45 days after the first sale and when a $25 minimum is met. Each subsequent cash out must accrue $25 before requesting from the Contributor Panel. For more information on requesting a payment, please visit the Payment and taxes section of our Stock Contributor User Guide.
Guidelines: 1: Technical Requirements | 2: Metadata Requirements | 3: Submission Requirements Reference: Home | Categories | Expressions | Media Replacement | MoGRT Optimization | Artist FAQ
Header Image: Sunset Harbor Pennant Flag Title by KT Isabelle
Last Updated: 2/14/23